The Queen of Fortune, please enter the palace

Chapter 546 Get Rid of Wraiths 11

Chapter 546 Get Rid of Wraiths 11
"Miss Jin Yuan, if I offended you before, please don't worry about it... I don't know who Mrs. Qin is, but I saw that she has very good spells, so I thought she could guide me to Taoism and immortality!"

He said to Jin Yuan flatteringly.

It's actually half sincere and half flattering.

If he knew that the glamorous Mrs. Qin was using him and wanted to treat him as a puppet, he shouldn't have listened to her at that time!
He almost offended the Jinyuan girl in front of him!

Who asked him to be the national teacher himself, but he didn't understand anything, but she exposed it? !
That's why he believed in what Mrs. Naqin said!

While thinking that he can gain the Tao, it is best to harm Jin Yuan, in order to avenge her for making himself a fool!
"Chao Li, I know you have always wanted to take this opportunity to get rid of me..."

Jin Yuan's cold voice rang in his ears.

Chao Li's soul thumped in his heart, and he replied with a flattering smile: "Miss Jin Yuan, you misunderstood me, I was, actually... it was just a momentary obsession..."

Jin Yuan glanced at him indifferently, and said calmly: "You are bewitched by the monster is also the reason... But do you know how many lives have been killed because you were instigated by the monster?"

Chao Li was slightly taken aback.

Before he could answer, Jin Yuan continued to look at him aggressively and said, "There are several skeletons buried in your Imperial Teacher's Mansion. Didn't you kill them yourself? In the final analysis, you still have evil intentions!"

Hearing what she said, Chao Li's soul yelled in his heart that something was wrong, and hurriedly knelt at her feet and replied tremblingly: "Miss Jin Yuan, forgive me, I followed Mrs. Qin's instructions... She asked me to find her I found some young and strong people, I didn't intend to kill anyone at all..."

Jin Yuan snorted coldly: "Didn't you bury the dead bones with your own hands?"

"Yes... I was also frightened at that time. If the emperor found out about this, I would die... So Mrs. Qin asked me to bury me underground..."

Chao Li's soul revealed a remorseful expression while talking, and kept kowtowing to Jin Yuan: "I can't... I can only, I can only do it! Miss Jin Yuan, you must believe me! As the teacher of the state, I , how dare you kill someone?"

PS: Youqin always felt that Jin Yuan was not good enough, so she insisted on the fact that she is a fairy. Ah Li explained again, she was just a little fairy!Hundreds of years of cultivation is nothing... A really powerful boss, if you look carefully, you should be able to see it!

(End of this chapter)

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