Chapter 572 Returning to the Palace 7
Jin Yuan lowered her head and spread her hands, Ah Li was in her palm, not forgetting to straighten her coat and hat.

"A Li, where have you been? I didn't see you when I went back to the palace... I didn't hear from you either!"

Putting aside the doubts lingering in her mind, Jin Yuan asked with a slight frown.

"It was the first time I went to the palace, I was so excited that I forgot..."

Ah Li stuck out his tongue, and gave Jin Yuan a sneer in embarrassment.

"Later, I flew out of the palace and wandered around the imperial city, and I'm only coming back now!"

Jin Yuan frowned, knowing that this playful Ze Jing had forgotten!

Fortunately, she was almost worried that something happened to him!

"I saw that you didn't believe me all this time, I thought something happened to you and Zhuo Bingshan..."

Jin Yuan reached out and tapped the brim of his hat, and said angrily and amusedly.

"I'm so smart, how can something happen?"

A Li made a grimace, raised his head and said quite complacently.

That look looks cute and funny, no wonder Wu Gang always likes to tease him!
"But your emperor..."

A Li put on a show on purpose, and put on a meaningful look, shook his head and sighed: "There may be some problems!"

Jin Yuan had no intention of joking with him at the moment. Hearing that Zhuo Bingshan had a problem, she couldn't help feeling tense, and hurriedly asked, "What's wrong with him? What happened when you came back to see him? Why did he suddenly lose consciousness?"

Hearing those crackling words, Ah Li was a little dizzy.

He waved his hand, jumped onto Jin Yuan's shoulder, and said with a smile, "Don't worry, he is so powerful, how could something happen to him?"

Speaking of this, Ah Li changed his voice again, and his tone was more serious than before: "But I'm afraid he's not the same as before..."

"What do you mean by different?"

Jin Yuan's heart trembled, and she had an ominous premonition.

Ah Li saw that her expression was not right, so he patted her on the shoulder and smiled to comfort her: "He is getting stronger and stronger, so you don't have to worry...and he is in a coma for better recovery!"

Listening to what he said, Jin Yuan's suspicions had surfaced faintly.

"A Li, what do you mean...that Zhuo Bingshan has recovered his divine power after going into a coma?"

(End of this chapter)

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