The Queen of Fortune, please enter the palace

Chapter 584: This Love Can Be Treated as Memories 2

Chapter 584: This Love Can Be Treated as Memories 2
His eyes fell on the lotus flower in her arm, and he sank again.

Because he remembered the lotus imprint on his shoulder...

That's proof he loved it!

It is also him who reminds himself all the time, don't forget the proof that he loves women deeply!

When the Emperor of Heaven told him that his Lian'er had died, he was frantic, irritable, and heartbroken...

Then I feel ashamed!
And the lotus imprint on her shoulders was imprinted after her death...

How many years have passed, he has never stopped missing her for a moment!
Until seeing this little God of Wealth made his heart rippling again!

Jin Yuan, who had already fallen into a coma, let out a low moan uncomfortably, pulling him back from his brief absence.

He covered her with the brocade quilt, and stroked her soft long hair habitually.

The tenderness in his eyes, even he himself didn't notice it!

He just sat on the edge of the bed, watching her quietly, his heart fluttering.

When he regained his divine power, Jin Yuan was not by his side.

And in the past few days, he has already considered it clearly!
He couldn't forgive himself for forgetting the woman he once loved deeply for Jin Yuan...

It is even more unforgivable for Jin Yuan to ask the Emperor of Heaven to go down to earth with him...

That's right, he didn't forget the first time he met Jin Yuan, let alone that she bumped into him without knowing her identity!
Perhaps at that time, she had already touched his heartstrings!

But that is not enough to replace the position of the woman he loves deeply in his heart!
He didn't mean to hurt Jin Yuan...

But his sincerity can only be given to his Lian Er, not to other women!
If he said that he fell in love with Jin Yuan, it would be a betrayal of her!
"Zhuo Bingshan..."

Jin Yuan whispered something in a coma, her brows were still furrowed, as if she was worried or sad about something.

"You recover your divine power... the monsters will not be able to harm you... Ming Ye will help you recover your divine power..."

When she said this, her voice became lower and lower, but she still didn't open her eyes.

"I'm willing to bet...after Zhuo Bingshan recovers his divine power...will never forget me...will not..."

(End of this chapter)

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