The Queen of Fortune, please enter the palace

Chapter 587: This Love Can Be Treated as Memories 7

Chapter 587: This Love Can Be Treated as Memories 7
"I was sent down inexplicably, saying that I want me to guide you to be good. I didn't know what kind of God of War you are. It wasn't until the demons appeared that Ming Ye told me this... I was afraid that you would be plotted against by the demons to restore your powers! Tell me to believe you, but now? You regard me as a scheming person, and think that everything I do is a conspiracy... If I knew this, I would rather risk being punished by the Emperor of Heaven than accept the task of the Emperor of Heaven , come down to guide you..."

When Jin Yuan said this, she was already so angry that she didn't know how to scold him.

After all, he is the god of war who has lived for a thousand or even ten thousand years, yet he has no vision and regards her as a woman with scheming plans...

Could it be that he was plotted and feared before? !
Zhuo Yanchong, for the first time, was not angry when he heard her having such a long conversation.

He just shook his body and looked at her deeply, with various complicated lights flashing in his eyes.

She said such words to him angrily...

He couldn't see the deception in her eyes!

It turned out that he really misunderstood her...

She never plotted against him because she wanted to be his woman!

Even after she came down to earth, she became his woman, but in fact, he, who was full of dust and supernatural power, fell in love first, and resorted to a strong wrist to keep her by his side!

But if it is said that she was indeed sent down to earth by the Emperor of Heaven, he would be even more confused!

What the hell is God thinking?
After Lian'er died, the Heavenly Emperor tried more than once to match him with other Xian'e...

Even rewarded him with several women!
But his heart never wavered!

And Jin Yuan is just a little God of Wealth, how could the Emperor of Heaven let her be with him?
Back then, the Emperor of Heaven insisted on opposing him and his Lian Er...

It is precisely because Lian'er's status is ordinary, she is not worthy of him at all!

He fought, but until Lian'er died, the Heavenly Emperor never changed his mind!
What about now?
What is the plan of the Emperor of Heaven?
"Zhuo Bingshan, I don't understand why you look wrong when you mention lotus and see lotus... But the lotus on my arm did appear out of nowhere!"

After Jin Yuan finished speaking, she lost her anger, and the anger almost subsided, and her rationality gradually returned.

(End of this chapter)

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