Chapter 599
She is his woman?

Hmph, that's not what he said a few days ago...

And at that time, he wished he could draw a clear line with her quickly!

"Zhuo Yanchong, maybe I should call you Pojun... You have someone you love, so why say that I am your woman now?"

She poked his hard chest, not realizing how sour her words were.

"I won't be a stand-in, do you understand?"

"I can give you everything you want..."

He frowned at her, emphasizing every word.

Everything she wants...

She has always wanted nothing, how could he know what she wanted?
Jin Yuan shook her head, remained silent for a while, with a relieved smile on her lips, and said lightly: "I want it, but you can't afford it... As for your apology just now, I also accept it! Everything that happened is not your fault." I expected it, so I won't blame you! Whether it's God of War or Po Jun, since you have recovered your divine power, I think the mission I was sent by the Emperor of Heaven has also been completed... From now on, we don't need to entangle any more!"

She can't say that she has no fate with him...

It's just that the fate between them has always been mixed with another woman!
Even if she reconciles with him this time, so what?

As he said that day by the lotus pond, even if there is a red line of the moon, so what?

Yuelao's red thread cannot bind his people!
I can't even tie his heart!
His heart, not hers...

His love is not hers either!
Although she is soft-spoken, she also has her own dignity...

She didn't want to fall into such a pitiful situation, and she didn't want to do everything just to get a little bit of his love and care!

"I always thought that maybe I didn't understand you... But it doesn't matter, the days are still long, I will gradually understand!"

Jin Yuan shook her head, and said slowly: "It's only now that I've come to my senses! So it's not that I don't understand you, but that you refuse to let me know your heart. What are you pretending to be..."

Speaking of this, she sighed lowly, put her hand on his chest, and said quietly: "And you, in fact, have never really understood my heart...If this is the case, why should we force ourselves to be together?"

PS: Thank you for your understanding and support, Ali will work hard, everyone~~
(End of this chapter)

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