Chapter 612
Heavenly Emperor, Heavenly Emperor, sent her down to earth to stay by his side...

Could it be that the Emperor of Heaven is planning for this?

But Xiao Yuan Baoer is just a little God of Wealth, so how can she get the strength to deal with demons? !
She was worried about him, so she had to accompany him...

But he worried about her just as much!
"Let's talk about this later..."

Zhuo Yanchong patted her body, and responded noncommittally.

Jin Yuan more or less sensed his hesitation, and wanted to say a few words, but she swallowed the words.

He didn't want her to follow, she knew...

Her cultivation base is too shallow, and fighting against demons together with him will even hold him back!

But she still wants to fight side by side with him!


Zhuo Yanchong went to the Yizheng Hall, and she went back to Zhuo Yanchong's bedroom alone, and took a comfortable hot bath.

Seeing that there was no one in the hall, she came out with the moon stone and rubbed it for a long time, when Ah Li and Wu just appeared in front of her eyes.

"Little God of Wealth, looking at you like this, are you reconciled with Po Jun?"

Ze Jing Ah Li nodded her shoulder and asked with a smile.

Before Jin Yuan could answer, Wu Gang nodded and said, "It must be reconciled, I'm afraid the two of you still had a good time..."

Before Wu Gang finished speaking, Jin Yuan shook her body and looked at Wu Gang in surprise: " can see this too?"

Even though she was carrying the Moon Stone, Ah Li and Wu Gang were clearly inside the Moon Stone at that time...

"How did you know?"

Ali also looked puzzled.

Wu Gang shrugged and smiled, patted his chest and said, "I didn't see it, but I relied on a man's intuition!"

Jin Yuan was a little embarrassed.Can this also be intuitive?

"Nonsense...why do I have no intuition?"

Ah Li said with a face of disbelief.

"So you're not a man..."

Wu Gang patted his head and said amusedly.

"You are not a man..."

Ah Li jumped and wanted to fight with Wu Gang again, the two of them chased and fought in the inner hall for a while, and when they saw Jin Yuan resting her chin in meditation, they both stopped again.

"Little God of Wealth, haven't you already reconciled with Po Jun? Why are you still frowning?"

(End of this chapter)

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