Chapter 617
Jin Yuan had something on her mind, so she nodded carelessly.

It wasn't until after drinking a cup of ginseng soup brought by Moran that he gradually felt a little sleepy.

I don't know what's going on with Zhuo Bingshan's investigation of the Wuyue tribe...

He hasn't come back late at night, I'm afraid it's a little tricky!
The Wuyue Clan is now controlled by demons, that's why they invaded those small countries!
That monster clearly wanted to lure Zhuo Bingshan to show up!
And the Demon Demon Sword...

Can Zhuo Bingshan find the Demon Subduing Sword?
Jin Yuan closed her eyes with these worries, unconsciously became confused, and her mind gradually drifted away.

She didn't know how long she had been asleep, but she seemed to hear a call suddenly.

She slowly opened her eyes, and she was as light as a swallow.

Somewhere, who is calling her?

Why does that voice sound so familiar?

Another low sigh reached her ears.

That voice was a little lonely and helpless, which made her heart tremble.

Jin Yuan followed the sigh and looked, and in the vast mist, she saw a woman with a graceful figure.

The woman was dressed in light smoke and was sitting under a tree playing the piano.

It was the first time she heard the melodious piano sound.

I thought that Concubine Luo's piano sound was already the best in the world, better than the heavenly piano master...

But at this moment, after hearing this unforgettable sound of the zither, one knows what is truly the best!
Jin Yuan couldn't see the face of the woman playing the piano clearly, but only saw her back, which seemed to be integrated with the sound of the piano, so ethereal, so moving...

She couldn't help walking closer, and saw the woman playing the piano playing faster and faster with her fingers.

Until the last note was drawn, the woman still held the piano and refused to let go.

"You are……"

Jin Yuan stared at the woman obsessively, and couldn't help asking who she was.

But before she finished speaking, the woman turned around and smiled at her leisurely.

The lotus makeup between the eyebrows is particularly eye-catching.

She couldn't see the woman's face clearly, but only saw the lotus flower between her eyebrows.

The light pink color hurt her eyes.

Who is she……

Could she be the woman Po Jun once loved deeply?

(End of this chapter)

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