Chapter 619
"I seem to be dreaming about you..."

Jin Yuan hesitated and said slowly, "It seems that there is another woman with a lotus flower on her forehead..."

When Jin Yuan said this, she glanced at Zhuo Yanchong inquiringly.

His expression remained unchanged, but a look of sadness flashed across his eyes, and he asked lightly, "What did you dream about us?"

"Dream about you..."

When Jin Yuan thought of him with a cold expression and the miserable tears of that lotus woman, she suddenly fell silent and frowned slightly.

There was a sudden burning pain in the arm.

"what happened?"

Seeing that her expression was not right, Zhuo Yanchong quickly helped her up and let her lean in his arms.

"Arm hurts..."

Jin Yuan frowned and pointed to her arm, gasping for breath in pain.

It still hurts there...

It was a hundred times more painful than when he was caught by Chao Li's corpse that day, as if he was about to burn.

Zhuo Yan frowned, and carefully unbuttoned her shirt, exposing her painful arm.

The lotus flower on the arm really became more colorful, from the original light color to darker, fresh like blood, and gradually extended to the entire arm.

"How could this be?"

Zhuo Yanchong stared closely at the lotus flower on her arm that seemed to be bleeding, a cold look flashed in his eyes.

Jin Yuan shook her head and smiled bitterly, resisting the burning pain, and said in a low voice: "I don't know... I remember that this place was originally scratched by the hand of the national teacher Chao Li, and it healed... "

"Scratched by Chao Li? Isn't he already dead?"

Zhuo Yanchong asked in a deep voice.

"That's right... Originally Luo Hen was carrying his corpse back, but on the way, his corpse suddenly stood up, and when I was fighting him, he scratched my arm!"

Jin Yuan explained to Zhuo Yanchong while recalling what happened that night.

She was going to talk to him about it early in the morning, but she just had a cold war for a few days and didn't have a chance to say it.

What's more, when he saw the lotus on her arm, he almost went crazy.

Probably the lotus, it can always touch his sad past!

She knew that this was related to the woman he loved named Lian Er...

(End of this chapter)

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