Chapter 622
He always made her believe him, so what about him?

Did he ever trust her?
At this moment, she could even understand why the woman named Lian'er showed such a sad smile, and she could empathize with the heartache!
"I'm so tired from sleeping this night, let go... I want to rest again!"

After Jin Yuan finished speaking, she closed her eyes tiredly and pushed his hand away.

However, he didn't allow her to escape from his arms at all. He put his arms around her waist and said in a low voice, "Little Yuan Bao'er, I don't mean to doubt you... It's just that you don't understand many things! Whether it's about demons or Ming Ye , it will not be that simple...their appearance is not accidental, so I don't want you to hide anything from me..."

As he spoke, he stopped Jin Yuan from struggling, and he couldn't help but grasp her arm with his other hand, just touching the lotus pattern on her arm.

She screamed as if she was on fire, she couldn't listen to his explanations at all, she pushed him away and said, "Let me go—"

Zhuo Yanchong was taken aback for a moment, he didn't expect her reaction to be so intense.

At the moment of dazed attention, Jin Yuan had withdrawn from his embrace, wrapped the brocade quilt around her body, and looked at him distantly.

"Little Yuan Baoer..."

He wanted to reach out and caress her hair, but unexpectedly, her body trembled and she hid deeper in the quilt.

His hands froze in mid-air.

If he's not mistaken... just now, there was a flash of fear and hatred in Xiao Yuan Bao'er's eyes.

How could she be afraid of him?How could you hate him?
This should not be his illusion...

But the look in her eyes just now made him feel incomprehensible!
If it was said that he just made her unhappy by questioning her a few words, then he has already explained it!

It's not that he didn't believe her, it's just that when he found out that things were far from what he thought, he was afraid that she would be hurt even more because she kept some things from him!
At this moment, he hasn't confronted the monster head-on, but he just faintly sensed the breath and power of the monster, which is stronger than it was a thousand years ago!

And Xiao Yuan Bao'er would never be so deaf to what he said like this time, let alone be suddenly afraid of his touch?

What is wrong?
PS: I was woken up by the sound of the piano upstairs, alas, I endured sleepiness to update the article, please leave a lot of comments... Take a break, and continue to update at night!
(End of this chapter)

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