Chapter 627 Dangerous 3
"Little Yuan Bao'er, Lian'er won't hate you, don't be deluded by those dreams!"

Zhuo Yanchong held her hand back and said in a deep voice.

Seeing her misty eyes, he shuddered inwardly, and flung off her sleeves.

Sure enough, the lotus flower on her arm seemed to be splitting, and something was beating faintly in her arm.

A golden light condensed in his palm, and he slapped her arm fiercely, while holding her back with the other hand, he poured immortal energy into her continuously.

The fairy air shrouded her body for a long time, making her pale face gradually turn rosy...

The lotus flower on the arm was still extending outwards, but at this moment it was shocked by his immortal energy, and shrank back.

He looked at the lotus flower coldly, shouted sharply, and pointed towards the center of the lotus flower with his fingertips surrounded by purple light.

Immediately, something wailed and jumped out of her arm quickly.

That thing was about to run away, but Zhuo Yanchong waved his hand and grabbed it firmly.

It seems that he was right...

There is indeed something wrong with the lotus flower on Xiao Yuan Baoer's arm!

He was still skeptical at first, but he was not fully sure!
Until seeing Xiao Yuan Bao'er's confused eyes, seeing her strange actions, and listening to her strange words, one knew that something had confused her mind!

She also mentioned the nightmare she had just now... She said that she dreamed of him and Lian'er, so that's even more problematic!

He didn't tell Xiao Yuan Bao'er too much about the past between him and Lian'er, and Xiao Yuan Bao'er also opened up the knot in his heart, and he would never dream of these suddenly!
Unless...someone is manipulating all this behind the scenes, trying to control Xiao Yuan Bao'er!

Chao Li's body suddenly stood up and scratched Xiao Yuan Bao'er's arm, and then a lotus flower grew on her arm, and there were many misunderstandings between the two of them...

All of this is like a well-planned layout!

"Say, who told you to do this?"

Zhuo Yanchong clenched the little gray figure in his hand, and asked in a cold voice.

Shocked by Zhuo Yanchong's cold aura, the little man in gray was so frightened that he begged for mercy: "Pojun Xingjun, please forgive me...the villain is just sent by a demon..."

Sure enough, it was the work of a demon!
(End of this chapter)

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