Chapter 637 Dangerous 13
Once upon a time, he thought about this possibility again and again...

But every time, in addition to being disappointed, I was still disappointed!

"You keep saying that you love her, but now it seems that maybe... your love is nothing more than an apology to her!"

Jin Yuan saw that he was silent and did not answer, so she concluded for him.

Zhuo Yanchong's body shook violently, and a swipe of wild anger appeared on his face.

"Is it love, or don't need to judge!"

He said coldly to Jin Yuan that he no longer wanted to discuss this topic with her too much.

"The Emperor of Heaven doesn't need to lie to me. If she is really not dead, I will definitely be able to find her, not like now..."

He stopped here.

He knew that after the last time, Xiao Yuan Bao'er became more and more concerned about gains and losses, and he didn't want to say anything that would hurt Xiao Yuan Bao'er!
Now that you have decided to let go of the past, shouldn't you learn to forget it and look forward together?
He didn't understand why Xiao Yuan Bao'er was so persistent when mentioning Lian'er...

What exactly did she dream about last night?
Jin Yuan didn't expect his reaction to be so big, she was slightly taken aback, and regretted that she pressed him about holding Lian Er!

Although the strange dream she had was caused by the demon to mislead her, the dream always reappeared involuntarily in her mind.

Then thinking of Lian Er's disappointed and sad smile, her heart couldn't help feeling sad.

She wanted to stop searching for the past, but the more she told herself, the more doubts she felt.

It's just that the more confused, the more headache and sad it is!
Why did she keep asking him if he really loved Lian Er?

Lian'er was gone, and Zhuo Bingshan didn't mention it anymore, so why should she be obsessed with the past?

"I don't want to mention Lian'er..."

Jin Yuan shook her head, smiled distressedly at Zhuo Yanchong, thumped her forehead and said in a low voice: "Maybe it's jealousy, maybe it's fear... I don't know what's wrong with me, but I can't help but think about you and her !"

Seeing her annoyed look, Zhuo Yanchong's anger quickly dissipated, he sighed softly, hugged her shoulder and comforted her softly: "Little Yuan Bao'er, you also said that those things are over... If you believe in me, you must also believe in yourself!"

(End of this chapter)

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