Chapter 654 Dangerous 30
Jin Yuan was silent for a moment, smiled wryly and shook her head.

Zhuo Bingshan is right, although she does not believe in stopping killing with killing, she is not so selfless...

If Concubine Chen's child is born, then the gap between him and her will only grow bigger and bigger!
And she didn't dare to imagine what it would be like if she really became a jealous woman one day!
Can she blame him?Concubine Chen was originally his concubine... Before she herself met him and fell in love with him, it was not surprising that he favored the concubines in the harem!

"Zhuo Bingshan, I can't imagine... the situation where you enjoy family happiness with other women and children..."

She spoke in a low voice, her voice a little difficult.

"You're right, maybe I can't bear it at all!"

Speaking of this, she choked up, and a majestic fog rose in her eyes unconsciously.

"But without me, that innocent life would not have died... Concubine Chen accused me of killing her child that day, so it turned out to be true! I always thought I was innocent, but before I knew it, I was already burdened Two lives..."

"Little fool, Concubine Chen's death was her own fault, so how could it be your fault?"

Zhuo Yanchong let out a low sigh, stretched out his hand to caress her face, and explained softly: "The reason why I didn't tell you this is because I was afraid that you would think too much... You are not wrong, do you understand? Whether it is Concubine Chen , or the child in her womb, I killed them all, it has nothing to do with you!"

"How can this have nothing to do with me?"

Jin Yuan shook her head, grabbed Zhuo Yanchong's hand, and said mockingly: "At that time, I knew that Concubine Chen was pregnant with your dragon seed. I couldn't accept it until you said that I would leave these things to you..."

She thought he would send Concubine Chen away, out of sight and out of mind, but she didn't expect him to get rid of Concubine Chen without hesitation!
"I've never regretted doing this!" Zhuo Yanchong said flatly, with a slightly cold voice. "It's just that I haven't been able to find a chance to get rid of Concubine Chen in a legitimate way... That woman dares to touch you, and she can only die!"

Jin Yuan's body trembled, and her heart was sour and sweet when she heard him say these words so resolutely.

He's too cruel... He's ruthless and ruthless!

(End of this chapter)

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