The Queen of Fortune, please enter the palace

Chapter 656 Lang's heart is like iron 2

Chapter 656 Lang's heart is like iron 2
She was the only one, so foolishly kept in the dark, she really thought that she had shouldered the task of guiding him to be good!

He is a majestic army-breaking star king, why does he need her, a little god of wealth, to guide him? !
Concubine Chen has done a lot of evil, so if Zhuo Bingshan gets rid of him, the Heavenly Emperor will not say anything, let alone punish the majestic Xingjun for a mortal...

This matter seemed so natural, but her cognition had undergone an earth-shaking change!

Ever since she was taken to the heaven by the Taishang Laojun, she has lived a peaceful and stable life, and she has been persistently trying to improve her cultivation...

Like other little immortals, they respect and admire the Emperor of Heaven!

And Grandpa God of Wealth, to her, is already the same as a family member!

Now it seems that maybe she is just being self-indulgent...

Once Ming Ye told her that gods are used to being indifferent, and she even refuted him!
Even if he is the ruler of the heavens, he just indifferently watches the life and death of the mortals, the reincarnation of the world...

Slaying demons and eliminating demons...whether it is to prevent the loss of life, or to stabilize their heaven, she can't tell!
At this moment, she misses her parents especially.

At the very least, her parents' love for her is sincere, and their feelings for her are not illusory...

Being an indifferent god is not as good as a mortal who dares to love and hate, he is more comfortable!
She lowered her head, covered the wry smile on her lips, slowly and firmly pushed away Zhuo Yanchong's hand around her waist, and stood out from his arms.

"Little Yuan Baoer?"

Only then did Zhuo Yanchong realize that her face was pale, and the smile on her lips was a little stiff, so he called her suspiciously.

Jin Yuan nodded and smiled at him politely and distantly, and said lightly: "Lord Po Jun Xing, I think the role of my chess piece has been fully utilized... Although there were some troubles during the period, I don't think the Emperor of Heaven should blame me too much. Me! Since you have fully recovered, why should I stay by your side as a useless person?"

Zhuo Yanchong was puzzled at first, but when he heard her say that, his face suddenly sank, he pulled her away, and asked in displeasure: "Who said you are useless?"

Jin Yuan shook her head and calmly said, "That's haven't found the Demon-Suppressing Sword yet, and my mission has not been completed yet!"

(End of this chapter)

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