The Queen of Fortune, please enter the palace

Chapter 659 Lang's heart is like iron 5

Chapter 659 Lang's heart is like iron 5
When Jin Yuan heard this, she nodded excitedly at first, then thought of the Emperor in power, her eyes darkened, she shook her head and sighed, "But what if the Emperor doesn't allow it?"

"The Emperor of Heaven will not allow..."

Zhuo Yanchong shook his head and smiled lightly, and said nonchalantly: "Because of Lian'er's death, he owed me once, this time I ask him to resign, he will not refuse, and he has to agree!"

Seeing his determined appearance, Jin Yuan asked curiously: "But the Heavenly Emperor is the boss of the Heavenly Realm after all, aren't you afraid of him?"

Zhuo Yanchong raised a disapproving smile on his lips, and said lightly: "I respect him for helping him, but I have never been afraid of him!"

"you you……"

It was the first time that Jin Yuan heard someone dare to talk about the Emperor of Heaven so nonchalantly, and even said that he was not afraid of the Emperor of Heaven, so she couldn't help admiring Zhuo Bingshan even more!
He is the god of war, he is really majestic!

Even the Emperor of Heaven doesn't pay attention to it!
He is so defiant of power, she can't do it, and I'm afraid other gods in the heaven can't do it either!

No wonder Brother Shancai told her when she was in the Heaven Realm that if she offends anyone, she can't offend Pojun Xingjun.

Seeing her scolding Po Jun secretly, he covered her mouth with a look of horror.

It's as if talking about the name Pojun Xingjun turns pale when you talk about it!
At that time, she thought that brother Shancai was exaggerating, and she refuted him, saying that no matter how powerful Po Jun is, he is not as powerful as the Emperor of Heaven!

Brother Shancai replied at that time that she didn't remember, but what Brother Shancai said vaguely was almost the same!

Thinking about it now, Ming Ye said that the only one who can deal with monsters is God of War Pojun, it is not an exaggeration!
Presumably the Emperor of Heaven also relied on Zhuo Bingshan to deal with demons in order to keep the heaven stable, no wonder Zhuo Bingshan was cruel and reckless!

Facts have proved that hard power is greater than everything...

"Zhuo Bingshan, if you fight against the Heavenly Emperor, wouldn't the Heavenly Emperor be angry?" Jin Yuan was still a little puzzled, after all, the heavenly world has its own rules...

The Emperor of Heaven is in power, and no one can doubt whoever he wants to punish!
"Back then, I was with Lian'er regardless of the Heavenly Emperor's objection..."

Zhuo Yanchong replied indifferently, every time he thinks of those past events, he is not the only one who sighs, but also the Emperor of Heaven!

(End of this chapter)

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