The Queen of Fortune, please enter the palace

Chapter 661 Lang's heart is like iron 7

Chapter 661 Lang's heart is like iron 7
Jin Yuan is looking forward to the days he said of the free and unrestrained immortals, but she is worried that the Emperor of Heaven will not let them go so easily!

She's fine, she's just a little God of Wealth, dispensable...but Zhuo Bingshan is different!
"He'll agree..."

Zhuo Yanchong comforted her with a smile.

"How are you so sure?"

Jin Yuan looked at him with half curiosity and half doubt.

"He is my elder brother. As a younger brother, although I don't know him very well, I do understand him somewhat..."

Zhuo Yanchong spoke in a calm tone.

But Jin Yuan in his arms couldn't calm down when she heard his words!

She, did she hear correctly?

Zhuo Bingshan just said...

The Emperor of Heaven is his elder brother?
Him, he is the brother of the Emperor of Heaven?
Because Jin Yuan was too surprised, she couldn't react for a while, stared at Zhuo Yanchong for a long time, then pointed at him and stammered and asked: "Zhuo Bingshan, I just... didn't... did you hear me right? You Said that you are the... brother of the Emperor of Heaven?"

Zhuo Yanchong smiled slightly: "You heard me right, the Emperor of Heaven is my elder brother..."

He thought she knew about it, and seeing her so surprised now, he couldn't help but find it funny.His little Yuan Bao'er hadn't even heard of his title of Pojun Xingjun back then, so how did he know that he was the brother of the Heavenly Emperor? !
The gods in the entire heaven could be so "confused", probably only Xiao Yuan Bao'er!
Jin Yuan finally recovered from the huge shock, looked Zhuo Yanchong carefully from head to toe, then let out a long breath, pulled his sleeve and said: "It turns out that Brother Shancai didn't fool me. are really amazing!"

After she finished sighing, she patted her chest, and said with a smile, "Fortunately, I didn't offend you before... Otherwise, I would know how I died!"

No wonder Zhuo Bingshan had a calm face when he mentioned the Emperor of Heaven, and even talked about resisting the Emperor of Heaven so disapprovingly...

She thought he was not afraid of power!
It turns out that Zhuo Bingshan's own identity is a powerful one!
Zhuo Yanchong was secretly amused, but deliberately raised his eyebrows and jokingly said: "Little Yuan Baoer, are you sure you haven't offended me before?"

(End of this chapter)

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