The Queen of Fortune, please enter the palace

Chapter 689 The Ruthless God of War 26

Chapter 689 The Ruthless God of War 26
The group of ashes sneered, and waved towards Jin Yuan, who was pulled by an inexplicable force and dragged to the table.

"Look at your current appearance, you are so stupid..." There was a bronze mirror in front of the table, which was not burned, and clearly reflected Jin Yuan's appearance. "You are willing to be used as a pawn! Do you think that... the emperor of heaven will value you, and the gods in the heaven will respect you?"

There was anger hidden in the voice.

Jin Yuan couldn't understand what he said, let alone why he was angry, she just felt that the back of her clothes was being grabbed by the mass of ashes, she shook her head and tried to break free, but that inexplicable force held her tightly , not letting her leave half a step.

She could only look up at the bronze mirror, and there was no difference in herself in the mirror...

"Hey, let me go—" Jin Yuan struggled and could only stare at the bronze mirror in front of her.

Through the bronze mirror, Jin Yuan unexpectedly saw the person behind him...not the ashes, nor the human figure condensed by the ashes, but a faintly visible face.

That face, like the moon in the water in the mirror, doesn't look real... Only the outline that is so delicate that you can't tell the difference between male and female, and the slight sneer on the corner of the lips.

Behind Jin Yuan, he seemed to know that Jin Yuan was looking at him, and he quietly looked directly at Jin Yuan with his eyebrows bent.

Jin Yuan couldn't help being attracted by those eyes... She couldn't describe what kind of eyes they were!

More mysterious than the night sky, deeper than the sea, black but not black, blue but not blue... It seems to contain countless things and emotions!
She was about to be deeply confused by those eyes, and forgot where she was.

It wasn't until she turned around in a strange way, but accidentally bumped into the table case, leaned unsteadily on the table case, and happened to touch the moon stone in her purse with her hand, that she was shocked suddenly and recovered from the confusion.

"Monster, what's the purpose of you making so much trouble?" Jin Yuan came to her senses, stood up and asked coldly.

She knew that the monster had tried to provoke the relationship between Zhuo Bingshan and herself, so she had long been wary... Fortunately, there was a moon stone this time, otherwise she might be confused by the monster again!

It's just that she couldn't figure out one thing, the monster once turned into the appearance of Mrs. Qin... and the monster she saw in the mirror just now was not even remotely similar to Mrs. Qin?
(End of this chapter)

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