Chapter 720 Expedition 1
Then he said meaningfully: "Is it a misunderstanding, little God of Wealth... don't you understand?"

Jin Yuan was slightly taken aback, looking at Shang Mingye's thoughtful gaze, she wanted to say something, but Ming Ye put on a cynical expression, waved to everyone and said: "It's okay, everyone can continue to go !"

And Zhang Sunyan and the others also looked at Ming Ye and Jin Yuan as if they had just woken up from a dream, and then hesitantly put away their swords and started on their way again.

It wasn't until he settled down at the inn that Zhang Sunyan went to Jin Yuan to talk privately, and then he expressed his worries: "Queen, the general sees that the origin of this young master Mingye is unknown, and I don't know what kind of magic he used to attract those monsters. He please go..."

Jin Yuan shook her head again and again and said, "Please go away... Ming Ye was the one who invited me so hard!"

Speaking of this, she showed him a relieved smile: "General Changsun, don't worry, even if you don't believe in Ming Ye, you still have to believe in your emperor, right? Since he asked Ming Ye to go out on his behalf, he must have him reason!"

At this point, she can only move out of Zhuo Bingshan to persuade Changsun Yan!

Although Changsun Yan and those elite soldiers are just mortals, if they refuse to accept Ming Ye, then the journey will not be smooth!

Demons are best at deceiving people. If they have doubts about Ming Ye, their team will be in chaos before reaching the Wuyue Clan in the Western Regions!

Isn't this just in line with the wishes of the demon?
After hearing what Jin Yuan said, Changsun Yan finally nodded with difficulty and said, "The end general's just that Ming Ye said he was a monster..."

Jin Yuan quickly interrupted him, shook her head and said with a faint smile: "General Changsun, in this world, it doesn't mean that gods must be upright, and demons must be bad... I believe that after the matter of the national teacher, you also understand a little bit! "

Chang Sunyan's body shook, and when he met Jin Yuan's gentle gaze, his whole body was suddenly enlightened.

He no longer entangled in these matters, cupped his hands and said: "Thank you, Queen, for waking up the last general!"

Jin Yuan smiled slightly, and wanted to say something, but there was another commotion in Luohen's side.

She and Changsun Yan hurriedly got up and walked towards Luohen and the others, only to see the inn clerk holding a broom, waving it wildly, and muttering: "I beat you to death, how dare you run to us?" The inn came to steal food..."

(End of this chapter)

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