Chapter 722 Expedition 3
"What happened?"

The shopkeeper still didn't understand what happened, so he looked at the clerk suspiciously, and then his eyes fell on the other customers who were packing up and about to leave. Don't go..."

A guest officer who was caught by the shopkeeper shuddered, waved his hands repeatedly and said: "Forget it, your inn is not safe, there are monsters haunting it, I'd better change it..."

Seeing that all the guest officers were gone, the old shopkeeper shook his head annoyedly and sighed, walked to Jin Yuan and the others, grabbed the shop clerk by the ear and cursed angrily, "What the hell did you say that you put those guest officers in the same place?" scared away?"

The store clerk was still screaming and jumping, pointing to his shoulder tremblingly and said: "The shopkeeper... there are monsters..."

Jin Yuanmingye, Luohen and the others saw that frightening and funny appearance, and couldn't help laughing.

The old shopkeeper was also taken aback by what the clerk said, and looked around the inn, but found nothing wrong.

He frowned, then patted the shop assistant on the head and reprimanded displeasedly: "Nonsense, where is there a monster, why didn't I see it?"

"It's just a...a mouse..."

The store clerk was too frightened before, so he stammered and couldn't explain clearly, so he could only point to his shoulder.

It wasn't until he was hit several times by the old shopkeeper and didn't see anything, that he boldly lowered his head and looked at his shoulder. There was no trace of gray hair at all, and he wondered, "Huh? Why didn't it disappear? It was still there just now. here!"

Jin Yuan held back her smile, quickly gathered her sleeves tightly, signaled the gray hair not to come out again, and said slowly to the old shopkeeper: "Shopkeeper, this guy must be dazzled, misreading... the few of us are going to stay in the shop." , hurry up tomorrow morning, I wonder if the shopkeeper has a guest room?"

The old shopkeeper saw that Jin Yuan and his party were well-dressed, and there were some people dressed as guards around him, so he nodded and smiled obsequiously: "Yes, of course...the upper rooms are empty! Girl, please come with me... "

Jin Yuan nodded, winked at Luo Hen and Changsun Yan who stayed where they were, and gave Ming Ye a push before following the old shopkeeper upstairs.

But before he had gone far, the store clerk suddenly said loudly: "Wait, shopkeeper, don't let them stay in the store, they are... all monsters!"

(End of this chapter)

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