Chapter 727 Expedition 8
That dark night is a Gu demon...

He just doesn't understand what a monster is, but after hearing what the queen said, and seeing the coldness hidden in Ming Ye's smile, he always feels that Ming Ye is not simple!
After all, how can someone control others by patting them on the shoulder? !
It's creepy to think about!
Before Luo Hen could answer, the gray hair in his arms who hadn't transformed back said carelessly: "Luo Hen, I'm telling you, Gu worms are actually very don't offend that Ming Ye, he is a Gu monster , if one day you are unhappy, I will cast a Gu on you, which can make you die of pain!"

Luo Hen heard that its voice was too loud, so in order not to disturb the old shopkeeper and shop assistants, he could only yell at him in a low voice: "Don't open your mouth yet..."

Gray-haired just shut up.Ming Ye also shook his head and sighed, of course he knew Ming Ye was amazing...

I'm just worried that Ming Ye's origin is unknown, and I don't know if he can really be a good general for this personal conquest!
Jin Yuan didn't know the worry in Luo Hen's heart, but seeing their interaction, she couldn't help but smile at Luo Hen: "It seems that Xiao Hui listens to you very much!"

Luo Hen laughed, and said to him from left to right: "The queen, I will go back to the room first... I will send someone to guard outside the queen's room to protect the queen!"

Jin Yuan waved her hand and rejected Luo Hen's proposal, and replied with a light smile: "No need, I can protect myself!"

"But..." Luo Hen was still a little hesitant, Jin Yuan smiled and patted her purse again, blinking and said: "Believe me, I have a magic weapon in my hand, if it's a normal situation, I can deal with it! If there are demons... ..."

When she said this, she paused, shrugged and said, "No amount of guards is useless!"

Luo Hen didn't quite understand Jin Yuan's words, until Gray Mao pulled his sleeve and agreed with Jin Yuan's words: "Luo Hen, don't worry, Sister A Yuan can protect herself... Those guards are just mortals , can’t protect Sister Ayuan!”

Luo Hen could only nod helplessly, and returned to his room with his gray hair.

Changsun Yan and other elite soldiers also went back to their rooms to rest.

Jin Yuan was the only one in the huge upper room, so it seemed rather deserted.

Dinner was served in their respective rooms. It was winter, and the sky was dark and early. After a long day of driving, everyone was tired, so they blew out the candles early to go to sleep.

(End of this chapter)

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