Chapter 729 Expedition 10
"It's coming, it's coming..."

The other animals also hurriedly responded, some flew over her head, some ran under her feet, as if no one had seen her, they all ran towards the depths of the mountain together.

Then the chirping of insects and birds disappeared, replaced by the familiar music.

Only this time, the familiar piece of music is no longer a solo, but the sound of the piano and the flute playing together, which is more secluded than a solo.

The sound of the piano and the sound of the flute can always be combined just right, and the coordination is extremely tacit...

After the song was played, she was still immersed in the melodious music, unable to recover for a long time.

It wasn't until the insects and birds around her began to sing again that she recalled her wandering thoughts.

She looked around, this mountain surrounded by fairy spirit always gave her an inexplicable sense of familiarity, but in her memory, she had never been here!

She couldn't help but lifted her feet and walked deeper into the mountain. She didn't know how long she had walked, but finally saw the familiar figure in the dream again!
She read it right!It was Lian Er who played the piano with her back facing her...

Unlike Lian Er in the last dream, this time her fingers were much lighter. Although she couldn't see the expression on her face, Jin Yuan could feel her happiness!
Because Lian Er is always surrounded by Ying Fei Yan Wu.

Those bees and white butterflies seemed to feel happy emotions, dancing around her...

Not far from Lian Er who was playing the piano, there was a man holding a flute.Presumably they were the ones playing the qin and flute ensemble just now!

Who is that man with the hole flute?
In the lingering mountain fog, Jin Yuan couldn't see the man's face clearly, but from his gestures, it could be seen that he was not Zhuo Bingshan!

The one who played the piano and flute with Lian Er... wasn't Po Jun, so who could it be?

"Lian'er... So, you've already made up your mind?" Jin Yuan was still in doubt when the man walked up to Lian'er who was playing the piano, and said slowly.

The voice that came out of the man's mouth was as mesmerizing and low-key as the sound of a flute, which made people intoxicated.

It's just that Lian'er, who was playing the piano, was not moved, and she nodded silently until the end of the song.

"Are you doing this for yourself or for him?"

The man spoke again, his voice suddenly became hurried, his chest heaved and fluctuated, as if he was harboring great anger.

(End of this chapter)

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