Chapter 765 Dusty Memories 6
After Shancai said these words to her solemnly, he patted her on the shoulder to say goodbye to her.

Jin Yuan nodded slowly. Is this really just a misunderstanding as brother Shancai said?

After saying goodbye to Shancai, Jin Yuan was still immersed in doubts, and she didn't even know when Ming Ye would come to her.

"Little God of Wealth, have you finished talking to Boy Shancai?"

Seeing her frown, Ming Ye thought that Shancai didn't agree to help, so he comforted her with a smile: "It doesn't matter if boy Shancai doesn't want to help you, if it's a big deal, use my peace of mind Gu to try!"

Jin Yuan came back to her senses, shook her head and smiled at Ming Ye: "Brother Shancai promised to help me ask the Supreme Lord..."

Ming Ye raised his eyebrows, and asked back with a smile: "Then why are you still sour?"

Jin Yuan sighed and shrugged her shoulders, said with a beating of her chest, "I regret it a little now... If I had been bolder then, I wouldn't be full of doubts and can't solve it now!"

If before Zhuo Bingshan left, she asked him clearly what happened to Luo Fei's so-called recovery of memory, and what happened to Lian Er's Jiao Weiqin with her... Maybe, she wouldn't have to worry about being afraid for so long!
The mystery will be solved one day, why did she act like a turtle at that time? !
Maybe... everything, just because she was afraid of losing Zhuo Bingshan!It was precisely because she was afraid of losing that she pretended not to know anything and asked nothing...

But if you don't ask, it doesn't mean it hasn't happened!
If I had known this, why did I have to?

"Little God of Wealth, when did you become a coward?" Ming Ye patted her head with his fingers, raised his brows slightly, and asked playfully.

Jin Yuan lowered her head and was silent for a moment, then said softly, "I never knew what it was like to be timid...I just realized it now, so if you love, you will understand!"

"Tsk tsk, don't they all say that love gives people strength?" Ming Ye shook her head and asked solemnly.

Not allowing Jinyuan to answer, he put his arms around her shoulders again, and said with a smile: "It seems that Lord Po Jun Xing didn't give you enough sense of security... When he comes back, I'll give him a break!"

Jin Yuan waved her hand and replied with a smile, "No need...Actually, I was also at fault! If I had asked clearly at the time, maybe I wouldn't have had to be sad for so long..."

It is said that long-term pain is worse than short-term pain, it seems that it is true!

On the road of love, she has to learn...too much!

(End of this chapter)

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