Chapter 774 Dusty Memories 15
Before Jin Yuan noticed his strange emotion, Ming Ye picked up the snake head again, and said to the elite soldiers: "After I pull out the fangs of this snake demon, you can grind them into powder, and then take them to drink." Only by eating can the poison in the body be completely detoxified!"

"Thank you, Mr. Mingye!"

After these few incidents, there is no one who is not convinced by Mingye!
These inexplicable black horse gangs were eliminated, and Changsun Yan and Luo Hen also said that this was finally eliminating harm for the people, but they still had some doubts in their hearts.

"Queen, the members of the Black Horse Gang... are they all monsters like the shopkeeper?"

Jin Yuan shook her head, and explained in a deep voice: "The shopkeeper and shop assistant of that inn are themselves bat demons...but the members of this black horse gang are only half demons, and they must have deliberately swallowed the yuan of the demon clan in order to gain demon power. Dan, so he became a half-demon that is more powerful than ordinary monsters!"

Changsun Yan and Luo Hen stared wide-eyed and kept sighing...

Those wraiths and bat demons are enough for them to digest, and now there are half-monsters, and what ancient beasts they have seen, it is incredible!

Chu Yi's lips trembled, his brows were wrinkled, and he secretly clenched his fists.

Jin Yuan noticed that Chu Yi's expression was not right, so she quickly turned around and asked with concern: "Chu Yi, are you alright?"

On the first day of the first day of the lunar new year, he looked at the snake demon with only the snake head left, and said word by word: "My brothers and sisters, those innocent clansmen, have been drained of their spiritual energy, and their Yuan Dan has been taken away... ..."

Speaking of this, a ruthless look flashed in the eyes of the first grader, but his voice was a little choked up.

Jin Yuan patted her on the shoulder and comforted her softly: "The first day of the lunar new year, don't worry... all of this must be done by demons, you will definitely be able to seek justice for your brothers, sisters and clansmen!"

Chuyi nodded silently.

Ming Ye entrusted Chuyi with the task of pulling out the fangs of the snake demon, and the snake demon kept screaming for pain, but in the end the fangs in his mouth were mercilessly pulled out one by one by Chuyi!

After the snake demon's fangs were pulled out, Jin Yuan knocked on the snake demon's head, and asked calmly, "How did you meet a demon, and how did you become a half-demon?"

The snake demon subconsciously wanted to bite Jin Yuan, but when he opened his mouth, he found that he had lost his fangs. He just lowered his head and replied wearily: "We robbed a lot of money, but we squandered it, and one day a person suddenly came , Ask us if we want to become stronger..."

(End of this chapter)

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