Chapter 776 Dusty Memories 17
The demons clearly wanted to delay their trip by doing this!
But the monsters didn't expect that they would deal with it so quickly!
Even without Zhuo Bingshan by her side, she wouldn't let the demon get what she wanted!
There was a calm smile on her lips, and she raised her eyes to look at the distant clouds, with a more determined brilliance in her eyes: "Monsters also have a day to be afraid... He won't let us find the Wuyue Clan, so I just want to find them." He has done so many outrageous things, not to mention Zhuo Bingshan, even I will never let him go!"

Although Jin Yuan's voice wasn't too loud, it exuded firm belief, which cheered Changsun Yan Luohen and other elite soldiers, and they rode back on their horses one after another, ready to go!

Even though everyone's faces were covered with a thin layer of dust from the fight just now, the dust could neither cover up the gleam in their eyes, nor cover up their determination to attack the Black Moon Clan in one fell swoop. !
Ming Ye looked at the firm smile on Jin Yuan's face, and the corners of his lips curled into a faint smile unconsciously.

He knew that she who was so determined was the real little God of Wealth!
A group of people rode across the border and entered the Western Region against the wind and sand.Different from the people in the Central Plains, the people in the Western Regions all wore a veil when traveling, and many of them followed camels behind them, as if preparing to travel far.

Jin Yuan got off her horse, pulled a man leading a camel and asked, "Excuse me, are you planning to leave here?"

The man nodded, took a sip of water from the kettle, then wiped the dust off his face and said with a low sigh: "Yes, girl, you don't know, there are so many wars here, we are going to move to the Central Plains ..."

Sure enough, it was the same as the military situation that came to report, it was war disasters again and again... Jin Yuan glanced at the other people in the Western Regions, and couldn't help asking again with concern: "What about your king? Didn't they take any measures?"

"Oh, don't mention it..." The man waved his hands and sighed, looked around, and replied in a low voice: "They can't protect themselves, so why would they care about us ordinary people?"

After he finished speaking, he took a look at Jin Yuan and the others, and asked suspiciously: "Girl, I think your group seems to have come from the Central Plains... Don't you know that the Western Regions are at war? Why don't you?" Come here from the Central Plains?"

(End of this chapter)

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