Chapter 791 Change 14
Seeing Luo Hen's handsome appearance, the young girl's complexion improved a little. She raised her chin and looked at Luo Hen, then turned around and walked to the priest, and asked in a low voice, "Master Priest, who is the queen they are talking about?"

The priest didn't answer, and a strange color flashed quickly in his shimmering eyes.

"My lord priest, what are the benefits of joining forces between your Wuyue Clan and demons?" Ming Ye asked with a frown.

The priest still didn't answer, but the girl was not happy. Standing in front of Ming Ye, she raised her head and said angrily: "Hey, why do you say that we are joining forces with demons?"

Ming Ye sneered, disdain to deal with the girl in front of him, turned around and walked towards the temple.

The girl saw his intentions and hurriedly raised her feet to catch up, while Changsun Yan, Luo Hen and other elite soldiers also hurriedly caught up with Ming Ye and walked towards the temple together.

"Hey, you people, with your filthy air, you can't get close to the temple..."

Seeing that they couldn't stop them, the girl waved her hand and grabbed Ming Ye's sleeve, Ming Ye didn't even look at her, and waved her hand coldly, a Gu worm almost flew into the girl's body, but was picked up by the flying priest. hand.

"Young Master Ming Ye, as a thousand-year-old Gu Yao, how can you bully a young girl?"

The young priest pinched the Gu worm in the palm of his hand and said calmly.

Only then did the girl realize that Ming Ye was a Gu demon, her eyes widened in shock, and she subconsciously hid behind the priest.

"My lord priest, you Wuyue people are born with supernatural powers, but you still hurt innocent people at will?" Ming Ye sneered, and stopped reasoning with the young priest: "No matter what you use the people to do, I only have one request. The God of Wealth returns it to us!"

The young priest frowned slightly, and said in a low voice: "Master Mingye, if you didn't borrow it, how can you pay it back? The person you are looking for is not in our Wuyue Clan!"

"Hmph, it's obvious that you took Sister Ayuan away... Those men in black must have been sent by you!" Gray Mao walked out from behind Luo Hen, pointing at the young priest and said angrily.

The young priest was taken aback, looked at Huimao, and said in surprise: "Our Wuyue tribe didn't leave here at night, so why would we send someone to arrest the person you mentioned?"

Doubt flashed in Ming Ye's eyes... The priest didn't seem to be lying. Could it be that all of this has nothing to do with the Wuyue Clan? !

(End of this chapter)

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