The Queen of Fortune, please enter the palace

Chapter 801 Uncovering the Mystery 7

Chapter 801 Uncovering the Mystery 7
This is his true face, this is the nature of monsters!
Jin Yuan shook her head, how could she think that a few words of persuasion would make the demon give up the practice of harming living beings?Although she has never been the main fighting faction, there are some things... Killing to stop killing may be the only way!

Taking advantage of the moment when the monster laughed wildly, Jin Yuan waved her hand into a sharp beam of light, trying to cut off the weird rope that bound her, and after trying several times, a layer of skin was worn off her wrist, and the looming rope We still get to know each other very well, and have not been cut off a bit.

"You don't have to try to break free from this rope..." He had already seen her every move of trying to break free, put down his arms and said coldly: "This is the fairy rope, specially used to deal with the gods of the heavens!"

Jin Yuan was startled suddenly, she had never heard of this kind of immortal rope!

If this immortal rope can really bind all the gods, then whether it is Zhuo Bingshan or other gods, wouldn't they be in danger? !
"Where did this immortal rope come from?" Jin Yuan asked him tentatively, caressing the rope carefully, wanting to try it out.

"You told me just now that the devil is one foot high, and the Tao is one foot high..." He curled his lips into a smile, and slowly sat beside her, gently waving his sleeves, and the looming fairy-binding rope was completely complete. The whole time appeared in front of Jin Yuan.

"At this time, I want to correct your statement and let you take a good look at it. What is the height of the Tao and the height of the devil!"

After he finished speaking, he raised his hand towards the Xianxiansuo, and the Xianxiansuo seemed to have life, binding Jin Yuan tighter and tighter.

Jin Yuan gritted her teeth and looked at the nasty smile on his face, knowing that he was waiting for her to beg for mercy, she gritted her teeth and said: "I used to think that you would have a kind heart, and even thought that there was something unspeakable about your becoming a demon, but now it seems , What Ming Ye said is indeed true! Demons are demons, and it is impossible to have good intentions... You dare to kill even your own clan, who else in this world can't kill you?"

Now that she has fallen into the hands of the demon, all the good and bad things have been said, anyway, the demon will not let her go, so why should she beg him?

It's just that she didn't expect that after these words, the immortal rope that bound her more and more tightly would loosen.

"You are wrong... I can kill everyone in this world without mercy, except for one person..."

(End of this chapter)

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