The Queen of Fortune, please enter the palace

Chapter 803 Uncovering the Mystery 9

Chapter 803 Uncovering the Mystery 9
Thinking of the sad and resentful expressions of the brothers and sisters who were killed at the beginning, she couldn't help feeling a sense of sympathy with the enemy, and continued with a sneer: "Pojun will not kill other gods or take away gods to satisfy his ambitions." The original soul helped me improve my cultivation, but what about you? You killed all the clansmen in the first year of junior high school... I also know that you killed many little demons, took their Yuan Dan, and took it as your own!"

"Those ignorant and ignorant little monsters, it's their good fortune to die!" He didn't feel that he was at fault for killing those little monsters, and a contemptuous sneer curled up on the corner of his lips.

"They should be glad that their Yuan Dan was used by me..."

Jin-won is speechless at what he said...

It seems that the demon has fallen into the evil way, and there is no medicine to save it!He actually said that those people he killed, or that those demons deserve to die...

Even those monsters who took Yuan Dan away from him should thank him...

What kind of logic is this!
She no longer wants to argue with him, and she is powerless to straighten out his thoughts and actions!Now that he has fallen into the devil's way, what else can she say to break his notion? !
Gray Mao once told her that when words cannot solve the problem, force is also a good way!But her force obviously can't win him, so I'd better escape from this ghost place first!

Now that the Xianxiansuo had been loosened, she jumped off the stone bed, avoiding getting too close to the monster and being confused by him again...

Unexpectedly, as soon as her feet landed on the ground, an intense burning sensation spread from the soles of her feet to her whole body.The place she was standing on was obviously just a rocky ground, but the heat on the ground seemed to be burning, almost scalding her feet.

Although she didn't want to make a fool of herself in front of the demons, but...but she still couldn't help jumping back to the stone bed, pointing to the place where she was standing just now, and said, "What is there on the ground, why is it so hot?"

Seeing Jin Yuan's ridiculous appearance, most of his anger dissipated unknowingly. With his hands folded on his chest, he jokingly said, "You think you can easily escape without the bondage of Xiansuo?"

Standing on the stone bed, Jin Yuan was a bit taller than him, and her aura unknowingly increased. She wanted to raise her chin and stare at him, but the pain in her feet couldn't bear her doing so.

She could only snort coldly, bent down and rubbed the soles of her feet that were so hot.

(End of this chapter)

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