The Queen of Fortune, please enter the palace

Chapter 814 Uncovering the Mystery 21

Chapter 814 Uncovering the Mystery 21
Luo Hen frowned slightly, seeing that Jin Yuan seemed unable to move, who knew that Jin Yuan was bound by the Immortal Binding Cable, only thought that Jin Yuan had been tortured by the Wuyue Clan, so she bent down and tried to help Jin Yuan up.

Unexpectedly, as soon as Luo Hen's hand touched Jin Yuan's body, he was sent flying a few meters away by a blue light, and fell into the crowd of the kneeling Wuyue tribe, causing a great commotion.

Seeing this, Gray Mao hurried over to help Luo Hen, did not forget to give Jin Yuan a look, and said angrily: "Sister A Yuan, although we didn't find you before, there is something wrong...but you can't treat Brother Luo Hen like this, He is a mortal, how can he withstand your blow?"

Jin Yuan was funny and angry. Ever since she became close to Luo Hen, this gray hair put Luo Hen first, and she could only stay behind...

"Xiao Hui, I didn't do anything at all..."

Jin Yuan saw that the gray hair had helped Luo Hen up, and that Luo Hen was fine, so she felt relieved, and explained helplessly: "The one who hit him just now was probably the power of the Immortal Binding Rope that bound me. !"

Gray Mao's eyes widened, and he dropped Luo Hen and jumped to Jin Yuan's side. He wanted to reach out to touch him, but Jin Yuan shook his head to stop him.

"Sister Ayuan, what is Binxiansuo?"

Gray Mao asked in bewilderment, looked around Jin Yuan up and down, but didn't see any ropes that tied her up.

"The monsters are specially used to deal with us gods..." Jin Yuan sighed and said: "This is also the reason why I couldn't move just now!"

Huimao suddenly realized and nodded, touched his head and smiled and apologized: "Sister Ayuan, I'm sorry, you were captured by a demon and tied up by some kind of rope. I shouldn't blame you for hurting Brother Luohen..."

Jin Yuan smiled disapprovingly, and was about to speak to comfort him, when there was another movement from Changsun Yan.

"Master Changsun, please put down the sword in your hand..."

A man with an old voice walked up to Changsun Yan and the Wuyue clansman who was restrained by him at some point, and spoke slowly.

Seeing this, Gray Mao explained in a low voice next to Jin Yuan's ear: "Sister A Yuan, this old man who is talking is the head of the Wuyue Clan!"

"The patriarch of the Wuyue Clan..." Jin Yuan nodded, carefully scrutinizing the Wuyue patriarch that Huimao mentioned.

Because he was talking to Changsun Yan, she could only see his profile.

But I can't feel any sinister aura about this Wuyue patriarch...

(End of this chapter)

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