The Queen of Fortune, please enter the palace

Chapter 818 Uncovering the Mystery 25

Chapter 818 Uncovering the Mystery 25
Huimao knew magic skills, kept blocking the surprise attacks of these poisonous substances, then turned to Luohen and said, "Go and help Changsun Yan, I will deal with them!"

"But you..." Luo Hen was still worried about Hui Mao, who pushed him and said nonchalantly, "It's okay, I can handle it, if you are bitten by them, I can't help you... ..."

Luo Hen frowned, raised his sword and helped Zhang Sunyan deal with the Wuyue tribe.

Seeing that the scene was getting more and more chaotic, the Wuyue patriarch waved his hands and sighed repeatedly, trying to make them stop, but the Wuyue priest who was watching quietly stopped the Wuyue patriarch and said in a low voice: "Patriarch, don't stop, this A fierce fight is inevitable..."

The head of the Wuyue clan shook his head, pointed to Jin Yuan who was still on the altar and said: "But the sacrificial ceremony will still be held, and she still carries the sacred objects of our Wuyue clan!"

"This group of people is in the way, why not get rid of them first, and then sacrifice!"

The priest of the Wuyue Clan suggested so, seeing that the patriarch was still hesitating, he whispered in his ear: "Patriarch, do you know why Master Ming Ye and the fox demon beside him are nowhere to be seen?"

"Why?" The Wuyue patriarch didn't know anything.

"Someone discovered just now that they seem to have entered the temple..."

"What? They entered the temple?" The Wuyue patriarch was taken aback, he didn't care about anything, and hurried towards the temple.

The young priest of the Wuyue Clan looked at the back of the patriarch leaving, a gleam flashed in his eyes, and quickly disappeared into the fighting crowd.

Jin Yuan couldn't move on the altar, she watched Huimao rush over, and for some reason, they fell into a chaotic fight with the Wuyue tribe.

Seeing that there are still poisonous substances attacking them, Jin Yuan is very anxious, wishing she could fly to help them, instead of watching them fall into a predicament here, but there is nothing they can do!
"Miss Jinyuan, let's get out of here quickly..." A deep and pleasant male voice suddenly reached the anxious Jin Yuan's ears. Jin Yuan quickly raised her head, and it turned out that the person who spoke to her was the Wuyue tribe that Huimao had just mentioned. priest.

"You..." Jin Yuan looked at him blankly, not quite understanding what his intentions were.

"We don't have much time left, Miss Jinyuan, I know you are carrying the sacred object of our Wuyue Clan on your body, if you don't leave here, then the demon will definitely succeed in plotting..."

(End of this chapter)

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