The Queen of Fortune, please enter the palace

Chapter 820 Uncovering the Mystery 27

Chapter 820 Uncovering the Mystery 27
The place that used to be a paradise is now full of smog... The people who used to be carefree are now controlled by demons and become puppets like walking corpses!
And all of this was done by demons!
In order to get rid of the control of the demon, he didn't know how much effort he had put in, but now, he can only fight to the death!

He withdrew his gaze and said solemnly to Jin Yuan: "Girl Jin Yuan, forgive me for not sending you far away, you should take the moon stone and leave here quickly, and find Lord Po Jun as soon as possible, and you can get rid of the demon as soon as possible, which is also considered a help Let's get rid of the control of demons!"

Jin Yuan put away the moon stone, nodded and said, "Don't worry, I will do my best... But before I leave, I want to know the name of the priest!"

The young priest showed her a gentle smile, and said faintly, "My name is Yanmo—"

Jin Yuan remembered his name and smiled at him.She was about to fly to bid farewell, when suddenly there was a strong wind above her head, lightning and thunder, and then a wild sneer came to her and the priest Yanmo's ears.

"You want to escape like this... Hahaha, you really underestimate me!"

Although he couldn't see him, Jin Yuan also knew that the demon had arrived here after listening to the voice...

Priest Yanmo's face changed, and he quickly pushed Jin Yuan's body and said, "No, the monster is coming, you leave quickly, I will block it first!"

Jin Yuan looked at him worriedly, seeing him shaking his head constantly, she could only show him a grateful smile, and flew away.But as soon as she flew, a gust of wind caught her, making her unable to move.

And the laughing demon finally appeared in front of her and priest Yanmo.

"You priest, you actually lied to me..." The demon stood in the strong wind, slammed his palm at the priest Yanmo, and said in a cold voice: "If it weren't for you, I would have gotten the moon stone a long time ago. now?"

Priest Yanmo was slashed far away by the monster's palm, and a mouthful of blood spurted out.Blood splattered on his moon-white gown, which looked particularly terrifying.

Jin Yuan couldn't help feeling anxious as she watched Yan Mo being hacked by the monster.After all, it was the priest Yanmo who rescued her from the immortal rope!
She struggled out of the gust of wind that swept her, and yelled at the monster: "Demon, the moon stone is here with me, why do you want to do anything to him?"

The demon's eyes slowly turned to Jin Yuan, and strange anger was burning in his bewildered eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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