The Queen of Fortune, please enter the palace

Chapter 825 Uncovering the Mystery 32

Chapter 825 Uncovering the Mystery 32
Jin Yuan looked up at the demon in disbelief, and just about to ask him why he did this, the demon pushed her.He didn't touch her, but she sat down on the altar as if being pulled by some force.

"The sacrificial ceremony can start again—" the monster turned around and stopped looking at her, and said coldly to many Wuyue clansmen.

"Yes—" everyone in the Wuyue Clan responded in unison, and knelt down again.

Clan leader Wuyue was a little hesitant, and also a little afraid of monsters, and said tremblingly: "But my lord, the priest has disappeared. Who will support this sacrificial ceremony?"

"That person, who dared to betray me, is seeking his own death..." The demon snorted coldly, and pointed at the Wuyue patriarch: "You will hold the sacrificial ceremony in his place!"

"Me?" Clan leader Wuyue pointed at himself in surprise, shook his head and said, "My lord, this is against the rules. The sacrificial ceremonies are always presided over by the priest..."

"What is against the rules?" The demon flicked his sleeves in displeasure, and said word by word: "My word is the rules!"

"Yes, yes..." The Wuyue patriarch was afraid that he would annoy the demons, so he would do something to himself, nodded his head and trotted all the way to the side of the altar, and ordered to the two Wuyue clansmen beside the big drum: "Ming the drum— —”

The thumping drum sounded again, and the kneeling Wuyue clan members began to chant strange sacrificial words in unison. The head of the Wuyue clan slowly walked in front of Jin Yuan with a porcelain bowl filled with unknown water.

"Miss Jin Yuan, please reach out—"

Jin Yuan had an intuition that this sacrifice was not a good thing, and asked coldly, "What do you want to do?"

The head of the Wuyue clan didn't explain anything, but just repeated that sentence indifferently: "Miss Jinyuan, please stretch out your hand—"

Of course Jin Yuan was unwilling to reach out her hand. Seeing that the Wuyue patriarch did not answer, she said firmly to the monster: "I will not let your scheme succeed... and I will definitely not cooperate with you in the sacrificial ceremony!"

A sneer twitched on the corner of the monster's lips, and he didn't say anything, but waved his hand at Patriarch Wuyue, motioning him to continue.

Clan leader Wuyue nodded, grabbed Jin Yuan's wrist, and quickly cut her fingertips. A drop of blood just dripped into the porcelain bowl he was holding, and gradually dissolved with the water.

Then the patriarch Wuyue let go of his hand, and respectfully walked up to the demon with the porcelain bowl in his hand, muttering something in his mouth.

(End of this chapter)

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