Chapter 837 Restoring Memory 2
Zhuo Yanchong looked at Taishang Laojun coldly, and asked word by word through gritted teeth, with angry fire in his eyes.

"Pojun Xingjun, all of this is a long story..." Taishang Laojun sighed, and was about to explain, Zhuo Yanchong interrupted him with a wave of his hand, and said with a sneer: "You just need to answer me, yes or not?"

Taishang Laojun could only nod his head, and said helplessly: "Don't get angry, Pojun Xingjun, we don't want to keep you a secret, it's just that this matter involves a lot..."

"It's so involved?" Zhuo Yan shot a stern light in his eyes, and said in a hateful voice: "Back then, Lian'er was dead without telling me, and seeing me almost went crazy, are you happy? Since you hate Lian'er so much, why? Want to arrange for her to become the God of Wealth and come back to me?"

"Pojun Xingjun, the Heavenly Emperor did this for your own good..."

Taishang Laojun shook his head, and said earnestly: "Back then you led the heavenly soldiers to quell the chaos, and the lotus fairy was killed, leaving only a wisp of soul. The emperor of heaven couldn't bear to see her die like this, so he found a body, saved her life, and Send her to a distant world to recuperate... Later, I saw that your obsession did not change, so I ordered the old man to bring her back!"

A complicated light flashed in Zhuo Yanchong's eyes, and the ray of anger gradually calmed down, but his tone remained cold.

"Since that's the case, why do you want to hide it from me?"

Taishang Laojun waved his whisk, pointed at the messy scene after the battle between Pojun and demons just now, and sighed quietly: "There are some things that I didn't intend to hide on purpose, but everything is not that simple..."

Speaking of this, Taishang Laojun understood with emotion and moved with reason, looked at Zhuo Yanchong and explained with a deep sigh: The Emperor of Heaven is the elder brother of Pojun Xingjun, how could he harm Pojun Xingjun?It's just that I didn't expect... the monster also found out that Miss Jin Yuan is Lianxian, so he made such a statement, just to provoke the relationship between you and Lianxian!This is the critical juncture of the battle between immortals and demons, so Pojun Xingjun, don't be bewitched by demons, and the overall situation is the most important thing..."

Zhuo Yanchong was silent for a long time, then nodded and said: "Go back and tell the Emperor, I will not let him down! Of course the monsters will definitely be eliminated...but just because I promised him to eliminate the monsters, it doesn't mean that I forgive him!"

"This..." Taishang Laojun looked at him inexplicably, and wanted to persuade him.

(End of this chapter)

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