The Queen of Fortune, please enter the palace

Chapter 847 Restoring Memory 12

Chapter 847 Restoring Memory 12
On the first day of the lunar new year, I guessed what Jin Yuan was thinking, and said without fear: "Miss Jin Yuan, this is my only long-cherished wish! Even if I die, I will avenge this bloody sea of ​​blood... Otherwise, it is not just me who will die with regret. My brothers and sisters, and myself!"

Seeing that she had made up her mind on the first day of the lunar new year, Jin Yuan couldn't stop her, so she could only nod heavily.

Ming Ye knew Chuyi's plan early on, and didn't stop him. Seeing Jin Yuan and Chuyi leaving at the same time, doubts flashed in his eyes.It's just a short time, why does he feel that the little God of Wealth is not the same as before?

Jin Yuan followed the mandrill and Po Jun's aura all the way to find them, and sure enough, she found them right behind the temple.

Before Jin Yuan could stop him, seeing the figure of the monster on the first day of the lunar new year, resentment rose on his face, he transformed into a fox body, and rushed towards the monster with a howl.

The demon was fighting with Po Jun, and suddenly found a fox pounced towards him, before she could bite his sleeve, his eyes turned cold, and he waved her sleeve coldly away.

Seeing that Chuyi was about to die tragically at the hands of the mandrill, Jin Yuan finally ran over and shouted at the demon: "Shandrill, don't attack, let Chuyi go..."

Hearing the words, the monster and Po Jun were both shocked, and they all gave up their palms and looked at Jin Yuan together.

Jin Yuan resisted the discomfort caused by these two passionate gazes, walked slowly to the side of the injured Chuyi, bent down to hug her, raised her head to look at the mandrill, and said earnestly: "Brothers and sisters of Chuyi, all of you are hurt. Killing... this time, you just let go of the first day of the junior high school!"

Mandrill didn't even look at the first day of the junior high school, but just looked at Jin Yuan quietly for a long time, with an unpredictable smile on his lips: "Lian'er, are you begging me?"

Before Jin Yuan could answer, Zhuo Yanchong's eyes turned cold, and he clenched the Demon Demon Sword in his hand.

It was not only the mandrill who was waiting for her answer, but also him, Pojun!

He originally thought that the demon would catch her and trap her, but now it seemed that she was not trapped by the demon!

He only hated himself, the moment he heard the monster reveal that she was Lian'er, he didn't hug her immediately, and he didn't even open his mouth to explain when she questioned her!
It's not that he has nothing to explain, but that he was too shocked at that time, and his mind went blank...

Seeing her now, he was of course pleasantly surprised, but her eyes no longer stayed on him, she didn't even look at him...

PS: Today's finale, there will be a crazy update, Ari will go to catch up on sleep first, and it will be updated soon, hehehe~~ It seems that the bookstore is offering some kind of reward, if the bookstore friends have ingots in their hands, they will smash it Come here, snicker~~
(End of this chapter)

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