The Queen of Fortune, please enter the palace

Chapter 855 Life and Death 1 Moment 2

Chapter 855: A Moment of Life and Death 2
In a daze, the days spent with him in Qingyuan Mountain many years ago appeared in front of her eyes.

"Lian'er, let's practice together in the mountains, shall we?"

"Lian'er, there are some problems with your score, I'll correct it for you..."

"Lian'er, although I don't have a fixed body, but if you like it, I will always be by your side as a man..."

"Lian'er, are you in love with that Po Jun? He is so ruthless, what is there to love about him?"

His voice, his smile, kept replaying in front of her eyes...

At that time, she hadn't met Po Jun yet, she only had his company, and he only had her company...

But in the end, she violated her vow to practice with him and ascended to immortality alone!

A deep voice slowly sounded in her ears, she was shocked suddenly, thinking it was the voice of a mandrill, she lowered her head to look at the mandrill in her arms, but he didn't open his eyes.

"It's me..." Zhuo Yanchong didn't know what she had just imagined, the bitterness in his eyes flashed, he bent down and tried to pull her up.

However, Jin Yuan shook her head and rejected his kindness.

"How can you save him by holding his body like this?" Zhuo Yanchong sighed and said quietly.

Jin Yuan was taken aback for a moment, then a look of ecstasy appeared on her face, she grabbed Zhuo Yanchong's sleeve and asked eagerly, "You have a way to save him, don't you?"

Zhuo Yanchong nodded, and opened his palms to show her: "This is what I just searched for, his last ray of soul..."

After he finished speaking, he asked Jin Yuan to support the mandrill's body, put his hand against the mandrill's back, and slowly pushed the wisp of spirit into the mandrill's body.

Then he poured immortal energy into the mandrill continuously, until the mandrill regained its breath, he slowly let go, covered his mouth and coughed several times.

"Now the mandrill only has this strand of soul left, so it won't retain its original memory, let alone recognize anyone..." Zhuo Yanchong calmed down before explaining lightly.

Jin Yuan was still a little worried. Seeing that the mandrill had only recovered its breath, but did not open its eyes, she frowned and asked, "What about the demonic nature in his body?"

"He only has a wisp of soul left, so how can he have any demonic nature? When he wakes up, he's just a mountain spirit with low cultivation... and he has no cognition, let alone remember the past!"

(End of this chapter)

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