Chapter 872
And this fateful encounter also destined the three of them to be entangled for thousands of years.

No's too late to regret!

Every time she lingers in her dreams, she always remembers the first time she saw Po Jun...

At that time, she returned to herself and was taking a nap in the lotus pond, but she was awakened by the sudden cheerful bird call.

She thought it was the mandrill returning, but before she opened her eyes, she noticed a strange breath slowly coming from the side of the lotus pond.

"I have traveled all over the fairy mountains, but I didn't find this place..."

The voice was deep and magnetic, and she couldn't help opening her eyes quietly, and what caught her eyes was a man who was handsome and picturesque, but still majestic and domineering.

He was dressed in a moon-white gown and auspicious cloud boots. His attire was not complicated, but his gestures carried an undeniable nobility.

She stared blankly at the man by the lotus pond, she was already fascinated.

"Hehe, I don't know if there are Bingdilians in this lotus pond—" His eyes wandered around the lotus pond, and he said to himself while watching.

Her heart couldn't help but lift up. Although there was no illusion, she still felt shy and uneasy, wondering if his eyes fell on her.

"Looks like it's gone..." He looked away slightly disappointed, shook his head and was about to turn around and leave.

Seeing that he was about to leave like this, she also forgot the mandrill's reminder not to transform into strangers, so she hurriedly said, "Wait, what are you looking for with Tilian?"

Sure enough, as soon as her words fell, he stopped and turned around slowly.

"It turned out to be a little lotus spirit..." His gaze finally fell on her, and the corners of his lips curled up slightly, looking at her with a half-smile and said.

Seen by him, she simply transformed into a female body gracefully, walked out of the lotus pond, walked lightly to his side, looked at him curiously and asked, "Why are you looking for Bing Tilian?"

In the first sentence she spoke, she didn't ask who he was... and he didn't ask her name, but just watched her quietly for a long time.

"I've often heard that Bing Dilian is hard to find...Now I see this pond of lotus, but I don't see Bing Di Lian!" He didn't know how long he looked at her before he said with a smile.

He had seen too many beautiful women, but no one, like the little lotus spirit in front of him, made him lose his mind.

"Bingdi lotus is really rare..." She nodded, smiled slightly, and pointed to the lotus in the pond.

(End of this chapter)

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