Chapter 885
At this point, she was in tears.

Looking at the teardrops in the corner of her eyes, no matter how angry the mandrill was, it disappeared... For so long, she had never shed a single tear in front of him!
Can he blame her?
How could he blame her?

Everything is because of that man Po Jun!

If he hadn't left at that time, she wouldn't have seen Po Jun... let alone fall in love with Po Jun!But facing her sad expression, his heart softened...but he was not reconciled!

For many years, he was the one who practiced with her!That Po Jun only showed up once or twice, and he managed to steal her heart!
How unfair God was to him!

"Lian'er, I don't want to force you..." Mandrill sighed, reached out to wipe away the tears on her cheeks, then patted her shoulder lightly, and said softly, "I just don't want you to regret it! You must You have to think carefully, is it worth it to take the risk to ascend to immortality just for a man!"

He clearly knew that Lian'er was born in Qingyuan Mountain and was used to being free. She would not like the bondage of the heavens, and the atmosphere of heaven's rules is everywhere!

And she also knew this...but she was born to ascend to become a fairy, and she did it because of that Po Jun!
"Mandrill... Now that I've made my decision, I won't regret it!" She shook her head and said firmly.The teardrops were dry, and her eyes shone with a firm brilliance.

Mandrill looked at her quietly, trying to restrain his ups and downs, took a deep breath, let go of his hand in a slumped manner, and said with a wry smile: "So, in your heart... I still can't compare to the one you only saw twice. man..."

"Mandrill..." Seeing how depressed he was, she tugged on his sleeve, trying to persuade him.

He shook his head, broke away her hand holding his sleeve, and said with a long sigh: "Forget it, I'm just a mountain spirit. He is a high-ranking god in the sky. Of course I can't compare to him... I have self-knowledge! Whether it is appearance , or cultivation base, I am far behind him... You chose him, there is nothing wrong with it..."

Before he finished speaking, she interrupted him excitedly, and her voice couldn't help but raised a little, Lang Lang said: "Mandrill, I didn't choose this because he is a god! I'm the same as you, but I'm absorbed I have never looked down on you, the aura of heaven and earth turned into a demon, not to mention, you are still my best friend!"

(End of this chapter)

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