Chapter 889
This time, the little unhappiness caused by Po Jun's appearance soon passed away... Lian Er saw that the mandrill was still willing to practice with her, and that he still played the piano and flute with her in his spare time, so she finally relaxed Heart, smile more than before.

But she didn't know that the mandrill actually had other plans!
Every time at night, when everything is quiet, the mandrill starts to use his jasper flute to practice his illusion and mind-confusing skills.

After practicing for a period of time at first, his skills improved a lot, but as he got to the end, he found that his xinxing changed more and more!

He became bloodthirsty, and he could mercilessly kill those little skylarks who accidentally trespassed into his territory without blinking.

His aura also began to become gloomy and cold, and some little creatures in Qingyuan Mountain didn't dare to provoke him. Every time they saw him, they trembled.

And Lian'er also gradually discovered that Qingyuan Mountain, which has always been beautiful and peaceful, seems to be different from before!

She didn't see the mandrill all day, presumably he was practicing, and she didn't want to disturb him, but at the moment when she was playing the zither, there was a sudden "boom," and a string broke.

The broken string scratched her finger, and a drop of blood slowly slipped to the ground from her wound.

She frowned slightly, the strings were fine, but they were actually broken... I always felt that there was a bad omen!

"Woooo..." She was trying to find a way to repair the strings when she heard a burst of crying from under her feet.

She lowered her head to look, and at some point there was a little skylark beside her feet, half of her wings were broken, her body was still shaking, and she was crying because of the pain from fear.

"Poor thing, why are the wings broken?" Seeing this, she quickly bent down and held it in the palm of her hand, her fingertips condensed into a ray of light, and slowly covered its injured wings. After a while, the skylark's wings recovered intact.

The skylark fluttered its wings, blinked its eyes, and said slowly to her, "Thank you, Sister Lian'er..."

She touched its little head, and asked with concern: "Little bird, you cried so sad just now, did something happen?"

The skylark hesitated, looked around, and flew to her ear, whispering: "Sister Lian'er, I was hurt by the mandrill, and the mandrill also hurt many of my brothers and sisters!"

(End of this chapter)

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