Chapter 900
Until the last note fell, the lingering sound still lingered in the mountains, making all creatures, including Lian'er and the mandrill himself, unable to recover for a long time!
In the end, it was the mandrill who put down the jasper flute and spoke first: "Lian'er, after you ascended, I can no longer play the flute with you. Don't be unfamiliar with the qin art..."

She didn't know why, but when she heard what he said, her heart suddenly felt sour, and a misty mist slowly floated in her eyes, and even her voice couldn't help but choked up: "Mandrill, I will practice the piano every day!"

She and the mandrill are not parting for life and death, but she chooses to ascend, and she is destined to have a different path with him...

But this is her own decision, who can she blame?She knew that such a decision was actually cruel to the mandrill, but she had no other choice!

But now, no amount of apologies will help!
Mandrill nodded, although there were thousands of words in his heart, but he couldn't say it at the time of parting.He saw the tears twinkling in her eyes, it turned out that Lian Er would also be reluctant to give up on him!
It's just that her reluctance for him is too little compared to her fascination with Po Jun... Po Jun is indeed stronger than his mandrill, and also stronger than him, but he believes that he will do everything possible to make himself Beat the broken army!
He had already inquired about it a long time ago. Po Jun turned out to be the brother of the Emperor of Heaven, and even a famous God of War in the heavens. Only by defeating Po Jun, won not only Lian'er, but also the whole world!
Before Po Jun appeared, what his mandrill wanted was Lian'er... After Po Jun appeared, he suddenly understood a truth!
Only when you become strong enough, will you be radiant and charming... and you will get what you want!
Hmph, so what about Pojun Xingjun, what about the Heavenly about the entire heavenly realm? !His mandrill, there will always be a day when he will control the entire heaven in the palm of his hand!

No one can stop his decision!

Lian'er noticed the hostility flashing in his eyes, and was startled again.She hasn't questioned Mandrill these days, but it doesn't mean she hasn't worried about him in her heart!
This hostility, and what she saw that day!She had never seen such bloodthirsty arrogance in the eyes of a mandrill!
"Mandrill, then... what are your plans in the future?" She looked at the mandrill for a while before asking hesitantly.

PS: The update of the extra episode is generally not as fast as the main text, but Ali has always guaranteed that there will be at least 2-3 chapters of daily updates, so dear friends.As for the relatives who say that there is only one update every two days, that is the problem of the book city, because Ah Li can’t control the update time of the book city, and those are also managed by the editor of the book city. Glass did not update that day! !
(End of this chapter)

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