Chapter 902
And she, being looked at by him like that, couldn't help shivering.

After a long time, she recalled the mandrill's gaze at that time, and finally realized that what he thought at that time was completely different from what she thought!

It's a pity that she couldn't see through his heart, let alone what secret was hidden behind his deep eyes at that time!
As for the mandrill, she kept asking her if she regretted it, and she always shook her head firmly, saying that she never regretted following Pojun... Yes, even though she experienced so many hardships and said goodbye to Pojun, she never regretted it !
The only thing she regrets in her life is that she didn't understand the mandrill at that time!
Because of this, she didn't pull the mandrill back from the road of no return in time, and could only watch the mandrill fall into the magic way, controlled by inflated ambition, go further and further, and can't go back, and can't turn back! ——
I am the dividing line——
Soon came the day of ascension, maybe the heavens were moved by her persistence, she experienced all kinds of calamities and thunders, and finally got her wish, ascended to immortality, and was listed in the class of immortals, becoming a member of the immortals in the heavens !
On the day of her ascension, all the creatures in Qingyuan Mountain came to see her off... The creatures were very reluctant to leave her, but they dared not speak for fear of disturbing her ascension.

At the last moment of leaving Qingyuan Mountain, Lian'er did not see the mandrill appear.Sure enough, he still didn't want to come and see her off...

It wasn't until her figure was shrouded in a fairy air and faintly disappeared that the mandrill appeared out of breath, with a somewhat eager expression on her face, as if she was still opening her mouth to say something to her.

But her ears were filled with all kinds of fairy music, and she couldn't hear what the mandrill said to her at all, but from the mandrill's mouth shape, it could be judged that the mandrill seemed to say "wait"!

Did he want her to wait for him?Could it be that he will also ascend in the future?
She wanted to ask, but the scene in front of her eyes suddenly changed. Qingyuan Mountain disappeared, and the mandrill also disappeared, replaced by green trees and flowers.

"You are Xian'e who has just ascended to immortality, please come along with me..." An immortal official nodded politely at her, with a cold voice, holding a fairy talisman in his arms, and beckoned her to follow him.

Her mind was still a little dazed, and she was not used to the surrounding scene, so it was inevitable that she would look left and right.

(End of this chapter)

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