Chapter 904
Hearing the words, the fairy official nodded quickly and replied: "The Emperor of Heaven is important, Lianxian, after you finish playing the music, I will come and teach you the rules of heaven!"

So Lian'er was still in a state of ignorance, and followed the fairy boy to the banquet held by the Emperor of Heaven.

She thought that after ascending to immortality, it would not be so easy to see Pojun, but she never expected that on the first day of becoming immortal, she met him at the banquet!

At that time, she had just ascended to the ascension, and the dress on her body was not as gorgeous as other immortals, but when she held the Jiaoweiqin and slowly played the strings, it also touched the heartstrings of all the immortals present!
And she didn't know it, after seeing Po Jun, a smile curled up on the corner of her lips, and she lowered her head to play the piano seriously.She didn't dare to take a second look at Po Jun, she just felt how lucky she was to see him so soon...

As for Po Jun, he recognized her as early as the moment she appeared, and never looked away.

After Lian'er stroked a song, the applause was exceptionally warm, and even the Emperor of Heaven was very amiable. He rewarded her with some fine jadeware and a cup of fine wine, and asked with a smile, "Did you ascend today?"

She nodded and replied in a low voice, "Yes..."

After drinking the wine, her face was slightly flushed due to drunkenness, and her skin was like snow, like a lotus flower blowing water. No matter how ordinary the dress on her body is, she can't hide her gorgeous appearance. Xian'e was even compared.

Many immortals present couldn't help but be infatuated, and sighed in a low voice: "It's a pity to have such an excellent appearance, but it's just a little fairy who has just ascended..."

"Why don't you ask the Emperor of Heaven to ask her to go, even if you can't marry her, serving her in the palace will definitely be pleasing to the eye..."

"That's right, we can also ask her to play the piano for us..."

The discussion became more and more unpleasant, and Po Jun couldn't help frowning, and glanced displeasedly at the Xianjia who were talking a lot beside him, with a hint of threat in his eyes.He originally thought that he didn't care about this little lotus essence, even if he saw her ascending, he wasn't surprised!

When he saw her practicing in Qingyuan Mountain that day, he knew that the purpose of her cultivation was not to ascend to immortality one day?

It's just that she didn't expect that the mountain spirit with whom she had a good relationship didn't fly up together!
How beautiful her piano sound is, he has already understood it.

PS: The website is convulsed, please forgive me if the update is not on time...

(End of this chapter)

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