Chapter 906
She didn't even remember how she left the lively banquet, but the fairy official kept saying to her: "Lianxian, why did you offend Pojun Xingjun? He is the brother of the Emperor of Heaven. If you offend him, you In the future, the days in the heaven will be sad..."

What the fairy officials said was the truth, Pojun Xingjun was cold-tempered, held a lot of power, and was the brother of the Heavenly Emperor. No one in the heavenly world would dare to offend him, even the Heavenly Emperor had always been very indulgent in his actions.

But she didn't listen, just shook her head and smiled wryly, and said to herself: "This is the path I chose, I don't regret it..."

No matter what Po Jun thinks of her, she will never regret it!
The fairy officer couldn't hear what she was talking to herself alone, but saw her wry smile, and felt sorry for her, and said helplessly: "You play the piano very well, even the Emperor of Heaven appreciates it, so you don't have to worry too much... ...It's just that I didn't expect Po Jun Xingjun to be dissatisfied!"

In fact, he didn't quite understand why Pojun Xingjun didn't like such a beautiful piano sound!
Lian'er responded in a low voice, and followed the fairy official to learn the rules of heaven, and then led by the fairy official to Baihua Fairy Palace, where she will live in the future.

In Baihua Fairy Palace, there are many fairies, they are very indifferent to this new member who joins suddenly, and rarely take the initiative to chat with her.

And she didn't take it to heart, while learning the rules of heaven, she played the piano.

Although the rules of heaven were long, she didn't study them for too long, so she memorized them quickly.A few days later, it was time for Taishang Laojun to summon the little immortals who had ascended to assess their effectiveness in learning the rules of heaven.

She went to the Taishang Laojun together with the other little immortals who had ascended, and because the immortal officials reminded her, she put her beloved Jiaoweiqin in her Lotus Palace and did not bring it with her.

It was her turn to recite the rules of heaven, but Taishang Laojun suddenly waved his hand, and smiled at the person who suddenly appeared at the door: "Pojun Xingjun, why are you free to come to this old man today?"

Her body shook, she turned her head subconsciously, and she saw Po Jun, still with an indifferent and awe-inspiring aura, and slowly walked in front of many little fairies.

"I'm fine today. I heard that Laojun is assessing their rules of heaven today, so I came to have a look. Laojun doesn't think I'm an eyesore, right?" Po Jun glanced at the fairies who were flattered by his arrival, Finally, his eyes fell on Lian'er.

(End of this chapter)

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