Godsend Field

Chapter 310 Analysis

Chapter 310 Analysis
"Report! An urgent message from Yanhua City!" shouted a soldier, and ran into the Chinese army tent.

Tianci stood up, stepped down quickly, took the urgent mail from the soldier's hand, tore open the seal, took out the letter paper and glanced at it, his face gradually darkened.

"My lord, what happened?" Chen Wu asked cautiously.

Tianci handed the urgent mail to Chen Wu, and walked back to the seat by himself. The five generals below stretched their necks and looked at Tianci nervously.Everyone seems to still vaguely remember the urgent message from Yanhua City a few days ago, an urgent message that excited everyone, General Seiya's body responded!Could this urgent letter from Yanhua City mean that? . .

"You don't need to guess, this urgent letter is not about General Seiya, but about the Empire's Eastern Expeditionary Army! The original Eastern Expeditionary Commander was infected with typhoid fever, and has been sent back to the capital Ancona for treatment. General William, the deputy commander of the Eastern Expeditionary Army Withdrew from the front line to take over as commander-in-chief!" Tianci said, casually took out the topographic map of the Eastern Expedition, and spread it out on the table.

"Generals, I used to think on my own. Now that everyone is here, you all have a look at the situation of the Eastern Expedition!" Tianci signaled Gelu to take the side shelf to the middle and hang the map on the table.

The route of the Eastern Expeditionary Army is described in red notes on the map.At first glance it looks like an open palm.

Tianci walked to the map and gestured, "This is our road map during this period. The Eastern Expeditionary Army is divided into four parts: the left wing, the right wing, the central army, and the forward. When they first entered the Faran Empire, the forward was at the forefront. The three marched together, and it can be said that they are like a broken bamboo. But until now, the four armies are almost marching side by side, and they are separated by a distance, just like our four fingers spread. This shape is according to the book of war. The disadvantage of a relatively stable shape is that it moves slowly. However, according to the military information passed on, their marching speed seems to be very fast. The French Empire's army gave up and retreated once they resisted for a while. As a result, our Eastern Expeditionary Army has already They will soon break through their northern suburbs!"

The French Empire is divided into thirteen counties, each of which is equivalent to a province of the Welsh Empire, and the management methods are similar, and the governor manages the states and counties.However, their aristocratic fiefdoms are quite large. In some states and counties, the governor's fiefdoms account for almost one-third of the entire state and county.

The five generals present stood up and gathered in front of the map. Almost all of them were familiar with military books. Under the persecution of Zhou Wubing, he is also familiar with Zhou Wubing's requirements.

"My lord, we don't have much research on the Faran Empire. Is this map accurate and detailed?" General Ashina asked.

"Well, this map was brought back by Mrs. Clark, it is absolutely accurate!"

Ashina nodded, and General Jeske and Parma carefully looked at the terrain, mountains, lakes, rivers, towns, fortresses and border defenses, and even villages are represented by small circles, which can be said to be detailed and cannot be described in more detail!
"Master Counselor, although our Northwest Army usually studies battle formations, the soldiers are all connected, so I will give my opinion first!" General Parma pointed to the map, "You just said that this marching formation is It's safe, the four roads go hand in hand to take care of each other, you can surround and fight when you encounter an enemy, and you can go around a city when you encounter a city. On the surface, there is really nothing wrong with it. But in my eyes, it doesn't seem to be very difficult to break through!"

Tianci was surprised, "How?"

"Please look, my lord. There is a valley here on the way they must go. It should be slightly larger than our Jianfeng Gorge. I think it is easier to guard them than guard the orcs! Even if you don't guard, just put my No one in the main battle army can stop it! And you see, our Eastern Expeditionary Army has to pass through a big river before entering the canyon. The river and the canyon are very close, and there is no room for detours. Say, it's even more difficult!"

Tianci nodded, and the legion under General Pama swung into the formation to attack, and it was indeed overwhelming. "General Pama, if it is our Northwest Army, we will not be afraid, but there is only one Northwest Army on the mainland. I think it is from the Lan Empire." The army cannot hold it!"

"Yes, this canyon flange cannot be defended! Sooner or later it will fall, but I think the situation of the battle will change from now on!" General Jeske said calmly after being silent for a long time.

Everyone was stunned, "Change?"

"Well, we used to attack Flan and defend, once we pass this canyon, I'm afraid we will defend Fran and attack!"


"It's very simple, supply!" General Jeske said coldly, "You can see that our attack route is completely in a straight line. The disadvantages of this will slowly emerge! A long battle line will inevitably lead to a long supply line. Without passing through this canyon, our army can still protect the supply line. At worst, we can retreat quickly. It doesn't mean that we can withdraw back! At this time, our supply line will be completely exposed!"

General Ashina nodded, "Jeske is right, but I still have one doubt! We have already driven Farland's army to the opposite side of the canyon when we marched. Even if the supply line is exposed, I am afraid there will be no serious enemies." Let's destroy it!"

"No, but it's not a good thing to be exposed!" General Jeske continued, "After passing the canyon, the area is extremely wide and flat. It can be said to be flat and flat, which is very suitable for cavalry. If our army goes deep, the enemy's cavalry is likely to Come to harass the canyon, once they take the canyon, then we will be the turtle in the urn! So we will station a lot of troops near the canyon. Then there will be insufficient attack power. And you can see, this is the real side of Faran The capital of the country is located, the land is rich and the cities are gathered, so the defensive force must not be small, even if the nobles' personal guards are gathered together, it is a terrible force. And our army is limited, I am afraid it will not be as strong as it was in the early stage!"

"The general means that this is the end of the Eastern Expedition!" Tianci asked.

"It can be said to be! If that William is smart, he will immediately attack the nearest town to form a stronghold after crossing the canyon, and then stop advancing and wait for the French Empire to attack the city. All the people will be wasted here! There must be more deaths in the city guards! Of course, these also depend on the specific situation, such as how deep and wide the river is, how high and dangerous the mountain is? Each situation must be clarified before making a decision! Marching and fighting depends on the right time and place Renhe, if a fighter plane appears, it may not be impossible to take the initiative to attack Huanglong!"

Tianci repeatedly said that "General Jeske's analysis made me suddenly enlightened! William was trained by Marshal Lankers since he was a child, and he is familiar with military books. Coupled with the fact that he has been on the sidelines all year round, I think he must have thought of it!"

General Jakes sneered twice, "Lankers, hum! Humph!"

Tianci glanced at General Jeske strangely, only to see contempt and even hatred appearing on his face.

"My lord, I've figured it out too!" Samohan shouted suddenly, startling everyone.

"Oh? Hehehe, tell me!"

"In fact, the four-way concurrency is very easy to break. As long as I go with General Samonen's army, I guarantee that I can cut them into three pieces, regardless of the head and tail! When they die, they don't know how to die!"

"Haha, Samohan, what we are talking about is the countermeasures of the French army, not our Northwest Army!" General Parma laughed.


General Jakes laughed for a while and stopped, "Although what Samo Khan said was inappropriate, he also pointed out the weakness of this formation. He is too regular and formal, but he is afraid of being surprised by others, like our Northwest Army." Iron Army!"

Tianci also stopped laughing, "Okay, let's stop talking about the Eastern Expedition here, all generals, go back, we have been defending for half a month, everyone prepare, if the orcs come again tomorrow, we will give them some color have a look!"

"Okay! We've been suffocating for half a month!" Sam Khan and Sam Ning shouted cheerfully and were the first to run out.

The rest of the generals also walked out one after another.

"General Pama, stay put. Chen Wu is about to break through to the sixth level of battle qi. Please give me some pointers!" Tianci said suddenly.The three generals were taken aback for a moment. Here, Parma has the strongest vindictiveness, and of course he is the most qualified.General Ashina and General Jeske saluted and walked out of the big tent.

"Hehe, I'm going to break through to level six so soon, the little girl is not bad!" General Parma joked with Chen Wu with a smile.

"General Pama, please give me your advice! But before that, I would like to ask you one more thing. Our Northwest Army studies tactics and battle formations, and we rarely study the right time, place, people and tactics. It can be seen from the four of you, but General Jeske seems to be a bit special!" Tianci said.

"Is it strange? I'm not surprised!" General Parma smiled rarely, "My lord is really careful to observe! The four of us are all native soldiers from the Northwest, and General Jeske is a foreign general, so he has a good command of the art of war." more comprehensive!"

"Oh? There is such a thing?" Tianci said with a smile, and took out two clean water melons from the space ring and handed them to General Jakes, "Clark specially got this for me from Yanhua City, you can try it too." taste!"

Since General Parma surrendered, Tianci became much closer to Parma when no one was around.

General Parma took a bite and nodded continuously, "It's delicious, why didn't your lord bring it out earlier! There is no shortage of wine or meat in the Northwest Army, so take a quick bite of this, it's quite delicious!"

After General Parma finished eating, he wiped his mouth with his sleeve, "This Jeske, it was about 19 years ago. Jeske was still a legion commander in the southeastern province at that time, and there seemed to be only one army from the French Empire that time." In the main battle army, the border guard seems to be the son of Marshal Lankers, I forgot what his name is. The cause of the incident seems to be that Jakes proposed a tactic at the time, saying that this would wipe out the enemy, but the son of the old marshal dared Little afraid of troubles disagree. Jakes didn't want to delay the fighter plane, and took the initiative to attack without orders. It is said that he wiped out the enemy. In the end, they gave all the credit to the marshal's son on the merit sheet. Credit, his brother will always get a share! Later, when the incident broke out, the military department couldn’t handle it, so they simply detained Jakes back to the capital for punishment on the grounds of defying military orders. I heard that the military department planned to exile him to the west. Saving Ning Guta as a slave, it happened that our General Seiya returned to the capital to meet His Majesty, and met Jeske who was about to be exiled at the gate of the city. The general took a fancy to Jeske at a glance, and he insisted on knocking down the guards of the two teams. He entered the palace with Jeske's chains. His Majesty took care of General Seiya's face and personally dealt with the matter, allowing Jakes to serve in the Northwest Army. So Jakes followed General Seiya to the Northwest."

Tianci nodded, "It turns out that's the case. No wonder General Jakes analyzed the battle from beginning to end!"

"However, our Majesty came to inspect the Northwest Army with Marshal Lankers a few years ago, and met Jakes specifically, and left a comment, 'The sky is full of tigers, it is difficult to choose a commander!'" General Palmer said.

Tianci understood the truth after a little thought.Jakes is more than enough as a general, but when he is too loyal, sometimes he can't take the overall situation into account, so His Majesty will not consider him as a commander-in-chief.

"Okay, my lord, do you have anything else to ask?" General Parma asked.

Tianci shook his head.

"It's nothing, I'll discuss fighting spirit with Chenwu Gelu! Let's go to the school field, let those boys learn a lot, and the fighting spirit of the two armies will increase, which is a good thing to boost morale!" Palma The general said with a smile, waving his hand at Chenwu Gru.

"Hehe, you go." Tianci nodded at the two captains, "I won't go, anyway, I won't fight! Grew, go and call Adela, she must be interested!"

After everyone left, Tianci sat alone in the big tent of the Chinese army.

Samohan Samonin and General Parma are now willing to listen to him. General Ashina looks more easy-going. Although General Jeske still listens to him on the surface, he is actually a tough one.If you want to completely control the Northwest Army, I am afraid that General Jeske will have to pay more attention to himself!
It was another new day, the Northwest Army had breakfast early, and the army came out neatly and distributed in front of the embankment.Since the last big victory in the first battle, when all the main vanguard troops of the orcs were wiped out, they have been hiding in defense until now. The brothers in the Northwest Army have long been suffocated. They heard that they can attack today. Everyone has fighting spirit High-spirited, all murderous.

This time, the orcs are still of the fox family, the cow family, and the number of tiger people, leopard people and lion people is at least twice as many as the first time.The difference is that this time there is no unified command, but directly led by the chiefs and elders of their various clans.Only two Beamon came, one of them was the commander in name and would not go to the battlefield, and the other vanguard had already died under the sword of General Parma.

The two armies didn't say much when they came up, and after setting up their positions, they began a decisive battle.

The orcs brought nearly a hundred shamans this time, and most of the orcs had become bloodthirsty and frenzied, and their combat effectiveness had also been raised to a whole level.Especially tiger people, leopard people, lion people, these three races are physically strong, with sharp claws and teeth, and the wind is terrible because they are born with a bloody murderous aura, which also makes them naturally have a strong fighting power. After the orc shaman The bloodthirsty madness, the whole body has changed, the eyes are red, and the tail around the waist is drooping. At this moment, I am afraid they have forgotten everything except killing!
The Northwest Army formed a circular battle formation from a legion of Pama. The overall fighting spirit of this army was the strongest in the entire Northwest Army. The fighting spirit was so strong in an instant that it formed a colorful barrier at the forefront of the battlefield.

"My lord, we fought hard with them in the first battle to boost morale. We can't do this again in the next battle. After all, our number is much smaller than them! You have to observe carefully this time. The most classic defensive counterattack of our Northwest Army!" General Ashina said relaxedly.

"Really!" Tianci focused on the entire battlefield.

The orcs finally launched an attack. The most powerful three tribes of tigers rushed up first. After these three tribes became mad, they rushed over quickly from the opposite side. , Like a tide, a thick murderous aura also rushed over!

"Shield up!!"

General Parma stood in the largest circle in the middle, shouting loudly with fighting spirit.


The soldiers at the front of the circular formation ran in a straight line and thrust the big iron shield in their hands into the ground.The iron shields were very thick and rectangular, about two meters high and one meter wide. Each iron shield was held tightly by two soldiers.The difference from other iron shields is that there are more than a dozen finger-thick thorns under these shields, which penetrated deeply into the bottom with the soldiers' strength.There are two pairs of inner buckles on the upper and lower sides of the iron shield.

"The wall!"

General Parma roared again.The soldiers in the front row turned their spears made of pure iron horizontally and stuck them on the inner buckles of the two shields, just like countrymen knocking on the gate with wooden sticks.A wall of copper and iron that stretched for more than a kilometer was formed in an instant!
"Get shot!"

Next to an iron shield ran a big man with a bare upper body, a special long spear in his hand was nearly three meters long, the tip of the spear was much longer than ordinary ones, sharp and had barbs.The big man walked to the gap between the two iron shields, put the head of the spear on the iron spear used to connect the two shields, and then took a few steps back to hold the end of the long spear.There are three shields in each shield gap, one of which is horizontal in the middle and the other is slightly higher and facing upwards.

Tianci frowned, "They are all middle-grade spears, and there are also top-grade spears?"

"My lord has good eyesight, you can see things from such a distance!" General Ashina clapped his hands and praised, "My lord is right, these special long spears are middle-grade and top-grade long spears! There are a total of [-] of them here!"

"Five thousand!!" Not only Tianci, but also Chenwu Adela and the others beside him were extremely surprised.There are only more than a hundred craftsmen in the mainland including the dwarves, and the number of middle-grade weapons produced in a year is no more than a thousand, but the Northwest actually has five thousand, enough to equip a regiment!
"These spears were jointly built by the major empires in the mainland and the dwarves, and were specially equipped for the Northwest Army. As for the five thousand spears, they were accumulated over the past 40 years!" General Ashina explained.

Resisting the orcs is the common cause of all human beings in the whole continent, including the dwarves. The orcs who invaded the dwarves could not escape the fate of being killed.Thinking about it from this point, it seems reasonable for the Northwest Army to have this equipment!

General Parma shouted again.


All the soldiers shouted loudly, and those in front clenched their shields tightly.The big men gripped their specially-made spears.The rest of the soldiers also raised their spears and aimed at the top of the iron shield.

The soldiers in the semicircle after the circle bent their bows and set their arrows, pulling them round and solid.

The orcs rushed forward.

"Go to war!"

(End of this chapter)

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