Godsend Field

Chapter 316 Enlightenment

Chapter 316 Enlightenment
As fierce as a palace infighting, the battle between the Northwest Army and the orcs is still going on.

Facing the earth wall that suddenly appeared in Jianfeng Gorge, the orcs were obviously unprepared. More than 1 yak-headed people who had the most impact were all buried under the earth wall. Raise the ground layer by layer to give the Tigers an excellent height.However, how could the defense of the Northwest Army be made of mud and dirt?
Facing the rushing orcs, the vindictive spearmen ruthlessly inserted their sharp weapons into the orcs' bodies, and the accumulation below was invisible.

"Hahaha, have fun! My lord, at least a hundred thousand orcs have been buried here!" Samo Khan laughed loudly, and with a wave of the epee in his hand, he cut a tiger man that jumped up into two pieces.

Even if Tianci didn't step forward, he knew that there was a burial ground below.

The crazy orcs attacked one after another, no longer caring about the main vassals.The soldiers on the earth wall have changed a batch, not because they were injured, but because they need to rest for a long time to maintain fighting spirit.

Hot blood flowed out from the orc's corpse, and was quickly frozen into pieces, freezing the layers of corpses tightly!

The corpses continued to be piled high, and it was getting late, and the corpses of the orcs had been piled up to the same level as the earthen wall.

"Samohan, it's up to you next!" Tianci shouted.

"My lord, just keep an eye on it!" Samo Khan roared, "Brothers in the Tiger Camp, follow me!"

"Kill! Kill!"

The sound of shouting and killing suddenly rose, and many brothers from the tiger camp rushed out from the sides.Just now I saw General Parma's spearmen and archers shine with the help of the earthen wall, and wiped out more than [-] orcs without dying. His eyes were already red, and it was finally his turn, but he let go of his temper and killed them. go down.

The attack was originally an uphill, but after the accumulation of countless orc corpses, the terrain has changed. For the Northwest Army, rushing over the orc corpses from the earth wall turned downhill!

On the flat ground, it can be killed as hard as the berserk tiger man, not to mention that with the help of the downward momentum, it can immediately turn the orc killers who rushed up.Even the Tiger Clan collapsed on a large scale!
"My lord, the orcs are not good at night battles. I think they will retreat after this batch of attacks are killed!" General Parma said, "But my lord, these corpses have been piled up so high, I'm afraid we won't have any advantage next time." ! And we are running out of bows and arrows!"

The Northwest Army is good at fighting against the enemy, and there is not much demand for bows and arrows.In the entire army, only General Parma has well-trained archers here, and there are no other main battle armies.Because there are few archers, and the bows and arrows are all made of pure iron, there are not many bows and arrows equipped.

"Well, this is a difficult problem! If you ask General Haman for it now, can you provide it?" Tianci asked.

General Parma shook his head, "We don't have many bows and arrows in reserve. Although General Haman is responsible for the supplies of the Northwest Army, it's hard for a smart woman to cook without rice! If you ask the military department, the quality of the first bow and arrow is not good. The second is to wait for them Here it is, the battle is over!"

"Then burn all the corpses below. Our bows and arrows are made of pure iron, so they won't burn!" Tianci said confidently.I have been a blacksmith for a long time, and I still know what kind of metal and what temperature can burn it out!
"It can't be burned, but if the fire comes together, I'm afraid our earthen wall will also be burned down!"

"Just pour it down, what are you afraid of! Why don't we rebuild it if it falls down?"

All the generals next to him shook their heads.

"My lord, we have used up all the water you brought back to build this earthen wall, and we have no water source here. If we use drinking water, I am afraid that the entire army will die of thirst!" General Ashina said in embarrassment.

"You are worrying too much! Didn't you notice that my Yu'er and Li'er left the barracks?" Tianci said with a smile.

The generals nodded, Lier is a godsend fiancee, and everyone thinks that Lier is here to visit adults.The two armies were fighting with their children's personal interests in mind. Although everyone was not very happy, they must give Rafal Saint and adults some face. Fortunately, she left soon!
"My white shadow only recognizes Lier besides me. So Lier went to bring us water this time. I think she will be able to come back in a short time, and then we can rebuild The earth wall! Not only here, but also the dam behind must be strengthened!"

It turned out that all the generals breathed a sigh of relief, and their faces became happy.

"My lord said it earlier! I didn't expect our little sister-in-law to be quite useful!" Samoning laughed loudly.

Sam Khan led the brothers from the tiger camp to rush down the pile of corpses and stopped the attack.Going forward is the uphill. Although the slope is relatively gentle, it is the territory of the orcs after all. The only consequence of going deep alone is death!

After almost beating the orcs, Samo Khan reluctantly took his tiger camp back to the earth wall.The sky darkened, the shadow of the moon appeared, and the orcs retreated.

According to God-given instructions, General Parma stayed on the earth wall to arrange manpower and began to burn the orc corpses.More than [-] corpses filled the entire Jianfeng Gorge, and with the coagulation of blood, it was more difficult to burn.With great difficulty, the orc corpse at the end was set on fire.

In the past, the soldiers who cleaned the battlefield felt a little heavy, because they wanted to burn the bodies of their brothers.But today is different, the corpses accumulated on the ground are all orcs, none of them belong to our own people, it feels so good to burn!

The orc's fur has a lot of oil, which is a natural fuel. Once such a corpse is burned, it will be a fire that soars into the sky, and it may not be extinguished after burning for a whole night.

Tianci led the rest of the soldiers back to the camp. Most of the soldiers in this battle could only listen to the shouts of killing behind the earthen wall and could not see anything.And those who were lucky enough to see this battle described the whole battle vividly, and it didn't take long for it to spread throughout the barracks!
Back in the barracks, the four generals were delighted from ear to ear, this kind of battle has never been fought before!For a while, the two Samohan brothers talked about God's gift as if they were omnipotent.

"Although we have won this time, it is not a long-term solution!" General Jeske, who had been silent all this time, said suddenly.

"I said Jeske, can't you say something nice, is it because you didn't think of such a good way, are you jealous?" Samohan laughed.

"Hmph! Ignorance!" General Jeske snorted coldly.

Tianci motioned Samohan to sit down and listen, "General Jeske, this is the big tent, you can speak freely!"

General Jeske saluted, "Your Excellency is a genius, today's tactics are the first in the Northwest War in 3 years, and it can be said to be a victory. I should have congratulated you. But there are some things that I don't like to say! I think Our big victory today is entirely because the orcs have never been in contact with them before, so we were covered. When the orcs react, I'm afraid our tactics will fail!"

Tianci was expressionless and listened calmly.

"Today, the tauren charged first, which proved the strength of the earthen wall. So next time they will probably let the vassal races charge first, let them become stepping stones, and then the main force will charge. I am afraid that we will not be as strong as today. It is easier to defend. The earth wall is no better than the flat ground. We can neither increase more troops nor change formations. When the time comes, one will die and one less will eventually break through our earth wall. And the archers behind us are simply impossible Can resist it! So I think we need to improve again, we can’t expect this earth wall to block everything!”

Tianci listened silently, while Chen Wu and General Ashina nodded incessantly.

"What General Jeske said is true! We are all dazzled by today's victory and forget what we know! Fortunately, there is a general who can stay awake all the time, so that we can realize our own shortcomings!" Tianci stood up and said sincerely.

General Jeske didn't expect Tianci to be able to hold him in this big victory, and he was slightly surprised.

"Okay, let's discuss how to supplement this tactic!" Tianci said, spreading out the map on the table, and all the generals surrounded him.

When everyone was making plans and expressing their opinions, they suddenly heard a commotion outside, and the sound of pushing and cursing was directly transmitted to the main tent of the Chinese army.Everyone looked up and looked outside, who is so bold, dare to make a noise outside the big tent of the Chinese army?
"Go in!" A few soldiers lifted the curtain of the big tent and shoved violently.


A figure jumped forward two steps and fell to the ground.

"Roland?" Surprised, Tianci came out from behind the table and quickly helped Roland up.

"What are you doing? Don't you know that he is my friend? I invited him to help us resist the orcs!" Tianci said angrily. Usually these people look down on Roland, but today they actually made a move in front of him.

"Master Counselor!" The soldiers bowed and saluted, but they did not admit their mistake.

"My lord, this person is preventing us from burning the corpses of the orcs. We entrust him to your lord's care by the order of General Parma!" The soldier replied loudly, looking at Roland angrily.

Tianci looked at Roland, who was so excited when he came back from the earthen wall just now, that he forgot whether Roland came down with him.The soldiers of the entire Northwest Army are tough guys full of blood and hatred.At present, they are very repulsive to Roland, and they will restrain themselves only when he is around!
"I see, you all go down!" Tianci's face darkened, and he couldn't blame them any more.

The soldiers saluted and exited the big tent.

"Hmph! More than success, more failure!" Adela looked at Roland coldly, and continued to study the map with his head down.

God-given vomit, if others bully Roland, I can force myself to stand out, with the exception of Adela, let me say it or not!

"Okay, I'll go out for a while, you guys study the map first, think of a way, and tell me the result of your discussion later!" Tianci said to the people in the big tent, and pulled Roland out of the big tent.

Walking in a relatively quiet place in the military camp, the moon in the sky is almost in the middle.

"I'm sorry, Godsend, I didn't expect to cause you trouble!" Roland felt a little guilty.

Tianci patted Roland on the shoulder, "It's been hard for you these days, they don't understand you! I'm not a person who is afraid of trouble, but I'm curious, you watch the battle with us on weekdays, why do you seem so abnormal today! Some people said that you influenced them to burn the corpses!"

Roland suddenly swept away his usual decadence and regained his spirits, "I just saw that you were so heartily destroying the orcs, and I suddenly had a very strange feeling, so I couldn't help but want to try it out!"

Godsend was stunned, "Roland, ever since you gave up the fire element, you have been practicing destruction alone. No one knows how far you have practiced. It's just the two of us today. Can you tell me?"

Roland nodded without hesitation, "I'm afraid it won't work here. If you don't mind, let's go to the battlefield just now, and I can show you!"

Tianci nodded and walked towards Jianfeng Gorge side by side with Roland.

The fire below the earth wall was already raging, and the soldiers on the earth wall held torches and shouted happily.The smell of scorched fur lingered in the canyon and lingered for a long time.

Seeing Tianci and Roland walking up side by side, the soldiers immediately felt dissatisfied!Why is this deserter and coward able to stand shoulder to shoulder with adults!
"You all go back! No one can stay nearby!" Tianci ordered directly.

"Yes!" The soldiers took orders.

The fire here will burn for at least one night, as long as there is a fire, the orcs will never even think about coming!
After a while, only Tianci and Roland were left near the earth wall.The earthen walls burned by the raging fire began to melt.If you step on it hard, you can already make a footprint.

"Heavenly gift, stay away from me!" Roland said calmly, facing the raging flames.

Tianci took a few steps back, "Roland, do you want me to help you put out the fire in front of you?"

Roland shook his head, slowly put his hands flat, and raised them from both sides.With Roland's simple movements, the surrounding space began to tremble, and a faint black aura emerged.It is similar to the red liquid energy that emerges when Yuer gathers the fire element to a certain degree, except that the energy surrounding Roland is black, pitch black, as if there is no blacker energy in this world. something to come.

Accompanied by the appearance of black energy, Tianci felt an unexpected palpitation, and could not help but clenched his hands tightly. With the spread of divine consciousness, a blue light emerged and surrounded Tianci's body, and this feeling gradually disappeared!

Roland restrained these energies around him, and the black energy seemed to want to get rid of the shackles, trying to escape, like a flame burning.In the black haze, Roland's figure gradually became blurred, only a rough human figure!

Roland didn't release his energy and walked towards the raging fire.

The fur on the orc's body was mixed with oil and burned. The thick flames released scorching energy, and it would be unbearable to get close to it. Although Tianci was a little worried about Roland, he quickly dismissed the idea.

Although the black energy beside Roland could not get rid of its shackles, it could be active within a certain range around him.Facing the raging fire, the black energy began to devour the flame mercilessly. Whenever the flame burned nearby, as long as it came into contact with the black energy, it would disappear without a trace in an instant.Even the heat waves are like this!
Tianci was terrified in his heart, what a terrifying energy!
Roland walked towards the center of the flame step by step, and any flames he touched would disappear.Soon the fire in the rear ignited again, trapping Roland in the fire.

Through the divine gift, one can fully understand Roland's current situation.Although he was in the flames, the flames couldn't hurt him at all.

Roland walked to the middle of the corpses before standing still, and turned around to look in the direction of Tianci.

Raise your hands slowly, palms up as if holding something.Pausing on the chest for a moment, suddenly, Roland spread his hands apart, as if throwing things incomparably quickly.


There was a dull shock.

The black energy restrained around Roland's body suddenly lost control and scattered in all directions, making a sound like howling ghosts and wolves.Where the black energy passed, the raging fire suddenly extinguished without any warning.The more than [-] corpses under their feet seemed to disintegrate when they touched the black energy, turning into countless pieces and disappearing between the sky and the earth!
The black energy is dissipating quickly, nothing can stop it, no energy can resist it!

In an instant, everything fell apart, everything fell apart, everything disappeared in smoke!

Tianci felt palpitations again and could hardly breathe!

The black energy devoured the last trace of flame and stopped on the edge of the earth wall.It was so gray that I couldn't see anything clearly!
The energy quickly retracted and re-gathered to Roland's side.The more than [-] corpses in the entire Jianfeng Gorge disappeared completely, even the ground disappeared without any blood, as if the earth-shattering massacre during the day had never happened!
Roland stood alone in the middle, firmly binding the black energy around his body.With the shaking of the long sleeves, the black energy gradually faded, and finally disappeared between the valleys.

Tianci stared blankly, horror, absolute horror!This is more terrifying than any magic!If it weren't for Roland, Tianci would never believe that there is such a terrifying energy in the world!How can there be such a person among human beings, mastering this kind of energy! !

While Tianci was in a daze, Roland slowly walked under the earth wall, stretched out his hand, and a black ball stretched rapidly, forming a door and sticking to the earth wall.The place touched by the black energy disappeared immediately, leaving a small door on the solid earth wall for one person to pass through.After passing through the earth wall and walking up again, Roland stood in front of Tianci.

Tianci forced a smile, "Roland, I really don't know what to say, I just want to say that you are really terrifying!"

Roland didn't reflect, "I used to be in your Marquis's mansion, it was too peaceful, and it was not good for my cultivation. But since I came here, facing endless killings every day, I really began to understand the way of destruction!" "

"The Way of Destruction!" Tianci looked at Roland, "I remember the first time you came to watch the battle, you were so scared that you fell to the ground, and you said you saw it. Now think about it, you shouldn't be frightened by the blood on the battlefield Bar!"

Roland smiled wryly and shook his head, "It wasn't the blood that frightened me that day, but the way of destruction I saw from the blood!"

(End of this chapter)

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