Godsend Field

Chapter 405

Chapter 405
After resting at the foot of the holy mountain for four or five days, His Majesty the Pope has never appeared

While Tianci and the others were shopping comfortably all day long, Roland and Adela suddenly came to the Holy Mountain.

"Roland, don't you ignore the government affairs of the empire? I really didn't expect to send you here this time!" Tianci patted Roland on the shoulder with a smile.

"This is also decided by His Majesty! First of all, I am not a court official of the empire. If I come, the atmosphere will not be very serious. Moreover, I have a certain weight to represent Dean Rafal. After all, I have been the dean's successor for several years. People. In the end, it is also because I have a harmonious relationship with the Guangming Cult, and it is easier to talk!" Roland said.

"Oh, it makes sense to say that! I almost forgot that you are the owner of the Medal of Light! Let's go, let's talk in the living room!" Tianci said and walked to the attic first.

In the living room, Tianci and Roland sat on the main seats on the left and right respectively, and Nolan Shangsi sat below Tianci.The waiters made hot tea and brought it up.

"Godsend, you probably already know about Dean Rafal!" Roland asked.

"Well, I already knew it a few days ago. The old Pope has been staying at the auditorium to ask the oracle for instructions on this matter. It has not yet come down. The envoys of their three empires were talking and laughing with us a few days ago. They have treated us like a plague these past few days, avoiding us in everything!" Tianci said with a smile, "Roland, what do your majesty and the dean think about this matter?"

"After learning that Master Dean broke through to the holy level that day, General William once proposed to let Master Dean go out to destroy the saints and powerhouses of other empires, and then let His Majesty send his horse south to unify the mainland. However, His Majesty did not agree, and the court that day The chief also went to Chengyun Mountain Resort in person, and announced in public that he would not do anything other than protect the empire!" Roland said solemnly, "Because the movement caused by the promotion of the chief was too great, spies from other empires couldn't hide it. Yes, His Majesty was worried that you might not be able to make up your mind in the Holy Mountain, and there would be unnecessary disturbance and confusion, so he sent me to inform you. Your Majesty has decided that he will cultivate his health and rest in the past ten years, and will not mobilize a single soldier. Not to mention forcing the headmaster to threaten the saints and powerhouses of other empires."

Tianci nodded in satisfaction, "This is the best. I have always been worried that His Majesty would use the dean to start a war. Now I don't have to worry about it. And I have something to say when facing the Holy See and other empires in the future."

Nolan Shangji was slightly disappointed, but he still accepted it.

"Roland, apart from the dean's promotion, is everything else going well in the empire?" Tianci asked with concern.

Roland forced a smile, "It's okay to say yes, or it's okay to say no! Since you left, His Majesty has started to deal with the remnants of the king and the third prince in the empire, and the methods are extremely cruel. Moreover, General William His Majesty degraded him for a trivial matter, and he went to the Northwest Province to train recruits under the title of Acting Minister of Military Affairs. Now the affairs of the military department are all in charge of General Akas!"

"William was demoted?" Tianci was slightly surprised.William is not the best friend of the eldest prince, and since Nero ascended the throne, has he surrendered to Nero?

"Well, if the late king hadn't left a will, I'm afraid William won't even be able to keep his head this time!" Roland couldn't help but sighed, "Actually, William didn't make any big mistakes. Most of the generals in the court were selected by the old marshal himself. He was cultivated. The old Marshal was relegated to the fief by the previous king, and no one dared to say anything. Now they regard William as their weather vane, and now that the weather vane has been demoted, they are all worried."

"This is for sure! Your Majesty has completely controlled the empire. I think they are all trembling now!" Tianci sighed, "If Your Majesty just used William to scare others, the effect has already been achieved. Wait until I return to the capital to see if I can help William. Please, transfer it back to the capital. Even if the Minister of Military Affairs doesn’t give it to him, this general will always give it to him!”

Roland suddenly smiled, "Heavenly gift, I'm afraid you won't believe it. Many people in the court now hope that you can return to the capital as soon as possible. Now you are the only one who can dissuade His Majesty!"

Tianci also laughed, no matter what he is, he is Nero's elder brother, and he has the blessing of the former king, even if he offends Nero's dragon face, Nero will not do anything to him.

"Hey! Hey! Hey!" There was a sound of footsteps, and Gru appeared at the door. "My lord, we have prepared delicious food for Mr. Roland!"

"Well, I see!" Tianci slapped the armrest and stood up, "Nolan Shangsi, you have also heard the decision of His Majesty and the dean, you send someone to inform Archbishop Nanaro overnight! Roland, we will help you Take the wind and wash away the dust!"

"Okay, today I was busy on the road, but I didn't eat well. Who knew we were in such a hurry, but you went out to play, which made us wait and didn't even eat!" Roland smiled and walked out with Tianci living room.

Nolan Shangsi hastily wrote a letter and sent someone to send it to the holy mountain.

Walking to the side room, Adela has arrived in the room surrounded by the three of them, and the four beautiful women have all changed into the skirts they just bought today.Even Adela, who doesn't want to wear skirts on weekdays, is no exception. She also put on light makeup, and Roland laughed all the time.

Everyone at the dinner table chatted relaxedly, especially when they talked about the panic that Dean Rafal caused to the capital when he broke through to the holy level, everyone couldn't help but stare.

"I'm about to reach the eighth-level magician now. Even if I am asked to release ice magic, I will be dead at a maximum of 600 meters, and I can't guarantee the precise control in the later stage. Master can release [-] meters, which is really amazing." It's amazing!" Qin'er said incredulously.

"Who said no, it's a pity that I wasn't in the college at the time. I heard that most of the college has turned into a world of ice and snow. Even the old men in our college seem to have suffered a lot!" Adela smiled secretly.

"You mean the department head and the others, why are they suffering? Tell me quickly, tell me quickly!" Qin'er had an expression of fearing that the world would not be chaotic.

"I won't clear it up. Let Roland say that he was with Chief Weiss at the time, and he knows best!"

Several eager eyes turned to Roland.

"Oh, at that time, Master and the others discovered the shocking changes in the academy, and they were attacked by unknown people without reacting, and they were very domineering. Master was forced to release his housekeeping skills, the Fire Devouring Flame, but he still didn't know what to do. The enemy. In the end, the mental power was exhausted, and the enemy's face was not even seen. Later, everyone knew that all the department heads and all the wizards, swordsmen, and knights in the academy were attacked, and The end is the same, even the opponent is defeated without seeing it!"

"Ah, Master is really good at defeating so many people at the same time!" Qin'er and Li'er's faces beamed with joy, "Roland, don't just talk about them, you yourself are miserable too? "

"Me? I'm fine. Although I don't know if the dean has attacked me with all his strength, but within a certain period of time, the dean has no good way to attack me. At most, he will trap me! And then Let's see who can make it to the end!" Roland blinked his eyes and said earnestly.

Even Dean Rafal was helpless in the field that day. Roland was able to save his life in the field, which probably surpassed the title of Magister he held.Except for Nolan, everyone at the seat knew that Roland's ability was weird, and they couldn't help admiring it.

"Roland, if you want to compete with the strong in the field, you are very wrong!" Tianci said solemnly, "Although your ability is very strange, do you feel that you will still be subject to the rules of heaven and earth?" Restriction. But the strong in the domain are different. Once they expand the domain, they will no longer be restricted by the rules of heaven and earth within the domain. They can stand in the void and attack at will within the domain. Unless you can also get rid of Restricted by the rules of heaven and earth, otherwise you will never be their opponent!"

Roland's face also became serious, "The dean also wanted to tell me this when he appeared that day, but I didn't quite understand it. It seems that I'm really far behind! What do you think I should do? "

Tianci glanced at the people on the seats. Except for Nolan Shangsi, who is a civil servant, the rest of the people can be said to be strong on the mainland. "Since you asked, and everyone is here, let me tell you. What is a holy rank!"

"Okay!" Everyone cheered up and looked at Tianci expectantly.

Tianci explained his understanding of the holy level, as well as the conversation with Dean Rafal that day, and everyone listened carefully, thinking about his own situation, he couldn't help nodding, "So I want to reach the holy level , in addition to the body, you also need to strengthen your mental strength, which is to cultivate your own soul. When your soul is big enough, you will find that it is actually a very sharp weapon, that is, soul attack!"

"Soul attack?" Everyone's eyes widened. This was the first time they had heard of this term.

"To put it bluntly, coercion is the weakest soul attack. The killing intent of a level nine powerhouse is also a soul attack. The reason why I could make him daze when I dealt with Prila that day is because I carried out a soul attack on him!"

"Oh, let me just say, why did Prila stay in a daze for so long that day!" Qinerlier and Chenwu Gelu suddenly realized.

"Hmph, is it as mysterious as what you said!" Adela didn't see that competition, so she didn't believe it.

"Okay, then I'll make a little game for you!" Tianci smiled evilly, "Nolan Shangji, this game is a bit dangerous for you, you should avoid it!"

Nolan Shangji hurriedly nodded and ran out of the room as if fleeing.

"How about it, are you ready?" Tianci asked with a smile.

"En!" Everyone was waiting.

Tianci closed his eyes slightly, and suddenly opened them suddenly.

"Buzz!" Everyone's ears rang at the same time.

"Dang bang! Dang bang!" Chen Wu and Adela were the weakest. They felt dizzy and couldn't even sit still and fell to the ground.Gruqin'er and Li'er didn't care about the two of them, and were in a daze.

Roland's brain was in severe pain, and sweat was dripping on his forehead. It took three or four breaths to calm down. He was gasping for breath, and looked at Tianci in horror.After she calmed down a little, she hurriedly helped up Adela who was still dizzy.

That day, Tianci only concentrated his energy to deal with one person, but after two days of practice, Tianci was able to attack multiple people at the same time, but there was still a lot of escape, so Nolan Shangsi avoided it.

I don't know how long it took for Chen Wu and Adela to calm down. They looked at Tianci in shame, it was too terrifying, how could they be so unbearable in front of Tianci.

"Hehe, now you know how powerful the soul attack is!" Tianci smiled and stood up. "Roland, there are two things I want to talk to you in private!"

Adela was fine, and Roland also felt relieved and followed Tianci out of the attic.Walking slowly along the other courtyard, just like walking in the courtyard in the middle of the attics of the four empires in Genoa, the capital of magic.

"Roland, just now I attacked you with the strongest power, and you woke up the fastest, so your mental power is the strongest!" Tianci said lightly, "But your mental power is not yet at the peak level of the ninth level. Said To put it bluntly, you can use the power of the heavens to surpass the forbidden curse, but your own strength is probably not as good as the great magister, especially your spiritual power and your soul."

Roland listened silently and felt ashamed. Since the first battle in Salo City, he has been called the great magister, the savior of the empire, and the genius of the mainland. Even the Guangming Cult awarded him the highest honor of the Guangming Medal.All the honor and praise followed, almost drowning myself.Marrying Adela as he wished made him even more satisfied, and he was no longer practicing or meditating. . .Just bask in the praise and happiness. . .

The soul attack sent by God just now hurt Roland severely.If it was a normal fight, the few breaths that he was drowsy would be enough to kill him.

"Roland, if you want to truly stand on the pinnacle of the continent, you must reach the holy level. Although I don't know if your destructive power can form a domain, but you must at least Train your mental strength to be strong enough. Perceive your own soul and strengthen your own soul. At least don't be affected by my soul attack!"

"Tianci, you really woke me up today, I know how I should go!" Roland said gratefully.

Tianci smiled slightly, and stretched out his hand to pat Roland on the shoulder, "You are the number one genius on the mainland. Your mental strength is stronger than any of your peers. I believe you will definitely break through!"

Roland also smiled, "The strongest of your peers, at least you are far behind us! Godsend, can you tell me your spiritual power, no, how strong is your soul?"

"My soul!" Tianci thought for the first time. Before going to the Northwest to lead the army, he was still affected by the killing intent of the elder Wag, the head of the mercenary union. At that time, his soul should be from the eighth level. level.But ever since I fused the space artifact under the guidance of the Prophet, my soul has never been stronger or awakened, and I thought for a while, "Roland, you may not believe it, I think my soul itself is very powerful , the current level is comparable to that of a saint-level soul!"

"Comparable to the holy class!" Roland's eyes widened and his face turned pale. "How is it possible, how is it possible!"

"It's true! And I still feel that my soul is still awakening and becoming stronger. I didn't have all my strength when I attacked you just now. Now I even have the confidence to use my soul attack to knock out the souls of warriors and mages below level four!"

You can kill low-level powerhouses without using your hands. . .

"God-given, sometimes I feel like a monster myself, but today I realized that you are the biggest monster in front of you!" Roland felt a little angry.

"What kind of monster is it? I'm your good friend Tianci!" Tianci patted Roland with a smile.

"Tianci, I still have a question to ask you. You said that your soul is comparable to that of a holy level, which means that the souls of holy level powerhouses are also as powerful as you. If they also use their souls to attack, can they also be like you?" How about the same? If the Lord Dean attacked me with his soul first and made me stupefied, then his magic would be enough to kill me, so why should he keep besieging me?" Roland suddenly asked curiously.

"This..." Tianci is also a little confused. In fact, the domain is a special area where one's own soul is fused into. If the soul has been fused into it, can he still gather together to attack others like himself? "What, I'm not very clear, I think I can ask the dean to see if he can attack souls!"

"Well, Godsend, I plan to go back tomorrow!" Roland said.

"Tomorrow? You just came, don't you plan to stay for a few more days and have fun?" Tianci said in surprise.

"No, since I came back from the Northwest, I have rested enough days, I don't want to waste any more! This trip really benefited me a lot, at least I saw the gap between the two of us, from the punch back then It has expanded to today's first life! After I go back, I must practice hard, and I must make up for this gap!"

"You unyielding monster!" Tianci didn't want to keep him anymore, even if he did, it was just a waste of words. "Okay, let's go back and have dinner, they're probably in a hurry!"

Tianci and Roland walked back into the room.Chen Wu was still rubbing his temples, and Gelu handed over a hot towel beside him.Qin'er and Lier were not much better.On the contrary, Adela felt ashamed that she was no longer there.

"Boy, what are you two talking about, it's been so long!" Qin'er said dissatisfied.

"Do you want to listen to what men have to say?" Tianci said with a smile, and sat down again. "Roland said that he will go back to the empire tomorrow, and I will just say goodbye to him!"

"What, leave tomorrow?" Qin'er and Li'er also felt incredible.

"Well, I'm going back to practice hard. I've lost myself these days, but fortunately I was awakened by God!" Roland said in shame, looking at Adela next to him.

Adela also nodded dully.It's only been a while, and I've been dragged down so much by Godsend, it's time to calm down and practice hard!
"Hmph, you're all to blame, brat. I'm playing some games for nothing. You've only been here for a day and you're leaving me!" Qin'er was a little bit reluctant to let Adela go.

"No, Qin'er, although I also hate your brat, I still want to thank him. At least he let us know what the gap is. When we meet again next time, I must let him taste mine too. Fist!" Adela stared at Tianci, clenched her fists vigorously.

(End of this chapter)

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