Godsend Field

Chapter 414 Pardon

Chapter 414 Pardon
In another room, Qin'er and Li'er have also settled down.An Qi originally wanted to live in a nearby inn, but Qin'er was worried, so she insisted on staying in the embassy as well.

The last time I came here, Tianci and Qin'er were as poor as beggars. Although they had moved around a few places, they were always looking at flowers on horseback, but this time it was different.While it was still early, Qin'er and Li'er both planned to go around for a while.Originally, I thought that An Qi was familiar with the environment of Seville, and wanted An Qi to be a guide.But An Qi has practiced martial arts with George since she was sensible, and has hardly traveled, so she is also very unfamiliar with the capital.In addition, the reputation of the George family was too bad, so An Qi stayed in the embassy and refused to go out.

Tianci still had to prepare to meet His Majesty the King of Spain tomorrow, so instead of going out with Qin'er Lier, he discussed some details with Nolan Shangsi.

After discussing the details, Tianci walked around the embassy casually.After only two steps, she saw An Qi sitting quietly on a stone chair not far away, in a daze.

Walking to the front, "Miss San, Qin'er and Li'er have gone out to play, why don't you go with them?"

An Qi raised her head, "I don't think so! There are quite a few people in the capital of the empire who know me. If I go with them, I will definitely cause a lot of trouble, and it would be bad to disturb their interest!"

"Hehe, you don't understand Qin'er now! Although Miss Qin'er has a bit of a temper, it's because Lei Jiansheng spoiled her since she was a child. But she has a good heart and is more upright, and she is the most What I don't hate is the trouble. She now treats you as a sister, if someone dares to trouble you, I think she will be happy to help you solve the trouble!" Tianci said with a smile.

An Qi nodded, she had already felt it deeply in the past few days, especially when she entered the city gate.

"Miss San, are you sitting here waiting for me?"

"Well, you're going to enter the palace tomorrow, so I'll give you this back!" An Qi's palm moved slightly, and the rapier appeared in her hand.Reluctantly stroking again, hand it over to Godsend.

Tianci took it casually, and weighed it up, "Third Miss, I just asked Nolan Shangsi, and the situation of your George family seems to be not very good!"

"I know! It was Commander Broz who personally led the monitoring guards to surround and imprison our family. If Brother Emma was not in the family, I am afraid they would have rushed in and imprisoned us in the big prison. And I am also in their He ran out without paying attention!" An Qi sighed deeply, with a desperate look on her face, "Browz is my king's confidant and holds great power. But our George family has a deep hatred with them..."

"Miss San, sometimes I have to admire the members of your family! The royal family, the seven major families, and powerful officials have all offended you! Haven't you thought about what support you have if George is gone one day?"

An Qi lowered her head, her eyes were a little wet, "The old ancestor also told me that he also felt that he was too lenient towards the members of the family. That's why he accepted many disciples for training, and the old ancestor also said... He said that he is sure to train me to become a ninth-level sword emperor before he dies, so that he will have the ability to inherit the position of saint!"

Level [-] Sword Emperor!

It turns out that An Qi's aptitude is so good!
Tianci raised the rapier in his hand and looked at it carefully. If it weren't for what he said at the foot of Xilan Mountain, George might not be able to break through to the holy level for the rest of his life, so he would just stay in the Spanish Empire. There is no illusion, and after his death, this artifact will be passed on to An Qi, thus protecting the entire George family.But having said that, if it wasn't for Blair's misbehavior, I wouldn't have killed him and formed a blood debt with the George family, and I wouldn't have been hunted down and fled to Genoa.If it wasn't for their nine-star mission, I wouldn't be trapped under Xilan Mountain, and I wouldn't have the words to reveal the way of cultivation at the holy level.In the final analysis, it was the George family who destroyed themselves!
"You take this artifact first!" Tianci handed back the rapier in his hand to An Qi.

"This..." An Qi was stunned, and stood up, "You will enter the palace tomorrow, if you don't have this artifact, how can you explain to my king? I'm afraid they will threaten your life then! "

God sent a smile, "Don't worry, I didn't want you to run away with the artifact. What I mean is that you will enter the palace with me tomorrow to meet your Majesty!"

Early the next morning, the fourth prince Lucy came to the embassy with Commander Broz.After eating breakfast, Tianci walked out of the embassy with Nolan Shangsi An Qi, and was about to board a carriage and set off for the palace.

"Wait!" Broz yelled, "Duke Godsent, this time it is my king who summoned your Welsh mission, but not Angie, and she is still a fugitive. It is up to you if I don't arrest her now." If you lose face, if you let her enter the palace, it will be absolutely impossible!"

Just as Tianci got into the carriage, he smiled coldly after hearing the words, got off the carriage and walked towards the embassy.Nolan Shangsi also had no choice but to get out of the carriage.

"Duke Tianci!" The fourth prince stepped forward, "Duke Tianci, you represent your empire now! Besides, the matter about An Qi is our Spanish Empire's own business anyway, and I hope you don't lose the big because of small things!"

Tianci stopped.

Nolan Shangsi also leaned forward and muttered in a low voice, "Master Duke, we are representing the empire this time, and we really don't want to interfere in their domestic affairs!"

Tianci turned around and looked at the fourth prince and the leader Broz, "You are right, I have nothing to do with it! I am an envoy of the Welsh Empire, and I am here on behalf of our king and saint. But they did not ask me to return the artifact. Here you are. If you don’t want the artifact, you can stop her!”

The faces of the fourth prince and Broz changed at the same time, "Duke Tianci, since you came, we have been respectful. But the matter of the artifact is of great importance. I am afraid it is beyond your control! Don't forget that you are already in our The capital is here!"

threaten!Nolan Shangsi's face also darkened.

"So what if I'm here? As long as I don't hand it over to you, who can take it away? Even if you kill me, it's useless. Don't forget that I have a different dimension, and no one can open it except me."

"Fourth prince, Commander Broz, I can remind you that if something happens to us, the Duke, my king will definitely not let it go. The Pope on the holy mountain only stipulated a hundred years, but my king has surpassed the ninth level now, three 400 One-year lifespan is nothing to worry about. Don't blame me for not reminding you in advance when the hundred-year agreement is over, when the troops come south to Seville! For an empire without artifacts, I think the other two empires are also happy to come Take a share!" Nolan Shangsi said fiercely, but his heart became inexplicably excited.Sangji, who has been the Minister of Foreign Affairs for so long, and has dealt with the Spanish Empire for so many years, today is the most prestigious one!
When the country is strong, the power is strong, and the courtiers have enough confidence to go out!
The fourth prince was about to explode in anger at this moment. If there were no saints with artifacts, other countries would not snatch the artifacts, because the mainland would not allow an empire to have two artifacts.But if the artifact disappears, the empire will inevitably be divided up by the empire with the artifact!There was no other way, so I could only hold back forcibly, "Leader Broz, let An Qi enter the palace with them!"

Broz also held back, seeing that the weather could no longer delay, he waved his hand and said, "Let go!"

The carriage drove unhindered along the road already opened by the monitoring guards, and arrived in front of the Spanish Empire's palace in a short while.The Royal Palace of Seville is very distinctive, shaped like a castle.It was the place where the Moors who were exterminated at the beginning established a place to worship heaven and ancestors. Later, with the formation of the city, it underwent many revisions and was rebuilt into successive city lords' mansions.In the ensuing long history, it has experienced many earthquakes and fires, and most of the expansion and modification buildings have been destroyed, but the oldest castle building is still standing.After the establishment of the Spanish Empire, the royal family made large-scale modifications and expansions again, but completely preserved the original castle.

After getting out of the carriage and looking from a distance, the entire palace is clearly divided into two parts.One part is a newly built magnificent palace complex, and the other part is an ancient and dark castle.And this interview was held in the newly built palace.

Walk up the stone steps along the red carpet, and walk to the gate of the palace, which is full of civil servants and generals.

"Your Majesty announces the presence of the envoys of the Welsh Empire!"

With a loud shout from the interior, Tianci and Nolan Shangsi strode into the palace.The civil servants on the left and the generals on the right turned their attention to Tianci at the same time.

Walking to the high platform where the throne was placed in the middle, Tianci saluted slightly, "The envoy of the Welsh Empire, Tianci, and his deputy Nolan, have come to pay homage to His Majesty by the order of our king, and also sent a letter from my lord Saint to His Majesty! "

After finishing speaking, Tianci flipped his palm, and the letter appeared in his hand, "His Majesty Hiron of the Spanish Empire personally sent it."

A servant ran down to take the letter and walked up to the high platform.Only then did Tianci look up at King Helen of the Spanish Empire.Although he knew that this person was over 80 years old, he looked like an old man in his [-]s or [-]s.Although the hair is not completely gray, the wrinkles on the face and the tired look are unsightly.His squinted eyes tried to widen, and he stretched out his trembling, dry hand to take the letter.His fingers trembled so much that he couldn't even open the letter.

Too much wine!Tianci and Nolan hummed coldly in their hearts at the same time!Thinking of my former king, who is over 80 years old, and still manages everything, at least he will arrange everything in an orderly manner before he dies!It is really a blessing for the Welsh Empire to have a former king!

The servant next to him hastily took the letter, opened it and opened it, respectfully propped it in front of His Majesty Hillen, and whispered in his ear.

"Hehe...cough...cough..." After coughing for a while, King Hieron waved his hand, and the servant passed the letter to the courtiers below. Not surprisingly, the first person to look at was indeed Commander Broz.

"With this letter from Saint Rafael, I feel relieved!" King Hieron seemed very happy, "Duke Tianci can become a national ambassador at a young age, no wonder it is rumored in the mainland that you are the best of the new generation Young hero!"

"Don't dare!" Tianci said lightly.

"A few years ago, your country and the Faran Empire fought a lot, and although our two empires had some conflicts, fortunately, there was no major hand-to-hand contact, nor did it cause any bloodshed. It's a blessing!" Hillen The king stopped to take a few breaths, and after a little relief, he continued, "The invitation from the Holy Mountain, the Duke of Godsend is also going there on behalf of your country. His Majesty the Pope has worked hard, and we as the monarch's subjects should also be able to understand his intentions. According to my thinking, if a hundred-year agreement can become a thousand-year agreement, the mainland will be very lucky, and the people will be very lucky!"

"Your Majesty is far-sighted. If this is true, it will be a blessing for both of us!" Tianci said.

"Ah! What a pity!" King Hieron pretended to sigh, shaking his head in pain, "It's a pity that Saint George can't understand the painstaking efforts of the Pope and me, and he openly violated the agreement of the Saint. It's really heartbreaking. Fortunately, your Majesty and you have no casualties, otherwise I will feel guilty! This George almost provoked the war between you and us. The crime is extremely serious. I will deal with their family and give justice to our two countries. But I heard that he The Divine Artifact Sword Soul Wuying has also fallen into your hands, and this time the Duke Tianci came here to return our artifact at the request of His Majesty the Pope!"

After making such a big circle, he finally revealed his feathered tail.

"Your Majesty may have misunderstood something!" Tianci cupped his hands, and the corner of his mouth slightly raised, "I am here to convey greetings for my king and a letter for Lord Rafal, and there is nothing else to do!"

Nothing else?All the civil servants and generals in the hall frowned and looked at Tianci suspiciously.

"God-given duke, that artifact..."

"Your Majesty!" Tianci interrupted King Hellen, "It is true that the artifact fell into my king's hands after the death of Saint George, but for the stability of the mainland, and for the future harmony between you and our two countries, my king has a big heart and I will The artifact was handed over to His Majesty the Pope! I did the same. But on the holy mountain, the actions of the second prince of your country, Krell, made people indignant. He almost killed me! And when His Majesty the Pope handed over the artifact to me I have said in public that how to deal with the artifact is entirely up to me. As a victim twice, I have decided not to return the artifact Sword Soul Wuying to your Spanish Empire!"

"Wow!" The entire hall suddenly erupted, and everyone's expressions changed, surprised, panicked, angry, and resentful. . .The voices of condemnation and cursing gradually rose, and even many generals had already rolled up their sleeves and were about to come up to grab them.

"Your Excellency!" Nolan Shangsi looked at Tianci with a bitter expression on his face. Doing so would cause conflicts between the two countries, and even conflicts in the mainland!
"But..." Tianci suddenly raised the tone of his voice by eighty degrees, covering up all the noise.

The hall was suddenly quiet!
"But!" Tianci returned to her normal voice, "I ran into Miss Angie on the way to Seville! During the ten days along the way, she made a sincere apology to me for Claire's stupid behavior, At the same time, she analyzed the situation with me deeply, and tried hard to persuade me. After her earnest persuasion, I was finally persuaded, so I changed my mind. And I also handed over the artifact Sword Soul Wuying to Ms. An Qi !"

"An Qi? Where is she?" King Hellen's eyes lit up.

"Your Majesty, An Qi is waiting outside the palace!" Broz replied with a salute.Now both he and the fourth prince Lucy understood what Tianci said at the gate of the embassy.

"Quick pass, fast pass!"

"Yes!" A servant ran out.

A moment later, under the leadership of the servant, An Qi walked into the main hall, stood behind Tianci, knelt down and saluted, "Minister An Qi;;;; George, pay homage to Your Majesty the King!"

"Calm down!" King Xillen suddenly became energetic. "Anqi, it's really hard work to persuade Duke Tianci to return the artifact to our empire with great righteousness! This king will definitely reward you, and present the artifact!"

Convince Godsend?An Qi froze for a moment, looked at Tianci in front of her and suddenly understood, a rapier appeared in her hand with a slight movement of her palm, holding the rapier in both hands, she knelt and walked to the front, "I would like to report to Your Majesty, it is my duty to retrieve the artifact for the empire." I shouldn't ask for rewards for my duties, but I have to ask His Majesty for one thing!"

The servant came up and carefully placed the rapier on the table in front of His Majesty.

"You have made such a great achievement, I will promise you no matter what!" King Hieron said without thinking while looking at the artifact.

"Your Majesty, although my ancestor blatantly violated the agreement of the saint, he is already dead. I implore Your Majesty to be magnanimous and let my George family go!" An Qi knelt down and kowtowed.

"George family?" King Hillen couldn't help but feel apprehensive, and looked down at Broz.

"Report to Your Majesty!" Broz stood up at this time, "The so-called heinous crime George has done is not an exaggeration, even if he ransacked his family and wiped out his family. How can he be forgiven so easily?"

"Your Majesty, please be merciful!" An Qi cried.

"This..." Looking at the artifact in front of him, King Hieron was a little hesitant, regretting that he agreed too soon!

"Your Majesty, I think so!" The fourth prince Lucy stood up, "The George family is also considered a big family in the empire. It has been married to countless families in the past hundred years. If it is pursued, these married people will also be punished." ! But seeing that An Qi has made such a great contribution, we can let her and those who are already married be spared."

An Qi is a woman, and those who marry are also women, which is tantamount to extermination in disguise!
"Well, this is very good, let's do it like this!" King Hieron nodded.

An Qi's whole body went limp, she couldn't tell, she was really about to cry at this moment!
"Nolan, if he is my king, what will he do?" Tianci asked casually.

"My lord duke, as the saying goes, a gentleman is hard to follow, let alone an emperor? If our majesty keeps his word and promises, he will naturally be pardoned!" Nolan Shangsi also saw the true intention of Tianci.

The seemingly casual question and answer of these two people immediately made His Majesty Xillen look pale.

"Duke Tianci, this is in our Spanish Empire, please be careful!" The fourth prince was a little angry, "The George family has been doing evil in our empire for many years, even if the father pardoned the crimes of Saint George The implication of their past actions is also inevitable!"


"What the fourth prince said is absolutely true!"

"Your Majesty, please judge!"

At this time, many officials who were angry with the George family stood up and demanded the execution of the George family.They all stood in a large area.Looking at this posture, the George family is really doomed!

The third lady is completely desperate!

"Okay! I'm relieved to have the words of the fourth prince!" Tianci said lightly, "So, Your Majesty pardons the George family for being implicated by the personal actions of Saint George! Then you can go to the George family. Personal guilt, I don't believe that everyone in the entire George family is guilty, and everyone should be killed!"

Everyone in the hall was stunned at the same time. . .

An Qi seemed to have grasped the last straw, and knelt down again, "Please be merciful, Your Majesty, be merciful!"

The fourth prince and Broz had nothing to say at this time, and the ministers who stood up obediently stood back.

"Okay! Let's pardon the George family's implicated crimes! But the crimes committed by them personally are unforgivable, and they will be added to the crime! Broz, you should handle this matter yourself!" King Hearon fiercely Said, looking at Tianci with both eyes, eyelids trembling.

(End of this chapter)

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