Godsend Field

Chapter 416

Chapter 416
On the outskirts of Seville, the capital of the Spanish Empire, soft willow branches sway like flowing hair in the breeze.Stretching out her hands to tidy up the hair on her face and tie it behind her ears, Miss An Qi's eyes were a little moist.

"Miss San, you don't have to see us off!" Tianci nodded and moved his palm slightly, a light door appeared behind him, and Bai Ying ran out cheerfully, coming to Tianci's side.

"Well, God-sent, Qin'er Lier, thank you!" An Qi gave a deep blessing, and her delicate and handsome face forced a smile.

Qin'er and Li'er hurried forward to help An Qi up, reluctant to hold her hand.

"Miss San, if someone bullies you after we leave, you can go to our Welsh Empire. As long as you show me my letter, no one in our empire will dare to embarrass you!" Tianci said.

An Qi nodded, "Thank you for the gift from God. I plan to bring the family to a small village on the border. Besides, we are already a declining family, and with Brother Emma accompanying us, there should be no one who will make trouble!"

"If anyone dares to bully you, I will be the first to let him go!" Qin'er said loudly.

"Thank you!" An Qi was moved in her heart, "It's getting late, it's time for you to set off!"

Tianci looked at the sky, it was almost noon, and Nolan Shangsi had already set off for more than an hour, "Okay, then we're leaving, be careful yourself, and remember to come to us if you encounter difficulties!"

"I will!" Third Miss smiled, charmingly.

Tianci sat on Baiying, Qin'er and Lier also got on the horseback, waved their hands reluctantly, and the three of them gradually moved away!An Qi kept waving her hands, the tears in her eyes flowed out like a collapsed embankment.

The tall and handsome back is no longer visible, and my heart is empty!

he's gone!
Family, for the family members who are still alive, you must be strong!An Qi wiped her tears with her hands, but the more she wiped, the more tears she wiped!Unprecedented sadness surfaced in my heart!Why, why do you have to bear this kind of thing as a weak woman?Why?An Qi's legs went limp, she knelt on the ground and cried bitterly, she let go of her voice and restraint, crying without any worries like a newborn baby.

This is the first time I can remember crying like this, and it will also be the last time!
There were people coming and going on the official road, and everyone stopped, looking around, admiring, envious, and jealous!Bai Ying took a casual walk, exhausting Qin'er and Lier's steeds half to death, with big nostrils constantly panting.

"Stinky boy, you did it on purpose!" Qin'er pouted suddenly, pointing at the white shadow ahead who could no longer catch up and shouted angrily.

"Oh?" Tianci was taken aback for a moment, then came back to his senses, and quickly patted Bai Ying lightly, and Bai Ying had no choice but to slow down.Only then did Qin'er and Li'er on both sides catch up.

"Stinky boy, you are out of your mind, don't you miss him?" Qin'er's nose was a little sour, "why don't you let him stay?"

Hehe, Tianci smiled casually. She was still a deeply affectionate sister just now, but she became jealous as soon as they separated. "Miss San is a strong woman. She now belongs to her family, not to herself! For the sake of the whole family, she There will be many difficulties and obstacles. I admire her very much!"

"Brother Tianci, haven't you already helped them solve their family's affairs?" Lier asked with concern.

"Li'er, I only solve the problem of safety. As for whether she can survive in the future, and whether she can regain the glory and glory of the past, it all depends on the third lady herself! If one day she can stand at the pinnacle of the strong in the mainland, And cultivate many strong people, then her family will recover naturally. Otherwise, it will be eliminated and annihilated mercilessly by time and situation. After decades and hundreds of years, there will be no more George on the mainland!" Tianci breathed a long sigh of relief, "So Let a woman shoulder the heavy responsibility, God is too unfair to her!"

Qin'er couldn't help but nodded, compared with Miss San, how happy she was!My family is prominent, my grandfather loves me very much, and my master also teaches me everything.More importantly, I found someone who loves me and myself!

Squinting at Tianci secretly!

It's not fair to the horse to let it go as fast as Shiro.Let Shiro Shadow be as slow as a horse, Shiro Shadow is also uncomfortable!Tianci patted Bai Ying's back behind him, "Li'er, sit at the back!"

Lier nodded, her body floated up, and landed firmly behind Bai Ying, her hands tightly wrapped around the waist of the bear given by God.

"Okay, let's go!" Tianci said loudly.

"You... what about me?" Qin'er was a little anxious.

Tianci innocently shrugged his shoulders, "Bai Ying doesn't recognize you, and I can't help it!"

"You... brat, brat! I remember you!" Qin'er was annoyed, her legs tightened and she galloped out.

"Brother Tianci, Qin'er is angry!" Li'er said anxiously.

Hehe, God sent a shot of the white shadow, and the white shadow flew out like a bolt of lightning, surpassing Qin'er's steed without taking a single breath.At the moment of surpassing, Qin'er suddenly felt her arm being pulled, her body floated up, and then fell into that familiar embrace.

"What are you doing? I'll ride my slow horse, and you ride your unicorn. Let's not mess with the river!" Qin'er was struggling fiercely with anger in her heart.

"Hehe, Bai Ying doesn't recognize you, but I recognize you!" Tianci said with a smile while hugging Qin'er tightly.


Qin'er's face turned red instantly, and her body calmed down involuntarily.

"Pfft!" Li'er laughed, and Qin'er became even more shy.

Shirokage galloped a hundred meters away from the official road, any terrain was flat to Shiraoka!After a few breaths, they bypassed a small mountain. Looking at it, the terrain in front of them can be described as flat!
The hill is lush and covered with trees and vines, and there is no gazebo on the top of the hill from the ground!Go up to the top of the mountain and sit in the gazebo, but you can clearly see the scene nearly a thousand meters below!The gazebo is made of stone, and it should be two to 300 years old depending on the extent of damage!
Standing by the side of the gazebo were two luxuriously dressed men, watching the white light passing by at the foot of the mountain, looked at each other, shook their heads and went back to the pavilion to sit down!

"The speed of the unicorn is terrible! Unless it is a vulture-like monster, otherwise there is no opponent!" The fourth prince Lucy praised, "With this unicorn, it is impossible to kill him. Already!"

"Fourth brother, are you still unable to let him go?" Cole laughed.

"Don't you understand the temperament of the fourth brother? If I can't fight him in this life, I will never be comfortable in my life!" Lucy said regretfully. Although the opportunity is close this time, the timing is not right And Tianci has the status of an envoy, so for so many days, I have to endure not to have any conflicts with him.

"Fourth brother, don't be sorry, there will be such a day sooner or later!" Cole said lightly, "Although I haven't had much contact with Nero, I can be sure that he is definitely not their previous king! Their previous king was kind-hearted. It is his responsibility to make the people strong and healthy. But he, Nero, will never be satisfied with this!"

"Ninth brother, you mean..."

Cole nodded, "In his eyes, the Welsh Empire is too small, too small!"

too small!
"Now His Majesty the Pope has made a hundred-year agreement, but what about a hundred years later? He, Nero, will certainly not continue to live in such a peaceful way, and the flames of war will be inevitable!"

Lucy was shocked!

"In the past hundred years, the Welsh Empire has been dominant under the rule of their predecessors, but the monarchs of our three empires are fatuous, and our national power is even more retreating! This is why the old pope gave us a hundred years for the three empires Let's prepare, we can't waste it!" Cole stood up worried.

"Ninth brother, what are you going to do?" Lucy also stood up.

"Two points. Internally, learn from the former kings of the Welsh Empire to recuperate, improve national strength, and strengthen military affairs to prepare for unexpected events! Externally, unite with the French Empire and the Gran Empire, form an alliance, and be ready to attack the Welsh Empire at any time!"

Lucy nodded, "Ninth Brother, although it's easy to say, it's hard to do!"

"Fourth brother, to the inside, there is no cure for the father, and the national tragedy may happen at any time, so I need your strong support."

"no problem!"

"For the outside world, we can start with Chester. I know this person and their family. The old Marshal Enrique always wanted to restore the southeastern province, but this century agreement was signed in the hands of Chester! Although he said It was oppressed by the old pope, but others would only say that the Enrique family betrayed the interests of the empire! How could they feel at ease? Once they grasped this point, it would be easy to form an alliance with them. On the contrary, it is hard to say about the Grand Empire. The Welsh Empire has never had conflicts, so it’s so difficult!” Cole felt a little melancholy.

"Ninth Brother, just tell me what you need from me!"

Cole patted Lucy on the shoulder heavily, "Fourth brother, the father has no ambitions, and after reading the letter sent by Tianci, he relaxed his vigilance even more. If you want to do these two things, you must control the empire, and then Only then can we let it go and carry it out! My father’s time is running out, and my father is not sure whether the position of crown prince should belong to the seven major families. Father is also uncertain, so I need you..."

Lucy nodded frequently.

There was no one in the suburbs, only a body tired from crying stood up slowly, with a slight movement in his hand, a thin mask appeared in his hand, and was about to put it on his face, when he stopped suddenly.Looking at the direction where Tianci was going away, the corners of his mouth slightly raised!
"You are also beautiful, so why cover up the world? Isn't this appearance very good?"

Isn't that great?That's what he said about himself!He thinks so!

Arms raised, the thin mask flew into the sky and slowly fell.

"噗!" The rapier came out of its sheath, and the sword flower flew up, piercing the mask with a flash of white light, the mask that he had worn for nearly ten years, and the mask that had separated him for nearly ten years!
Countless fragments fluttered and fell down, like little butterflies, drifting towards the unknown place with the wind!
Sheathed the long sword and watched the butterfly drift away.The long hair was blown away, sticking to the cheek to the corner of the mouth, and the little finger combed it gently!I hope that a piece will float to his side and tell him. . .tell him. . .

On the westernmost side of the border between the Spanish Empire and the Gran Empire, there are endless virgin forests and a long mountain range.This mountain range is called the Sunset Mountains.And there is a small village at the foot of the mountain range. There are thousands of people in the village, and everyone is a martial artist.The road from the village to the nearest town is extremely difficult. For ordinary people, it may take three or four months to walk, but for warriors with fighting spirit, it only takes more than one month.

Even so, the people in the village stayed inside safely.Difficulties on the road force people to develop fighting spirit and move forward, and the level of fighting spirit will increase rapidly over time!Just like An Qi likes to practice in the miasma forest!With the passage of time, more and more strong people in this village, Sunset Villa has become a place that all warriors on the mainland know and admire. This is how the Lei Jiansheng trained in his youth.

At the entrance of the inn, Nolan Shangsi was quietly waiting for Godsend!

"My lord, it seems that our trip to the Spanish Empire has..." One of the well-mannered staff gently fanned the paper fan in his hand.

"A bit arrogant, right?" Nolan Shangsi chuckled, a little smug, "I have never been involved in a criminal offense in my entire life, and the first time I intervened was from another empire! At that time, Broz saw me as Angie. When he was making plans, his eyes were about to burst into flames, hahaha!"

"My lord, with all due respect, as the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Shang Si, you shouldn't do this! It might cause a lot of trouble for your future contact with the Spanish Empire!" the staff said sincerely.

"I understand your intentions, but I am even more aware that I did not make the wrong choice in choosing to offend the Duke of Heaven or the Spanish Empire!" Nolan Shangsi blinked mysteriously, "Don't forget, he is His Majesty's brother ! It’s His Majesty’s elder brother!”

The staff no longer speak!
Before it was time for a cup of tea, Bai Ying had already rushed up with the three of them.The three got off Shiro Shadow's back and walked straight to Nolan Shangsi.

"Your Excellency, you are here!" Nolan Shangsi said with a smile, looking at Shiro Ying enviously.I walked the journey for nearly two hours, and Bai Ying only needed a quarter of an hour at most!
"Nolan, what should I do next?" Tianci asked.

Nolan took out the map and spread it on the table. The itinerary was already drawn on it, "My lord, we have already left Seville, and we can go to the Spanish Empire and the Gran Empire in ten days or so." The border is here. Edinburgh, the capital of the Grand Empire, is not very far from the border, eight days is enough!"

"So it takes about 20 days for you to reach Edinburgh, the capital of the Grand Empire?" Tianci calculated.

Nolan Shangsi's eyes lit up and he heard something, "My lord, won't you come with us?"

"No, let's go to Sunset Villa first! Then go to Edinburgh!" Tianci said, and Qin'er next to her was very excited. Although she had been away for a long time and had no influence in her mind, it was her hometown after all.

"Sunset Villa? That's..." Nolan Shangji was shocked!But then he thought of Bai Ying, even if he had Bai Ying to go to Sunset Villa, it wouldn't take long!
"That's it! Nolan, please send someone to notify Mr. Borgi first. If I can't arrive in time, you can delay it for a while! Or convey the greetings from His Majesty and the Holy One first!" Tianci said.

"Don't worry, my lord, I know what to do!" Nolan Shangji said.

"Well, then I can rest assured!" Tianci nodded in satisfaction, ready to continue on the road.

"My lord, don't you want to eat something before leaving?" Nolan Shangji asked hastily.

"No!" Tianci casually put away the map on the table and continued on his way!
After Tianci left, Nolan Shangsi was not in the mood to continue to stay for dinner, so he wrote a letter and handed it to an aide. Kuai Ma went to the Grand Empire to inform Borji of his and Tianci's itinerary, and then he got in the carriage and continued on his way. .I am in a carriage, and Tianci is in a unicorn.If you arrive first, as the deputy envoy, you can wait for the principal envoy, but if the Duke Tianci arrives first, you can't let the principal envoy wait for the deputy envoy!If it gets out, I will be dereliction of duty!

the next day!
Looking at this unfamiliar crop field in front of him, Godsend is a little angry!

"I said Miss Qin'er, is this a mountain?" Tianci asked angrily.

Looking at the crops in front of her, Qin'er also scratched her head in doubt, "No! I remember that after passing Luocheng to Luodong Town, there will be a small river next to it. It takes two days to walk along the small river to the Sunset Mountains. You can walk to our Sunset Villa by walking the mountains!"

"Could it be that the mountains were leveled?" Li'er said suddenly.

Tianci turned around and gave Lier a shudder, "Can the mountains be flattened so easily?"

"Oh!" Li'er rubbed her forehead aggrievedly, and argued, "Why can't I, I've heard that the earth magician can level the mountains and turn barren land into fertile fields? Isn’t the road in the middle of the mountain filled by the earth magician?”

"Beihu Mountain Range is just filling up the original river course, how can it be compared with moving mountains and seas? You look at this crop field, if it is really flattening the mountains, even if the magister doesn't have seven It can't be done in eight years! I don't believe that the magister is so bored that he will come here to move mountains!" Speaking of Tianci, he stretched out his hand and was about to give Lier another shudder, but Lier stuck out his tongue and hurriedly avoided, "In my opinion Ah, the problem lies with Qin'er!"

"Me?" Qin'er knew she was wrong and no longer quibbled.

Tianci dispersed his consciousness, leaving behind Bai Ying and Qin'er Lier, walking along the ridge beside the crop field alone, and found an old farmer working in a short while.

"Old man, may I ask how to get to Sunset Villa?" Tianci asked loudly.

The old farmer raised his head, pushed the bamboo hat behind his back, and moved around casually, "Young man, you don't need to be so loud, I can hear you! You are planning to go to Sunset Villa to learn art, right? It's very difficult to walk there!"

"It's okay, old man!" Tianci said with a smile.

"Since the young man is not afraid of hardship, then he will do it!" The old farmer walked up to Tianci, "Have you seen the river ahead?"

"See, we came along the river!" Tianci said.

"Walking along this river, there is a town called Luodong Town. After passing the town and walking along the river for three or four days, there is another town called Luoxi Town. When you arrive at Luoxi Town and go west, you will see the sunset. The starting point of the mountains! As for how to get to the Sunset Villa, I have to go to Luoxi Town to ask! There are people there who accept young people with potential to learn art. I have been to the old man, but the potential is too poor. He is also a famous character, hahaha!"

"Thank you, old man!" Tianci saluted slightly.

"Young man, if you really want to go, you can go to Los Angeles to hire a mercenary group. There are quite a few mercenary groups here who will protect others to go to Sunset Villa, but the price is a bit expensive! Los Angeles City and Luoxi Town Luodong Town is triangular and easy to find!"

"I'll think about it! Thank you, old man!" After speaking, Tianci saluted again and walked back to the crop field.

"How is it?" Qin'er and Li'er asked quickly when they saw Tianci come back.

Tianci glanced at Qin'er, "Passing Luocheng to Luoxi Town, not Luodong Town! Qin'er, didn't you pat your chest and say you knew the way? The actual situation now makes us go in the opposite direction! "

Qin'er's face turned red with embarrassment, "I... I was only seven years old when I came here last time, even if I remember wrong... how can you blame me?"

"Fortunately, I'm seven years old. I just heard Luoxi Town as Luodong Town. If I were five years old, I'm afraid we have already arrived at Grandpa's Dreis City!"

(End of this chapter)

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