Godsend Field

Chapter 426

Chapter 426

A salute sounded, and a lively and luxurious wedding ceremony was held in the Duke's Palace, the capital of the Welsh Empire!

Facing the powerful and wealthy businessmen who came to congratulate one after another, the waiters were a little overwhelmed.The figure of one of the women was even more busy.Receive guests for a while, direct the banquet for a while, and for a while. . .

"Ronna, take a break, I'm tired!"

"Dad, why did you come out? Go back and sit inside, as long as I'm outside! Today is my brother's big day, and I should be a little tired!" Luo Na pushed the old village chief's body towards the festooned with lanterns. Go to the living room.

The Heaven-given Marquis' Mansion next to the Duke's Mansion is now Chenwu's General's Mansion, and the mansion is also full of joy and happiness.In the boudoir of the mansion, Xiwu and Zhen are meticulously dressing up Chenwu.

"Dang! Dang! Dang!"

"Who is it?" Xi Wu asked loudly.

"It's me!" Northwest wolf Zeda yelled loudly, "Hurry up, the time is coming, the Duke's Mansion is full of people, and they are all waiting for the bride to appear!"

"What's the rush! Let them wait!" Xi Wu said angrily, and continued to put on jewelry one by one for Chen Wu.

"It's so beautiful!" Jane, who was helping, exclaimed from time to time.

Chen Mist's face was slightly red, not only the skin color but also the rouge!

"Ma'am, you are joking! We girls in the Northwest can only watch it after adorning it! If you wait until the day when Madam marries her daughter-in-law, I'm afraid it will be called good-looking!" Xi Wu said with a smile.

"Wait for me?" Jane said leisurely, Nero is already married, only Godsend is still her own heart disease.Twice planned to get married, both times were forced to cancel. . .Now I don't know where Godsend is!

Walking out of the majestic palace, Tianci was expressionless, and Nolan Shangsi followed quietly behind.In the palace, although he repeatedly stated the position of the saints Nero and Rafal, the king and officials of the Gran Empire were obviously very indifferent, and only said some compliments.

"My lord, it seems that the Grand Empire and the Spanish Empire have reached some kind of agreement... If we meet their Majesty first, it may be a different situation!" Sitting in the carriage, Nolan Shangsi said unwillingly.

"Perhaps you are right, but the result is probably still the same!" Tianci said lightly, "Kole's scheming is very deep and very convincing. We can only change the process but not the result!"

"My lord, I think there may be one person who can change this result..." Nolan said in a low voice.


"Elder Hua!"

"Elder Hua?"

"Your Excellency may not know that Mr. Hua has had a great influence on the Grand Empire!" Nolan Shangsi calmed down. People in the world have forgotten, but 200 years ago, he was a well-known figure, he almost subverted the entire Gran Empire, and even the entire continent..."

"Oh?" Tianci's eyes lit up.

"My lord, do you know which faction is the richest on the continent?" Nolan Shangsi asked.

"Illuminati Cult? Mercenary Union?...Eagle Chamber of Commerce!!"

"Hua Lao is the founder of the Eagle Chamber of Commerce!"

"Suck!" Tianci sucked in a sharp breath of air. He had known for a long time that the Eagle Chamber of Commerce spread across the four empires and was the only chamber of commerce that spanned empires and spread across continents, but only today did he know who its founder was.

"My lord, do you know the four Chinese and Austrian gambling cities on the mainland? The four city lords with superb gambling skills are the four orphans adopted by Mr. Hua!"

Central Austria Casino. . .The place where I can withdraw [-] purple gold coins at will, and the place where the major chambers of commerce in the Welsh Empire can resume operations. . .

"I used to only know that the Grand Empire was good at business, but I didn't expect it to be so rich! Compared with the Grand Empire, our Welsh Empire..." Tianci was a little emotional.

"My lord, you are wrong! This just shows that Mr. Hua is rich, not that the Grand Empire is rich!"

"Oh? How to say?" Tianci was surprised.

"Everyone knows that every empire has the Eagle Chamber of Commerce, and they can earn a lot of purple gold coins every year, but no empire has ever shipped the earned purple gold coins back to the Grand Empire and into their treasury! As far as I know, the Eagle Chamber of Commerce has its own headquarters in each empire. They are relatively independent and only follow the instructions of Hua Lao. And even if they earn purple gold coins, they will develop their own branches in each empire. Participate in any wars and imperial disputes. They can be said to be the purest businessmen on the mainland!"

"So that's the case! Mr. Hua is really interesting!"

"My lord, if Elder Hua transports the purple gold coins earned by other countries back to the Grand Empire, I am afraid that other countries will not allow the existence of the Eagle Chamber of Commerce. Secondly, the conflict between Elder Hua and the royal family of the Grand Empire seems to be quite serious!"

The carriage creaked!
"Hearing what you said, I really want to see this old man soon, but it's a pity that he is not in the capital, and we can't wait indefinitely!" Tianci felt a little regretful.

"My lord, that's not necessarily the case. I know that although Mr. Hua has gone deep and reclusive recently, he has an extraordinary relationship with a family. As long as we visit a family, we may get some news!" Nolan Shangsi said, doing Shangji, who has been in charge of foreign affairs for so long, is very familiar with these "Jason Chamber of Commerce!"

"I've heard of the Jason Chamber of Commerce. The founders of the Eagle Chamber of Commerce started their business with the one hundred purple gold coins they got from him! Later, they also became prosperous with the Eagle Chamber of Commerce!" What Aunt Fanny knew from "It's not too late, let's go to the Jason Chamber of Commerce now!"

The carriage turned around and headed towards a tall Chamber of Commerce loft in Edinburgh.

200 years ago, the Jason Chamber of Commerce was still a low-level chamber of commerce in the Grand Empire, but today it is already a well-known chamber of commerce, and its scale and strength are at least no worse than that of the Maestro Chamber of Commerce!

President Jason was looking at the thick accounts in the attic study at this time.

"President, there are two distinguished guests outside asking to see you!" At this moment, a man with the appearance of a housekeeper walked in.

"Didn't you see I was checking the accounts? No!" Jason waved his hand impatiently.

"President, I think you should meet me! The people who are here this time are the Heaven-sent Duke of the Welsh Empire and Nolan Shangsi!" said the butler.

"The Welsh Empire?" President Jason raised his head. It has been almost ten years since he last visited the Welsh Empire. "We only have business dealings with the Welsh Empire on the magic core, and the amount is not very large Daddy, how could they send such a high-ranking official to visit me?"

Jason walked out of the study with doubts.

Tianci and Nolan had already sat down in the guest room.

"The current patriarch of the Jason family, Andor Jason, I don't know that two distinguished guests have come, so I am far away to welcome forgiveness, forgiveness!" As soon as he walked into the living room, Jason folded his hands in a symbolic apology .

"You are...Uncle Jason?" Tianci stood up abruptly.

"You know me?" Jason was really taken aback.

"Don't you remember me? I won ten games in a row at the casino in Keel Town, Wales Empire, and then you didn't want me to gamble any more and took me to the Phoenix Restaurant for dinner and lodging!" Tianci said in surprise.

"You are...it's you!" Jason finally remembered, and looked at the young man in front of him in disbelief. The housekeeper said that this was the Duke of the Welsh Empire, or the thirteen or fourteen-year-old boy who gambled for dinner. boy?dare not admit it. . .

"Uncle Jason, look at this!" Tianci moved his palm slightly, but nothing appeared.The token that Uncle Jason gave him back then should still be in Qin'er's hands.

"Wait a minute!" Tianci ran out of the living room, and came back after a while, with a fiery little fox on his shoulder.

Yu'er sniffed, old meal ticket?
"It's you, it's really you!" Jason believed it now, stepped forward and took Tianci's arm to look him up and down.It has been almost ten years, and Tianci has undergone a complete change from the beginning, no wonder I dare not admit it.

"Have you eaten yet? Butler, go and prepare a table of food. I want to have a good meal with the Duke of Tianci!" Jason excitedly ordered, "Oh Tianci, how long will you stay this time? If you don't mind, come and live at my house Last ten days and half a month!"

"Hehe, Uncle Jason, I can tell you about food, but you don't need to stay here! Actually, I'm here this time to ask for your help!"

"It's easy to say, what's the matter!" Jason said heartily.

"I want to see Mr. Hua!"

"Old Hua!" Jason was a little embarrassed.

"Hehe, President Jason, in fact, our main reason for this trip is to see Mr. Hua. Our lord, the Holy One, has a handwritten letter for us, Mr. Duke, to hand over to Mr. Hua. And we heard that Mr. Hua is out on this trip, so I just want to ask for your help!" Nolan Shangsi said with a smile.

"That's it! Mr. Hua has not been in good health in recent years, and every time he goes out, he doesn't go out for a long time. He must be back now. It's just that they have always lived in seclusion and don't want others to disturb them..."

"Uncle Jason, based on your relationship with Mr. Hua, you must know where he lives in seclusion, right?" Tianci said with a laugh.

Jason smiled and shook his head, "You! I can take you there, but there are two conditions. First, you are alone! Second, you must be blindfolded on the way!"

"No problem, let's go now!" Tianci said eagerly.

"Don't be in such a hurry, you guys eat first, and I'll explain the matter!" President Jason said.

The carriage drove out of Edinburgh, and Nolan Shangsi stayed in the embassy.

His body was shaking back and forth, his eyes were blindfolded and he couldn't see anything.Tianci spread his consciousness and had a panoramic view of the surrounding scenery.The surroundings of the carriage were also covered tightly, only an old coachman was driving the carriage.

"Tianci, it's not that I don't trust you, it's that Mr. Hua doesn't want others to disturb him!" President Jason apologized.

"It doesn't matter, as long as I can see Mr. Hua!" Godsend doesn't matter, really doesn't matter.

The carriage had been walking for a long time, when there was the sound of rushing water outside, the road suddenly became trembling, the carriage bumped back and forth so badly, even Jason was holding onto the edge of the carriage with both hands.This is a small stream, the bottom of which is full of stones, and the carriage is walking against the current in the stream, surrounded by mountain slopes.

I'm afraid no one would think of walking up the current.

It didn't take long to walk into the mountain forest. The trees here are old and luxuriant, intertwined with each other.The light is blocked by the canopy, only when the wind blows the trees, there will be a few rays of light coming in!The forest is quiet, and occasionally there are bursts of crisp birdsong.

After walking for about an hour, the carriage turned around and went ashore, walking along the slope of the mountain.The road is only as wide as two carriages, so the coachman dare not go fast.Going around the mountain and walking to the back, it suddenly became clear!
A narrow canyon!

Passing through the canyon, Jason removed the cloth from Tianci's eyes, "The rest of the road can only be walked!"

Rubbing his eyes and getting used to the light, Tianci gave a lazy waist, "Uncle Jason, Mr. Hua's place is quite secluded!"

"Hehe, Mr. Hua just doesn't want to be disturbed! Let's go, we will be there soon!" Jason led Tianci to start walking the mountain road.The mountains in the north are full of stones without vegetation and trees. Although they are easy to slip and difficult to walk, they have a wide field of vision.The mountains in the south are full of trees and vegetation. It is easy to walk, but the view is completely blocked!

After walking for half an hour along the rugged mountain road, I finally came to a mountain depression.Looking from a distance, it seems that there are several rooms in the mountain depression, and there are still cooking smoke coming out.

"What a paradise!" Looking at the scenery in front of him, Tianci felt relieved.

"Let's go, Mr. Hua lives in the village!" Jason took Tianci and walked towards the col. "There are more than 300 families here, all of whom followed Mr. Hua back then!"

"Uncle Jason, is Mr. Hua really as powerful as you say?" Tianci asked.

"Hehe, I don't know about this! When I was born, Mr. Hua had retired for many years, and my father, my grandfather respected him very much whenever he was mentioned, and every time Mr. Hua had his birthday, he would take me there on foot. He Shou. You have also heard that our Jason Chamber of Commerce was originally unknown, but it is only because of the right Hua Lao that it is today's glory! And my wife and grandfather also said before his death that he did everything in his life. The most correct thing is to lend purple gold coins to Hualao!" Jason recalled infinitely, "Hualao is a legend, a legend that will never appear on the mainland again!"

Walk along the bumpy mountain road and into the depression.

A small village appeared ahead, and the houses were built around an open space. In one of the rooms, there was the sound of children reading in order.

"Stop!" With a loud shout, a figure appeared in front of Tianci and Jason.The visitor couldn't help but reach out and attack Tianci.

With a dodge, Tianci quickly pushed away the opponent's punch.

"Hmph, another soft fist!" The visitor snorted coldly.

Why is this voice so familiar!Tianci was puzzled in his heart, and suddenly screamed inwardly!Looking up, Tianci suddenly panicked, the person who suddenly appeared in front of him was indeed the saint of the Gran Empire, the blood-eyed demon Qin!
"Hmph, Vicari really taught a good disciple, and he even came here to act wildly!" Xuetong said disdainfully, taking advantage of Tianci's stunned state, he bent his palm and clawed towards Tianci's chest with five fingers.

Tianci bowed his body, kicked his body hard with his legs and flew out.

Xue Tong's fighting spirit burst out suddenly, and his body was like a sharp arrow shooting out of a string, faster than Godsend!Five fingers grabbed the clothes on Tianci's chest, and according to Tianci, he slammed into the giant tree next to him.


Tianci's body was in severe pain, and all internal organs in his body were churning.

"Master Saint!" Jason rushed forward to salute in a hurry, "Master Saint, this is the Duke of the Welsh Empire, the envoy of our Grand Empire..."

"I know!" Xuetong said coldly, and let go of Tianci to look at Jason, "You are quite courageous now, and you actually brought this person in!"

Jason knelt down in a hurry, his voice trembling, "Master Saint, please forgive me! The Duke of Tianci has sent a letter to Elder Hua at the order of Saint Rafal of their empire!"

"Rafal?" Xue Tong's face softened slightly, and he glanced at Tianci who was suffering, and disappeared in front of his eyes.

"Tianci, are you okay!" Jason hurried up to help Tianci up.

"Cough! Cough! Cough!" Tianci patted his chest with one hand, and shook the other hand, "It's okay, it's okay!"

This is the second time he was beaten by Xue Tong!
It took a while for Tianci to calm down, "Uncle Jason, didn't we come to find Mr. Hua, how did we become your sages?"

"I'm afraid you don't know yet!" Jason looked around carefully, and said quietly, "The saint of our empire is Mrs. Hua!"

"Mrs. Hua?" Tianci's eyes widened, and he suddenly remembered the thin old man who had been fishing on the boat in Honghu Lake. "What does Mrs. Hua look like?"

"Hua Lao's room is inside, you'll know when you go in!" Jason said, pulling Tianci towards an ordinary house in the east of the village.

It is still bright in the Gran Empire, but it is already midnight in the Welsh Empire!
But even so, the Duke's Mansion is still brightly lit, and the banquet is still going on!

The two newlyweds had already left the banquet and returned to the General's Mansion nearby, and their relatives were still drinking with the visitors.As hosts, Anrui and Zhen are also in good spirits today. Chenwu and Gelu are the most trusted personal guards of Tianci, and they have helped Tianci a lot.Chenwu and Jane also get along very well, like Jane's daughter.

On the main table, An Rui and Zhen casually chatted with the old village head, but the old village head seemed a little uncomfortable, and his eyes secretly glanced to the left.

On the left sit two important officials of the empire!

"Saphiroth, I didn't expect His Majesty to send you to represent him!" Duke Meister raised his wine glass.

"Hmph, to be honest, if it's not His Majesty's will, I'd rather go home and drink cold water!" Safeiros said coldly, his voice was so small that only the two people next to him could hear him.

The old village head became embarrassed.

"Oh, why do you say that, even in the face of Duke Tianci, we still have to drink this glass of wedding wine!" Duke Meister said.

Safeiros stopped talking, raised his head and drank a cup.

"Lord Saphiroth, I..." The old village chief hesitated for a long time and finally mustered up his courage.

Safeiros didn't even look at it!
"Plop!" The old village head suddenly knelt down, his mouth trembling.

"What's wrong with you?" An Rui quickly grabbed the old village chief's arm.

"Father!" Rona also ran over to hug the old village chief, glanced at Sephiroth and said sharply, "What did you do to my father?"

Safeiros stood up and patted his clothes, "I didn't do anything, it's because your father drank too much and couldn't stand upright!"

"Hmph, only ghosts believe it!" Lorna was very dissatisfied, but it was not easy to get angry.

She bowed deeply to Anrui and Zhen, and then bowed slightly to the other officials at the banquet, "Dear colleagues, I am a little drunk from too much alcohol, and I have to go back to the palace tomorrow to report to His Majesty, so I will take my leave first!"

(End of this chapter)

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