Godsend Field

Chapter 429 Space

Chapter 429 Space
Although he only wanted to stay in Hualao's house, he walked out after all.It has started to develop in a good direction!Both Tianci and Lier breathed a sigh of relief, the fatigue for so long was swept away.

"Hehe, let these women talk, let's go out for a walk! The sunshine outside is very good, and in a few days, when winter comes, there will be no such comfortable sunshine!" Elder Hua also felt relieved.

Tianci glanced at Qin'er, Qin'er had obviously let go, "Okay!"

Walking out of the house, it was afternoon, and the sun was slanting.Just after the cool sun at noon, it was still warm everywhere.Tianci and Hualao walked out of the house together.

"Remember to come back early!" Xue Tong ran to the door and ordered.

Hua Lao nodded and waved his hands casually.

The villagers in the col respected Hua Lao, but they were not afraid. They came forward to greet Hua warmly, and Hua Lao nodded.Even the children who had just finished reading ran up and pulled Hua Lao's sleeves, pestering Hua Lao to tell stories.

"Go, go! It's time to practice martial arts, don't disturb Mr. Hua!" One of the older villagers drove the child away.

"Hey!" All the children stuck out their tongues at the villagers, made faces, and scattered.

"Hua Lao, I didn't expect you to be so popular in the village!" Tianci said with a smile.

"Welcome?" Elder Hua looked at the scattered children and the villagers who greeted each other, "Then what do you think I should be like? Should I live in a tall palace with numerous servants and envoys? Every time I go out Clean water must be sprinkled on the ground, officers and soldiers will open the way, and the people will worship when they see it?"

"With your ability and wealth, I don't think it is difficult to do it!" Tianci replied.

Mr. Hua nodded, and he said that it is not difficult to obtain these things with his own wealth and status. "What about you, it seems that it is not difficult to obtain these things with your status!"

Tianci waved his hand, "I can't, I'm afraid of trouble! When I was the city lord of Yanhua City, every time I went out, I had to guard the way, and the people around me rushed over. I thought it was exaggerated, and it also caused a lot of inconvenience. , feeling...uncomfortable!"

"It should be because I feel that I don't have freedom!" Hua Lao laughed, "You are very similar to me when I was young, and I also yearn for freedom. So even if my Eagle Chamber of Commerce is as rich as a country, I try to hide it as much as possible. My identity! There are not many people in this world who know my identity, and there is even no one who knows my true identity!"

"There is no real identity?" Tianci was a little confused. Isn't Hua Lao's real identity the founder of the Eagle Chamber of Commerce?Is there another identity?
Walking along the mountain road in the village to the edge of an open rock, there is a water pool 300 meters below the rock. The water pool is crystal clear, and more than a dozen children are playing in it.

"When I was young, I traveled all over the continent and saw a lot of strange things, but the one that interests me the most is your different space!" Mr. Hua was tired from walking, so he found a rock and sat down. "Seeing you It feels like the first time I have seen a space ring! How can such a small ring hold so many things? Where are those things? How are they connected together? where?"

"Mr. Hua, this is a very simple question!" Tianci also sat next to him. "The space ring is made from the space magic core and processed by alchemists. It has a space inside itself, so it can hold things." !"

Mr. Hua nodded, "That's what I said, so I'm going to get to the bottom of it. Where is the space of the magic core of space, what is it like, what's inside, is there up, down, left, right, east, west, north, south? Is there a flow of time? Yes Everything in the air? Can we see it with our own eyes?"

"This..." Tianci was dumbfounded. The space ring has been used for many times since he killed the night cat Zhada in the northeast province and got the first space ring. He only knows that this is easy to use but never. I thought about it so thoroughly.

"Everything in the world exists in a real way. They will not disappear or be born out of thin air, so the space ring must have a space to accommodate them. I used to call this space the fourth space, and this fourth space The four dimensions only exist in my imagination, and it wasn't until I went to your different dimension that I really saw it, with my own eyes!" Elder Hua was a little excited.

It's my own different space again!

At that time, the Prophet also said the same thing, but he guessed that there was a corresponding space artifact because he had the artifact of time.And Hua always diffracted from the space ring, guessing that there is such a space.

"What is the fourth space?" Tianci asked curiously.

"Do you want to know?" Elder Hua smiled mysteriously.

Tianci nodded, this topic really attracted me!

"This topic may be incompatible with your world. I told Xuetong a long time ago, but she only cared about her fighting spirit at that time, thought I was talking nonsense, and beat me up like a lunatic. , hahaha!" Hua Lao recalled fondly.

"I learned something when I was seventeen or eighteen years old. He divided space into dimensions, or degrees. Zero-dimensional space is a point, and one-dimensional space is a straight line extending infinitely at both ends. When we stand at any point on a straight line, there are only front and back." Elder Hua stood up and gestured, and Tianci nodded understandably. "In two-dimensional space, it is an infinite plane composed of two vertical lines. We stand on this plane Not only have the front and back, but also the left and right!"

Following Hua Lao's words, Tianci tried hard to imagine.

"The three-dimensional space is composed of this surface plus a straight line perpendicular to the surface. In this space, we not only have front, back, left, and right, but also up and down!"

"Isn't that the space we live in now?" Tianci shouted fiercely.

"Hehe, not bad, but it's still a little short!" Elder Hua nodded with satisfaction, "Although we live in a three-dimensional space, there is another extremely important factor in our world, and that is time! If there is no time , everything including us is fixed, so is that still called the world?"

Tianci nodded, these things were unheard of, and immediately attracted himself, "Hua Lao, then you said that my different space is the fourth space, is it just the four-dimensional space?"

Mr. Hua shook his head, "Your space is very strange, but I thought it was composed of the three-dimensional space of up, down, left, right, front and back just like the space ring. The difference is probably that the different space has one more space than the space ring. The element of time is time!"

"Time!" Tianci thought back, if it was food, it wouldn't break even if it was put in the space ring for ten years, but if it was put in his own different space, it would grow hair in two days. . .

"I discussed this issue with many alchemists more than a hundred years ago, and they seemed unable to accept the facts I said. But I also got a lot of knowledge about space in your world from them! Do you think that space The reason why the ring cannot be opened is because it is a small space and will be swallowed up by the big space we live in. But your appearance in a different space has completely shattered this statement."

"Hua Lao, could it be because I am an artifact that I can open it?"

Hua Lao nodded, "This is also an explanation, but I have another explanation, that is, only spaces with the same element can be connected! There is no time element in the space ring. If it is forcibly connected with our world, the surge of the time element will Entering will cause the extreme instability of that space and destroy it! And your space itself has the existence of time elements, so you can communicate with this world without any scruples! Similarly, time elements are necessary for all living bodies like air and food. It is necessary, so life forms cannot enter the interspatial ring!"

Tianci nodded, maybe it is really like what Hua Lao said, "Hua Lao, I think it is easy to understand! What you mean is that my different space and the space we live in are normal spaces, and The space of the space ring is a static space! Then is there a four-dimensional space and a five-dimensional space?"

"Maybe there is!"

Tianci's eyes widened, "What does that look like?"

"Hehe, I don't know either! Because I only live in three-dimensional space! How about we play a little game about space first?" Hua Lao said and drew a straight line on the ground, and put it on top of it. Click three points "This is a one-dimensional space, can you make the point on the left pass through this straight line to reach the point on the right, but not pass through the middle point?"

Do not go through the middle point. . .Tianci looked at this straight line, thought for a long time and finally shook his head.

"No, right? Then you can see if you can do it in two-dimensional space!"

Two-dimensional space is a surface!Tianci's eyes were full, and an arc was drawn at the points on both sides as the starting point and the ending point, just bypassing the middle point.

"Not bad, not bad!" Elder Hua clicked two points on the open space on both sides of the straight line, "Then try to make a straight line that does not pass through the middle in two-dimensional space, and let this point go to that point!"

The straight line in the middle is infinitely long, how is it possible?Tianci shook his head.

"Hehe, then try to see if it can be done in three-dimensional space?"

With the experience from last time, Tianci stepped forward and stepped on the straight line, stepping on two points with both feet, "That's it!"

Mr. Hua nodded with satisfaction, "Things that cannot be done in one-dimensional space can be done in two-dimensional space! Things that cannot be done in two-dimensional space can be easily done in three-dimensional space. By analogy, what we can do in three-dimensional space I wonder if things can be easily done in the four-dimensional space? For example, between two places..."

"Portal, Mr. Hua, are you referring to the portal?" Tianci was shocked, "I have seen the portal, and I have also experienced it, so does the four-dimensional space really exist?"

"Not necessarily!" Mr. Hua said with some regret, took out a piece of paper from the space ring, and marked a point on each edge of the paper and handed it to Godsend. "On this piece of paper, the closest point between these two points What is the distance?"

"Of course it's a straight line!" Tianci drew a straight line between the two points without thinking.

"Hehe!" Elder Hua shook his head, "The shortest distance is no distance!"

As Hua Lao said, he folded the paper and pasted the two dots together.

Zero distance! !

"I have never seen a portal. If there is, I only have two explanations. The first is that there may be a four-dimensional space or a higher-dimensional space. The second is that like this piece of paper, the space is distorted, so that The distance between two points that were originally very far away was zero!" Hua Lao let go of the paper in his hand, and the paper fell like fallen leaves.

Distort space!
Tianci tried his best to recall the scene of being teleported back and forth on the Xilan Mountain Peak Ring Road, and the scene of entering the teleportation gate on the floating island!There is no feeling on the ring road, but on the floating island, you can clearly feel the trembling of the surrounding space!

Is it true that as Hua Lao said, the portal actually distorts space?
"Hua Lao, when I entered the portal, the space was indeed trembling, obviously! So I think the second explanation is correct! But I don't understand what can make the space distort?" Tianci was puzzled asked.

"Ask me? Then who should I ask!" Hua, young and old, shrugged his thin shoulders, "You think I can't fail!"

Tianci smiled and scratched his head, "Don't people say you are a wise man?"

"It means that I like to get to the bottom of things, and I like to find out the whole story. It doesn't mean that I understand everything!" Elder Hua glanced at Tianci, "Sometimes it's more fun to pursue the story than to get the answer directly!"

Tianci sat on the ground and pointed his chin with both hands to think, even Hua Lao looked at the floating clouds and setting sun in the distance and thought.

"What are you two just sitting there thinking?" Xue Tong suddenly appeared beside the two of them, and his bright fighting spirit gradually subsided.

Tianci and Hua Lao were startled at the same time, suddenly looked at each other, and laughed loudly, "It turns out that such a simple thing, we still have to think about it for a long time, hahaha!"

Seeing the two laughing, Xue Tong was puzzled, "What are you laughing at, is it funny?"

"Power, as long as you have strong power, you can distort the space!" Elder Hua and Tianci said in unison.

"Crazy! The meal is ready, come back and eat if you don't want to starve to death!" Xuetong said angrily, turned around and left.

After laughing for a while, Tianci stopped again, "Elder Hua, even at the level of Shizu and Xuetong, they can't speed up too much. Even if they reach the holy level and are as powerful as George or Dean Rafal, they can't wait." It can't reach the point of distorting space at all. How powerful is it to be able to distort space?"

"I can't even reach the holy level!" Elder Hua also pondered. "Perhaps a higher level is needed, for example, beyond the holy level..."

"Mr. Hua, are you talking about God?"

"I'm just guessing, I can't be sure!" Elder Hua stood up and patted the dirt behind him, "Let's go back, Xuetong will be angry if we don't go back!"

Before I got to the house, I could smell a scent wafting out from the crack in the door!

Pushing open the door and walking in, Qin'er was sitting on the edge of the table with Yu'er in her arms, while Li'er and Xuetong were still busy in the kitchen.Yu'er looked at the table helplessly, drooling.If it wasn't for Xuetong's ultimatum, Yu'er would have rushed to Daduo'er long ago!
Tianci looked at Yu'er's pitiful look, besides Brother Ao, probably the blood pupil was what Yu'er was most afraid of!

Wait for everyone to arrive before starting to move the chopsticks.Yu'er obediently stayed in Qin'er's arms and ate the food that Qin'er picked up, pointing at the fattest meat with her little paws and howling, but she didn't dare to go to the table openly.

"This taste is a bit different, you didn't make it!" Mr. Hua tasted it, and looked at Xuetong. "The taste is a bit similar to what you made, but the heat is a little lacking!"

"You have a sharp mouth! I taught Lier to do this!" Xuetong laughed.

After eating, everyone chatted for a while, and Qin'er gradually let go of her knots and started talking.Later, Qin'er and Li'er got a little sleepy and wanted to go back to the different space to rest, but under Hua Lao's signal, Xuetong arranged them to rest in the next room, leaving only Godsend in the hall.

"Thank you Hua Lao!" Tianci said gratefully, if it weren't for Hua Lao himself, he really didn't know what to do!
"Tianci, don't be careless. Although Qin'er's condition has improved, it is not completely cured! Don't forget, there is still a deep thorn in her heart! Only by pulling out this thorn can it be cured Qin'er's heart disease!" Hua Lao said slowly, "And this is also the most rare!"

Tianci naturally understood, "But Mr. Hua, I don't know where Senior Lei is now! He went to practice with his master, and I really want to find him!"

"Hmph, how stupid it is!" Xue Tong walked into the inner hall with a cold snort.

"Heavenly gift, do you know who Lei cares most about?" Elder Hua asked.

"Qin'er, of course he loves Qin'er the most!" Tianci said without hesitation.

"That's right, if one day Lei knows that his most beloved granddaughter is going to get married, do you think he will stay in a cave in a mountain to practice some holy level?" Elder Hua said with a smile.

"Yeah! How did I forget about this!" Tianci stood up abruptly, "I'm going out now!"

Running out of the door, Tianci opened a different space and summoned Bai Ying to come out.Although Tianci was blindfolded when he came here, with his divine sense, Tianci had already remembered clearly.

The steepness of the mountain road is not difficult for Shiraishi, but because there are too many and dense trees on the mountain, it has caused some obstacles to Shiraishi!In less than half an hour, Bai Ying had already walked out of the forest and came to the official road.

Not long after, he came to Edinburgh, found a place with sparse defenses, and Bai Ying leaped into the city with all his strength.

Soon arrived at the embassy, ​​Cole had already set off to return to the Spanish Empire, and Nolan Shangsi and his staff continued to live here.Tianci went straight into Nolan Shangsi's room without saying hello.

"My lord, why are you back so late?" Nolan was a little surprised when he saw Tianci's sudden appearance.

"Don't worry about these, I have a very urgent matter that needs you to help me complete!" Tianci said.

"My lord, please order!"

"Wait until tomorrow, you send someone to pass on the news to me, and spread it in a big way, and it's best to let every corner of the mainland know!" Tianci instructed, "Just say that Miss Qin'er and I are in the Grand Empire. Witnessed by Xuetong Yaoqin, the saint of the Grand Empire, they got engaged, and they will get married immediately after returning to the Welsh Empire!"

"This..." Nolan was a little puzzled. The Duke's wedding is indeed a big event, but after all, it is a matter of his own Welsh Empire, so there is no need to publicize it on the whole continent!

"Why do you want me to repeat it?" Tianci frowned slightly.

"Oh, no, no! I'll do it tomorrow!" Nolan Shangji replied hastily.

Don't care about right or wrong, just follow the orders of His Excellency the Duke!

(End of this chapter)

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