Godsend Field

Chapter 494 Attack

Chapter 494 Attack
The setting sun was slanting, and the clouds in the sky were dyed bright red, like fresh blood flowing on the ground!
"Commander Aldro, we can't fight like this anymore!" A regiment leader in the big tent said anxiously.

"Yeah, these days they took the initiative to attack every time, but they put on a defensive look, and let Godsend fight alone. We don't want to kill more people in any battle. In the past three days, we have more than 2000 people." People were killed by Tianci! If the fight continues like this, our Knights Templar will be killed by this demon in a short time!" The leader next to him was about to cry, and the regiment he led was responsible for blocking Tianci these days.

"We hit them hard last time with an unexpected sneak attack, but after they have beaten them a few times, the last sneak attack was for nothing!"

"Touch!" Aldro punched the table hard.Why don't you know it yourself?

"Commander, this is clearly a massacre in disguise! We can't just wait to be killed by him! Although it is not a big deal to kill hundreds of people in each war, those are ordinary wars. They are all mediocre. But this time, Tianci killed all Templar knights, and they are all strong men on the mainland. How many years did we spend cultivating this!"

"Hmph, next time he comes again, and the leaders of us go up together, I don't believe he can resist the joint attack of the four of us in a row!"

"Yes, I've long wanted to know his shitty life magic!"

"No!" Aldro yelled and stood up violently. "None of you four is allowed to go up. Even the Sword Emperor has nothing to do with him. It is useless for the four of you to join forces!"

"Then what should I do, I can't just wait to die like this! Commander, why don't you shoot him..."

"Me? What reason do I have to kill him?" Aldero was very upset. Tianci obviously had the strength of level nine, but why did he get a peak level eight to be stronger.And the elder of the mercenary union, too, why did he approve it?Even if his mercenary union wants to reduce the power of the Guangming Cult, there is no need to do so!
"Commander, what should we do? We can't just let him kill us!"

Aldro was also very helpless, thinking for a long time, "Send me...Send me to order the entire army to withdraw ten miles one after another. Send someone to inform His Majesty the Pope immediately of the situation here!"

"Yes!" The heads of the regiment took the order to deliver the order.

The golden fox paw flag on the opposite side was still flying high.

"My lord, my lord, the Templars have retreated!" The big tent was opened and Adela ran in excitedly. "Our people in charge of the soldiers came back to report that they have withdrawn!"

"It was expected!" Tianci was not surprised. He calmly pointed to the seat and motioned Adela to sit down and talk. "I was discussing with Chen Wu just now when the Templars would withdraw. I didn't expect it to be so soon!"

"Huh? You actually expected them to withdraw?" Adela was surprised.

"Of course, my lord kills 700 to 2000 more of them every time, and kills more than [-] of them in three or four days. If they are in a stalemate with us for a few days, I'm afraid they won't even be able to form a regiment!" Chen Wu said with a smile.

"Hmph, I still want to fight a few more battles, but I didn't expect them to run away with their tails between their legs like this!" Adela was very upset, "What kind of majestic Templar is he who is born from the transformation of justice? Head turtle!"

"They can run with long legs, so why don't we chase after them with long legs?" Chen Wu walked to the map and gestured with his hand, "If I'm not mistaken, they will definitely pass through here to Valencia! Rencia was originally a military town. If the Knights Templar fled into it, and Baquero fled in with his two main battle legions, then it would be a tough one. So we have to try to stop them and not let them The three parties come together!"

"Report!" A soldier rushed into the big tent, "General Planck, the enemy seems to be retreating!"

"Retreat?" General Planck stood up in surprise.After confronting each other for so long, since the last time the morale of the whole army was severely depressed by the Knights Templar, General Planck has been camping in place. Out of fear of the Knights Templar, neither side has ever provoked.Why are you going to retreat? Could it be that it is inside. . . "Go and investigate immediately. If they are really retreating, we will pursue them immediately!"

"Think twice, my lord. The enemy's sudden retreat when the momentum is in full swing must be deceitful!" The general next to him stood up and persuaded.

General Planck was taken aback, turned around and looked at the map, remembering the massacre of the Templar Knights a few days ago, and pursed his lips, "What you said is not unreasonable, and the withdrawal of troops for no reason is a bit tempting to lure the enemy deep. How about it? , let’s send people to inform the Duke of Tianci and Marshal Seiya about the situation here, and we will send the vanguard troops to follow, but don’t get too close!”

And on the other side of the Tianci Guards.

"Report to the Generalissimo, Baquero's main battle corps has disappeared!" A soldier reported, "When we were investigating today, we found that although there was smoke from tents in the enemy's barracks, there was no trace of drill patrols, so we boldly went up to see what happened. , When we got closer, we found that the entire army camp was empty, and their main battle army had disappeared!"

"I don't know where to go, tens of 10 people have disappeared before our eyes!" General Seiya became annoyed, and then regained his composure and came to the map.

"Generalissimo, we have been closely monitoring them. If they send troops to both sides, we will know. Now we don't know, which means that they are likely to retreat!" General Jeske analyzed, "In previous wars There have been such examples in history. The army wanted to retreat and was afraid that the enemy would find out the pursuit, so some of them withdrew every night, but the tents and cooking pots did not decrease but increased, making others mistakenly believe that they were increasing their troops. Until the last group retreated, It was only when the opponent found out that he had been fooled. Baqueluo is also proficient in the art of war, but we didn't expect that we were fooled!"

"Hmph, you have no guts, just retreat in such a good situation!" General Seiya slid his finger along the map, stopped at one place and lit it vigorously.All the generals leaned forward to look, and saw Valencia impressively written on the map.

Valencia, the most important city in the northeast of the Spanish Empire.

For 5000 years, Valencia has played an irreplaceable role whether at war with the Welsh Empire or against the French Empire.If the Sabir Fortress is the gateway to the Spanish Empire, then Valencia is the courtyard of the Spanish Empire.Valencia is flat and open, without any dangerous terrain. If Valencia is captured, even if it has a stronghold, if it is not captured, no one dares to go deeper easily.

It is such a place that must be seized by military strategists, but it has been caught in the flames of war in the past ten days.

"Come on!" The densely packed soldiers under the Valencia city rushed towards the tall and strong city wall like an ant swarm, with all kinds of siege weapons set up.

"Fire arrows!"


On the city wall, General Baquero roared loudly.The spacious city wall was full of soldiers, holding bows and arrows and shooting downwards.As soon as the sharp arrow leaves the string, it retreats immediately, and the archers behind fill in and continue to release arrows!
Dense arrows whizzed and flew downward like rain, and huge boulders fell from the sky, even smashing a bloody pit on the ground.However, the soldiers below still held their shields and continued to charge, and many people had already rushed below the city wall.


call!A huge boulder flew up and crashed into the solid city wall.Boom, the top of the wall collapsed, and the boulder rolled down in the city, and there was a sound of wailing.

A neat row of archers knelt down in front of the formation, and the back row came up, drawing their bows and releasing arrows.

"Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!..." There were endless screams from the top of the city wall, and corpses continued to fall from the city wall.

In the main battle regiment of the Northwest Army, there is one who is good at bows and arrows. No matter the strength or the accuracy, it is far beyond the comparison of ordinary archers!
"Retreat in the back row, stand up in the front row! Shoot the arrow!" The general next to him commanded.

"Bump!" The soldiers of the Welsh Empire under the city gate pushed a huge crash car against the thick city gate.

"General, the enemy's attack is too strong. It has already rushed under the city gate, and there are also cracks in the city gate. I'm afraid it won't last long!" A general ran up from below to report.

"Then what are you waiting for, where are the royal magicians, where are the royal magicians sent by His Majesty, go and call them!" General Baquero yelled loudly.

After a while, nearly a hundred great magicians in mage robes stood on the top of the city wall, including several magicians.Burning fireballs, sharp ice blades, and chilling wind blades roared, and the violent explosion shook the mountains, causing the soldiers below to fall down.

The soldiers who attacked the city at the gate of the city were overwhelmed by the fireball from the air before they could react.

The situation on the entire battlefield changed in an instant, and the siege army, which was still imposing like a rainbow, immediately fell into a panic, and many soldiers had already begun to retreat.

Shocking magic is often more terrifying than swords and guns.

"Report! Generalissimo!" In the camp ahead, "Generalissimo, the enemy has sent their royal magicians. Our army has suffered heavy losses and cannot approach the city!"

"I expected that they would do this! After so many days of attacking, they are finally willing to dispatch the royal magicians. It seems that they are about to be unable to hold on!" Generalissimo Seiya stood up and pointed at the general. The generals in the tent "you all come with me!"

At the front of the battlefield, Generalissimo Seiya led five generals and some strong men of the army commander level stood side by side at the front.Marshal Seiya moved his palm slightly, and a wooden box appeared on the ground. When he opened the wooden box, it was filled with one-meter-long sharp arrows. It looked no different from ordinary sharp arrows, except that the sharp arrows were all made of metal.

Five generals and more than a dozen legion commanders grabbed a handful of sharp arrows from the wooden box at the same time, and at the same time took out a special longbow, and put the arrow on the bow.

"Let go!" Following General Seiya's order, more than a dozen sharp arrows roared and flew towards the city.Each sharp arrow exudes fighting spirit, drawing a trace in the air like a shooting star.

"Ice Shield!" The great mages on the city wall immediately released their magic shields.

"Touch, pop!" In front of the sharp arrow exuding lavender grudge, the magic shield was easily shattered like a thin piece of paper.The sharp arrow remained unabated, piercing the fragile body of the great magician after piercing the magic shield.

"Pfft!" The great magician spat out a mouthful of blood, shaking his body and falling off the city wall.

At the same time, another seven or eight great magicians fell to the top of the city.

"Top grade sharp arrow!" All the magicians on the city wall were taken aback.

There are not many foundry masters who can forge high-grade weapons. In addition to the cumbersome forging process of precious rare metals, they generally only forge high-grade weapons, and no one can forge high-grade sharp arrows.You must know that high-grade weapons can be used for a hundred years or even a thousand years, but sharp arrows are shot out and they are gone!

Unable to reflect, another wave of sharp arrows flew.

"Ah! Ah! Ah..." The seven great magicians fell to the top of the wall again.

Generalissimo Saiya has eight levels of fighting spirit, and only General Pama can match him in the Northwest Army.The rest of the generals are basically at the peak of the seventh level, and only the weakest general Planck has just reached the seventh level.However, with top-grade sharp arrows, it can emit at least a sixth-level grudge, which is difficult for ordinary great magicians to resist.

"Dodge, all dodge!" A magician on the city wall shouted loudly, and the rest of the great magicians retreated one after another.

On the tall city wall, there was only one target left for the mage. All the generals drew their bows again, and the sharp arrows flew towards the same target.

"Ice Shield!" The mage shouted loudly, and a three-meter-wide ice wall blocked in front of him.The sharp arrows exuding fighting spirit hit the ice wall and made a piercing sound, but none of them could penetrate.

"Hmph!" General Seiya snorted coldly and threw the long bow in his hand on the ground, then took out a flat-stringed hard bow, and took out a half-meter-long sharp arrow from the interspatial ring. Pulled away with difficulty.

"Whoosh!" A howl sounded rapidly, and a deep purple light flashed, the speed was far beyond what those sharp arrows could do just now.

"Crack!" The solid ice shield shattered, and countless icy dust scattered down.Before the mage had time to react, his body shook violently, and his eyes quickly dimmed.

"Spirit Arrow!" Seeing the corpse of the mage lying on the top of the wall, and the horrible blood hole in his heart, everyone on the top of the wall was shocked.

"Generalissimo!" The commanders of the general army next to him looked at Seiya.

"This is given to me by His Majesty. Over the past 5000 years, we have accumulated a total of [-] in our treasury. Arcas and I each took [-] to deal with mages!" Marshal Seiya said, looking Started the longbow in his hand, "For this time, Your Majesty has wiped out the treasury!"

"Grand Marshal, their royal magicians are retreating!"

"Pass my order and continue to attack the city!"

"Yes!" General Planck took the order.

"Come on!" Another group of soldiers rushed forward.

On the city wall "General, the enemy has begun to attack again! Our city gate..."

General Baquero stepped forward and looked at the countless soldiers rushing down below, shouting, "Go and seal the city gate with mud, no matter what, they can't come in!"

"The last general takes orders!"

The setting sun was slanting, and Marshal Seiya ordered to withdraw his troops.Only countless corpses and the blood-stained ground were left behind.The sky dimmed little by little, bonfires were lit in the continuous barracks, and bright magic lamps were lit on the tower posts.However, bonfires and magic lamps cannot be found in every corner.

A dark cloud floated over and blocked the bright full moon.

In the darkness, thousands of people bent their waists and ran quickly. The leader was covered with a black cloth, revealing some long silver-white beards.

When the dark clouds drifted past and the moonlight fell again, everyone was already lying in the nearby grass.

"Old Marshal, we have reached the predetermined position, when will we act!" asked the general next to him.

"No time, when the front starts to fight, we will attack from behind. I don't think they would have thought that we would be able to get around under their noses, and we won't defend from the back!" The old marshal took off the black cloth and threw it aside. Watching ahead vigilantly.

The moon climbed to the center and began to set.

"What's the sound?" On a guard tower not far from the continuous barracks, the dim-eyed soldiers suddenly became alert. "There's movement in the general! There's movement in front!"

The general in charge of security below jumped up quickly, climbed up the sentry tower to have a look, then jumped down and put his ears on the ground, his face suddenly changed, "There is an enemy attack, send a signal!"

At the same time, there was a commotion in the barracks at the rear, and the sleeping soldiers got up one after another, found their weapons and rushed out of the tents.

"Get ready to meet the enemy!" The leading general had already rode a steed to the front of the camp.The rest of the generals also came up one after another.

The brief turmoil soon ended, replaced by a neat lineup to meet the enemy.The earth trembled more and more violently, and one could vaguely see the dust splashing in the distance, and hear the vastness of thousands of horses galloping.

"Come on!" Marshal Arcas personally led [-] cavalry galloping forward, waving spears and swords in his hands, shouting and roaring, with a turbulent momentum.

"Meet the enemy! Kill!" The general of the Faran Empire roared loudly, raising the long sword in his hand high.The soldiers around got the order, and they all got excited, clenched the weapons in their hands, responded loudly, and rushed up.

The two teams collided with each other with a bang. With the speed and the impact of the horses, the cavalry led by Akas directly rushed into the opponent's formation, and Akas even took the lead and went straight to the opponent's general.

"Pfft!" The soldier who stepped forward to stop him was shot by Akas before he could react, and the corpse was sprayed out with blood.

The soldier next to him stabbed Akas with his spear.

"Dang! Puchi!" A general rushed out from behind with a long sword in his hand to block the spear that was stabbing Akas, and with a backhand sword, the surrounding soldiers fell down.

"Tashika, you will kill from the left and I will kill from the right!" Arcas ordered loudly.

"Yes!" Tashika cut off the enemy in front of him with a sword, and waved his hand, "Follow me from the second regiment!"

not far away.

"Old Marshal, the battle has already started ahead, shall we attack now?" asked the general next to him.

The old Marshal Lankers shook his head, "They have just started, the formation of the French army has not been disordered yet, let's wait!"

"Kill!" Countless infantry rushed up behind the brigade of cavalry.

The army of the French Empire was still able to resist at the beginning, but the army of Wales grew more and more, and the defense line gradually retreated.The formation gradually became disorganized.

"It's a chance!" The old Marshal Lankers stood up, "All the soldiers obey my orders. Charge up from behind and give them the most painful blow!"

"Kill!" The soldiers who had been in ambush for a long time jumped up, rushing towards the chaotic French army like a flood from the gate.

(End of this chapter)

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