Chapter 100
Meng Ran almost choked on a bite of the cake, her meaningful eyes fell on Yun Zhanbei, and she raised her eyebrows, "Man, you are crazy."

When neither she nor Yun Zhanbei noticed, Yun Xiaobao was stealthily trying to eat the cake, but Meng Ran, who was not quick-eyed and quick-handed, moved away immediately.

"Little guy, you can't eat this stuff yet, drink milk powder obediently." She reached out and poked Yun Xiaobao's cheek, which was chubby and extremely cute.

Yun Zhanbei hugged Yun Xiaobao and moved back, avoiding Meng Ran's fingers, "What are you doing?"

Meng Ran: "..." What else can he do, the most he can do is bully this little milk bag.

"Okay, I'll go. Regarding cooperation, I refuse your request."

Although Aibei is her agent in the current agency, but after the contract expires, she has nothing to do with her and cannot represent him.

What's more...

Abe hasn't agreed yet.

Meng Ran threw the cake into the trash can, clapped her hands, and was about to leave. The area on her chest that had just been wiped with water became chilly as he walked.

Let his nerves be particularly sober.

Yun Zhanbei: "!!!"

Meng Ran's refusal was not what he expected. After all, the conditions offered by Yun's, let alone domestic, even foreign countries... According to Meng Ran's current qualifications and conditions, it is impossible to get it.

"Meng Ran, you will regret it." Yun Zhanbei's threatening voice did not threaten Meng Ran at all.

"Thank you for your concern, don't worry, I will definitely not regret it." He didn't turn around, waved his hand, and left gracefully.

He is alone in this world, and the whole family will not worry about eating and drinking alone, and nothing can threaten him.


three days later.

Sure enough, Meng Ran hadn't received a single play or a single commercial. He stayed at home without notice, and wanted to go on a trip because of his leisurely life.

However, just when he had packed everything and was about to go out to catch the plane, he just opened the door and saw Yun Zhanbei who appeared at his door holding Yun Xiaobao.

"What are you doing?" He clasped his hands in front of his chest, and with puzzled eyes, he directly landed on Yun Xiaobao, who was teary in Yun Zhanbei's arms.

Yun Xiaobao had a pacifier in her mouth, as soon as she saw him, her small body immediately ran towards him, asking for a hug.

Yun Zhanbei: "..."

Yun Xiaobao: "..."

Yun Zhanbei held Yun Xiaobao in one hand, and held some things that Yun Xiaobao needed in the other.

"Go in first, it's windy outside, he's weak."

Meng Ran turned sideways to let the two of them in, Yun Xiaobao felt aggrieved by Meng Ran's behavior of not hugging her, and burst into tears.

"Wow wow wow..."

"Wow wow wow..."

Yun Zhanbei had a headache from Yun Xiaobao's crying, even so, he still didn't yell at him once, and coaxed him nicely, "Don't cry, didn't you see it?"

He didn't know why this little nephew was really obsessed with Meng Ran. In the past three days, even showing him Meng Ran's commercial video was useless.

After seeing the real person, this little milk bag kept crying, crying, and the aunt who took care of him at home changed many of them in three days, but it didn't work.

Although he knew that he was only a child and didn't understand anything yet, when he told him to take him to see Meng Ran, Yun Xiaobao stopped crying immediately.

This also made him more suspicious.

Meng Ran, a young man, was simply poisonous, which completely affected his life.

even he...

In the past three days, I will think of his unruly eyes and despise the world from time to time.

Yun Zhanbei put the child's things aside, the first thing to do was to hand the child to Meng Ran, and then go to find hot water.

"Is there hot water?"

The concern and worry for the child in Yun Zhanbei's eyes was very real, even a cold ghost like Meng Ran who lived in the underworld was touched by his eyes.

"It's in the kitchen. It's not long since it was cooked." When he took Yun Xiaobao, the little guy immediately leaned into his arms reliantly, and her neck was slightly hot when her parents touched her.

Meng Ran frowned, and asked Yun Zhanbei who was going to get water in the kitchen, "Has he a fever?"

"Well, physical problems, childhood problems, as long as you have a good rest, the next day will go down."

Yun Zhanbei took the water to the restaurant, took out Yun Xiaobao's feeding bottle and milk powder, and skillfully brewed the milk powder for the child, watching Meng Ran's eyes focused.

those hands...

Let him seem to collect it.

Yun Zhanbei handed the bottle to Yun Xiaobao, who was still buried in Meng Ran's shoulder, with red eyes, looking like a pitiful little boy.

"You feed him. He's been making noises for the past two days, crying and wanting to see you. If it's not a last resort, I won't bring him here to find you."

Yun Zhanbei's explanation was like an explanation for what he said before, but Meng Ran didn't take this little matter to heart.

He was not as proficient as Yun Zhanbei in holding a baby. When holding Yun Xiaobao, he held Yun Xiaobao with both hands, so it was not easy to feed him.

He simply carried the baby to the sofa and sat down, Yun Xiaobao obediently drank the milk powder she fed, gulping it with his small mouth very happily.

It didn't look like Yun Zhanbei didn't eat or drink at all, but those red eyes from crying made people feel distressed.

"Little guy, what are you doing crying so hard, can I still run away?"

Yun Xiaobao: "Gudong Gudong..."

"It's quite cute when it's not crying, unlike your father... who thinks he is the King of Hades with a cold face."

Yun Xiaobao's eyes lit up. Although he couldn't understand what Meng Ran said, meeting him so close and then smiling at him made Yun Xiaobao very happy.


One bottle of milk is finished.

When Yun Zhanbei saw Yun Xiaobao obediently drinking milk just now, he went out to the balcony to make a phone call. When he came in, there was no sign of Yun Xiaobao in Meng Ran's arms.

And he just came out of the bedroom.

Yun Zhanbei walked to the door of the bedroom and glanced at the simply furnished room inside. Yun Xiaobao was sleeping soundly on the bed.

"Is this the trouble you were talking about?" Meng Ran looked at Yun Xiaobao in the room with him, and he looked as cute as an angel when he was asleep.

Yun Zhanbei: "..."

This was definitely not the Yun Xiaobao he knew.

When he came here just now, the little guy was still crying in his arms, blushing, but now he turned to Meng Ran's side, acting as if he had no temper.

There was a reason why he doted on Yun Xiaobao so much. Although the child was still young in that car accident, Yun Xiaobao who had been frightened felt very insecure.

The doctor advised him to stay by Yun Xiaobao's side more. It's not ineffective for him to hand over the child to relatives at home...

(End of this chapter)

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