Chapter 108
"Know how, so what if you don't know?" Meng Ran asked back. He didn't particularly understand Yun Zhanbei's words, just like their affection in the past mortal world.

Meng Ran noticed Yun Zhanbei's frequent changes during this period, but so what, he didn't come to talk about feelings with ordinary people.

To fulfill Yun Zhanbei's wish, you don't have to put yourself in it, right?

Stay sane, okay?

Wandering alone in the underworld for thousands of years, Meng Ran has witnessed too many life and death.

For the time being, he has no intention of touching the simple and confusing emotions in the world, just as he still chooses to use the identity of a "man" to participate in the world mission. This is one of the reasons.

Yun Zhanbei took Yun Xiaobao to forcefully invade Meng Ran's life, letting his breath wander around every bit of it.

From the beginning, Yun Xiaobao couldn't do without him, and now he can't do without Meng Ran.

All changes, within a snap of your fingers.

"Don't be afraid of me, don't hide from me, don't resist me." Yun Zhanbei is outside the intimate distance of human communication, as long as he takes one step forward, he can enter her safety circle.

But he stopped.

Because of his background, he is more sensitive than anyone else.

Naturally, she didn't miss the resistance in Meng Ran's eyes.

"Yun Zhanbei, I'm a man." Meng Ran had to tell this man the "fact". In his eyes, men and men are not suitable, but Yun Zhanbei laughed at himself.

"I know better than anyone that you are a man."

Meng Ran: "..."

After the unhappiness last night, Yun Zhanbei took Yun Xiaobao and left the next day.

All the traces about them were cleaned up. Meng Ran actually knew when they left, but he didn't go out to organize them.

The little milk bag has grown up, and it won't stick to him forever.

Yunzhan North...

Forget it.

The days continued as usual.

Jing Ling in the Eight Desolation Mirror had to remind Meng Ran of one thing, 【Ranran, you are not by Yun Zhanbei's side, how are you going to complete the task in the Tianbei? 】

Meng Ran didn't panic at all.

Yun Zhanbei's wish?

Maybe even he himself doesn't know what his wish is.

Besides, did Yun Zhanbei really leave?

According to his character, she didn't believe it.

And the next door was already being renovated a few months ago, and a few days ago he saw Yun Zhanbei coming out of the next door. If he guessed correctly, he and Yun Xiaobao were next door.

These mirror spirits did not understand in the Eight Desolation Mirror, but Meng Ran saw all directions with his eyes.

After listening to Meng Ran's words, Jing Ling couldn't help but want to ask her if she really didn't have any emotional fluctuations towards Yun Zhanbei?


Aunt Chen who was taking care of Yun Xiaobao had also returned from her hometown.

During this time, she was taking care of Yun Xiaobao.

Because of work, Yun Zhanbei had to go out for a while, and it was three days later when he came back.

After growing up, Yun Xiaobao didn't cry as much as before. Except for crying at night, he would play by himself during the day.

And at night.

As long as he plays the lullaby that Meng Ran recorded before, Yun Xiaobao will become very obedient.

So these days are safe and sound.

this day.

Yun Zhanbei came back on a late-night plane, while Meng Ran happened to leave on a late-night plane, and the intersection between the two became further apart.

They were clearly on the opposite side, but it took them three months to meet.

During these three months, Meng Ran was shooting movies abroad, and when he came back, he lost a lot of weight.

Anxi gave him a week off and allowed him to adjust his breath at home.

Yun Zhanbei got the news one day earlier, he deliberately didn't go to the company in the morning, but handled things directly at home.

The house he lives in now is actually no different from Meng Ran's. There is only one wall between Yun Zhanbei's room and Meng Ran's master bedroom. Last night, he heard the movement next door several times.

Although very light very light, but can vaguely hear some.

Meng Ran was jet lagged for a long time, and was so sleepy that she didn't remember to eat.

Yun Zhanbei, who was worried about Meng Ran, couldn't hold back after all.

He hugged Yun Xiaobao who could already speak short words, nodded his little nose and said, "I'll see his mouth sweeter later, do you know?"

When Yun Xiaobao and Yun Zhanbei left Meng Ran's house, he could already speak some simple words.

Because of his own experience, Yun Xiaobao spoke late.

He only started to say some simple words when he was one and a half years old, but most of the time he still howled dryly.

Now that he is almost two years old, he talks more and more.

Also learned to walk.

Although the walk was bumpy, it made people worry when they saw it.

But things are looking up.


Yun Xiaobao put his arms around Yun Zhanbei's neck, touched Yun Zhanbei's cheek with his forehead, and then laughed cheerfully.


Yun Zhanbei asked Aunt Chen to go back early today, and then carried Yun Xiaobao to the next door.

The doorbell of "Ding Dong Ding Dong" woke up Meng Ran who was still sleeping, and he didn't want to go out to open the door.

Apart from Anxi and Aibei, the only ones who knew the location of his family were Yun Zhanbei. At this point in time, there would be no one else except Yun Zhanbei.

He is really sleepy.

After the doorbell stopped, Meng Ran, who fell back to sleep, did not hear the door open outside.

During the time when Meng Ran went abroad to shoot a movie, Yun Zhanbei actually came to Meng Ran's house quietly, and even had someone come over to take care of the house's hygiene.

This was discovered when Meng Ran came back last night.

and so……

Why do you ring the doorbell when you know the password?
Only Yun Zhanbei knew the answer.

Yun Zhanbei, who put down Yun Xiaobao, took a look at the clothes and some things lying around in the living room, as well as some unopened gift boxes, which looked like they had bought some gifts.

Relying on his good memory, Yun Xiaobao directly found Meng Ran's house.

The door was not locked, and he skillfully opened the doorknob of the room, his eyes lit up when he saw Meng Ran sleeping on the bed.

The short legs, who were not walking fast, ran towards Meng Ran's bed with a "hush", then climbed onto the bed with a "hugh", lifted the quilt, and lay obediently beside Meng Ran.

Yun Zhanbei only had time to turn around and think, and Yun Xiaobao was no longer by his side.

At this time, the door of Meng Ran's room had been opened.

as predicted.

Yun Zhanbei saw the happy Yun Xiaobao on Meng Ran's bed, and he also saw the long-lost Meng Ran.

The original neat and clean short hair was also left on the chin because of the needs of the movie. It was simple and refreshing with a hint of literary and romantic temperament, which was very different from his previous appearance.

Yun Xiaobao stretched out his hand to greet Yun Zhanbei, "Uncle...Uncle..."

"Hush." ​​Yun Zhanbei pointed at Meng Ran who was still sleeping, signaling Yun Xiaobao to keep his voice down. The other party curled his lips, nodded cautiously, and then slipped into Meng Ran's arms.

Yun Zhanbei: "..." I really want to catch this little brat!
(End of this chapter)

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